Interior shot of Gaff's car from Blade Runner (1982)
A place to share and discuss Cassette Futurism: media where the technology closely matches the computers and technology of the 70s and 80s.
Whether it's bright colors and geometric shapes, the tendency towards stark plainness, or the the lack of powerful computers and cell phones, Cassette Futurism includes: Cassettes, ROM chips, CRT displays, computers reminiscent of microcomputers like the Commodore 64, freestanding hi-fi systems, small LCD displays, and other analog technologies.
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Gaff's car, actually,
Oh OK. I thought it was Deckard's cars.
Gaff first picks up Deckard while eating noodles at the street stand, drives (or rather flies) him to the police station. Gaff then also takes Deckard to the Tyrrell Corporation building.
In fact, I can't remember Deckard piloting one of these, but I do seem to remember him driving a regular old fashioned car with old fashioned four wheels.
Yea, It make sense.