archived version

reposted because op sadly deleted it and really like it

sonic says (slrpnk.net)

Alt text: Sonic gives a thump up. Next to Sonic there is the text "Sonic says... It's perfectly okay to steal from big corporations lile Walmart. No one should have to go bankrupt just to survive."

killer (slrpnk.net)

Alt text: Group of colorful roboters. Onehas a speech bubble with the text "I don't buy. I only TAKE. This is the way of SUPREME KILLER BITCHES"


"The trick is this: don't get caught

You pick your fancy, you pick the lock

The trick is this: clean out the store and never buy

The trick is this: we are as one, we don't work for anyone

It's important what I'm saying, Don't be a jerk!

The trick is in the attention, in the eyeing of the ring

Have a professional perspective on shoplifting

You do your thinking before, you do your counting after

Cherish the moment you get out

You won't get caught if you don't get scared

You never saw a thing and I was never there

There is no shame, there is no blame

Is no shame except for getting caught

I got nothing, you got nothing

Let's find something fun for us to do

So why are we waiting?

Let's steal everything

Let's steal everything

Let's steal everything

'Cause I want everything

I believe in God he's told me this

Things lying around were left for us to take

Long before they were bought, just as they were made

Ours to enjoy and not to pay

For, for, unless we get caught

For, for, except for getting caught

I got nothing, you got nothing

Let's find something fun for us to do

So what? Are we waiting?

Let's steal everything

Let's steal everything

Let's steal everything

'Cause I want everything

All the skinheads know

All the vampires sing

College students they come and go

And they never learn a thing"

ahhhhhhhh (slrpnk.net)

Alt text: Tweet from @nicholasroe1 Text above picture is "When you're shoplifting and you hear... ' excuse me' laughing emoji" And picture is a person holding their chest which is glowing. They look like they have a heart attack.

society (slrpnk.net)

Alt text: Picture of the Joker running through a walmart self checkout. Captioned with "Me leaving WalMart after I didn't scan all my items at self checkout"


I created this community on Lemmy because it feels like all public communities centered around shoplifting have either gone inactive or were removed from their platforms like r/Shoplifting from reddit and f/shoplifting from Raddle. The other shoplifting communities on Lemmy are kinda dead and also seem pretty hostile towards anarchists (and probably other anti-authoritarian folks), which made me feel not welcome at all. Plus, i feel like Lemmy as a link aggregator is a great tool to make niche knowledge accessible and build a community around that.

Feel welcome to join and/or leave some feedback and let's steal some shit!


alt text: picture of a self check out station, captioned with "waltmart calls it 'self checkout' i call it 'i might pay for some shit or i might not'"


Black and white drawing of a grpup of punks that looks like a book cover. The title is "Actually Stealing From Companies Is Okay" and the subtitle is "Making a case for workplace theft, shoplifting, looting, and other forms of taking stuff from businesses"

every time (slrpnk.net)

Socially Awkward Penguin Meme Caption top: "Leaving the store without buying anything" Caption bottom: "Telling yourself 'act innocent, your bags are full of stolen shit'"

How To Justify Workplace Theft (theanarchistlibrary.org)

Workplace theft is the norm: your bosses are stealing from you every day. They’re living off your sweat. When you take money out of the register and put it into your pocket, that’s not workplace theft. That’s workplace justice.

shhhhhh (slrpnk.net)

Alt text: Picture of 2 folks stealing, one in a shop and one from work. Captioned with "If you see someone shoplifting, If you see someone stealing from work - keep it to yourself. Don't defend the system that keeps us in poverty."


alt text: Very krass color scheme. Shows one person searching a dumpster with only their legs sticking out and another person looking shady and putting something in their bag.

Caption says "I saved 100% off on my groceries by dumpster diving and shop lifting!"


picking the lock is at the bottom of your list, there’s faster and easier ways …


alt text: Roll safe meme template (Guy tapping head) with Stirner face on top of guys face. Caption "It's not stealing if I look upon your property as my property"

Beep (slrpnk.net)

Idk how I add alt text so here you go:

Its a meme. Showing self checkout machine with a cute lizard stading on one and the text is "I Just Saved Hundreds By Switching to Self-Checkout and fucking stealing"


In December 2003 we produced a short called ‘Join the Resistance: Fall in Love’ inspired by a book called ‘Days of War, Nights of Love’ by CrimeThinc. If you haven’t read it already, by all means pick it up. Anywho, never in our wildest dreams did we think this film was going to be accepted the way it did. In the span of a year the short was dowloaded over 100,000 times via our website, bit torrent etc and impromptu screenings popped up all over the world. We are following this one with ‘Why I Love Shoplifting From Big Corporations’ also inspired by the book. We busted ass making this one, and we hope you enjoy it. This film is part of our first effort at making a compilation mixed with a 'zine we like to call Molotov. So if you like our work, consider purchasing a copy and then making a copy to give to your friend


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active community exchanging experiences, tricks and ideas around shoplifting. also memes pls.

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founded 1 year ago