submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by Baku@aussie.zone to c/boostforlemmy@lemmy.world

Not sure how easy of a fix it is. This specific comment was found at https://aussie.zone/comment/4419561, but I've seen it elsewhere a few times.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by papalonian@lemmy.world to c/boostforlemmy@lemmy.world

I couldn't find a great way to describe what I'm seeing. But if you're deep in a comment thread, or viewing a reply to your comment, and have parent comments collapsed, if there are additional comments, choosing to show them adds the number of context indicators (the little lines on the left) that it would have were the parents not hidden.


The comment from FlyingSquid was the comment hidden by "show 1 more reply".


Hello, all. Does Boost has any option to save the position I'm currently in? It's pretty annoying when I'm reading some post, need to switch apps and when come back to Boost it just goes all up to the top again.

In fact I know it's possible because I've seen this feature in other Lemmy apps, so I imagined Boost already had and I was just missing some further configuration?


So i saw several ads for the German AfD Party (Neo-fascists). I will gladly pay to remove ads but knowing that these ads would still be shown to others here i would rather not support this app in case this continues. Anything that could be done about it?


Every time I get a notification that someone has commented or messaged me it is back to the Show All option, even though I've set it to Show Unread a hundred times already.

submitted 1 month ago by Kon@lemmy.wtf to c/boostforlemmy@lemmy.world

Curious how many there are.


How does one hide posts that are below a vote threshold (eg posts that have been downvoted to below -10)


I suspect this is a problem with posts that have extremely long bodies like this one: https://slrpnk.net/comment/8035803

I'm trying to scroll down to the top first comment and inevitably overshoot. When I i try to scroll back up, it suddenly jumps back to the middle of the OP's body.


My primary lemmy server is Lemmy.ca. I have subscribed to everything through here.

I created a Boost widget and selected "subscribed" but I seem to get many posts in there at sites that I have not subscribed to.

How can I go show posts from subscribed to places only?


It would be nice, and I don't know if it's because the functionality doesn't already exist in Lemmy, but it would be nice to be able to limit one's search to one's own comments/saved/upvoted/downvoted easily--the profile menu where these are listed would make the most sense. The search functionality to search all of lemmy and limit to local/all, etc. is powerful to find content, a particular community, but if I'm looking historically for an article I commented on or saved, upvoted, etc. it would be convenient if this were easier.

Thank you


When writing a comment, you can preview it. I didn't see this feature when making a post.

Also, spoiler markdowns weren't rendering in Boost when I tried using the menu insertion. I've seen other posts and comments with spoilers, so I'm not sure what's happening.


When I used rif, you could swipe a post and delete it from your screen. Sometimes I want to hide a post so I don't get triggered or pissed off each time I refresh my screen and see it there, mocking me ... I only see options to block user, community, instance. Y no block post?


Google eats 30% of in-app purchases so I'd like to donate directly if possible.

If there is a way to do this, perhaps add it to the community's sidebar?


Currently 'Boost for Lemmy' doesn't show any real-time notification. The minimum check interval can be set to 30 minutes and that's also inconsistent. There should be an option or by default it should show real-time notification. This issue was also present in 'Boost for Reddit'.


As far I understand, if it's enabled, it should play YouTube videos in the app. But even after enabling it, it's switching to the YouTube app when I click on a YouTube link. I tried disabling it, and the result is the same.

Please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

Thank you.



I realised that I am not seeing any new saved posts/comments for feddit.de and a random list of comments I didn't acutally save for my lemmy.world account.

It works fine on the web interfaces.

App version 1.0.12

Request: Add (lemmy.dbzer0.com)

I was in a thread with a bunch of comments removed by moderator. Someone said that it is possible on the web interface to see the modlogs. Is there a way to do that through Boost? Or maybe have a link that opens in a web browser?

Not a hugely important feature just curious. Thanks!

At the bottom on the screen when viewing in a browser you can click the modlog and search for the users name.

But be careful, usually nothing good is in these modlogs ๐Ÿ˜


it's doing that thing when I try to post where it says only trusted users can post which usually means that the subreddit has been locked.

there are quite a few of us out here still using it. is there some other place for us to help each other?


Until I trigger the collapse mechanism, the last comment in a post doesn't have the number of subcomments when it hides subcomments by default. See the below pictures for an example with a specific post, but I've noticed this on every post I've seen recently.

If I reload by pulling down, it again hides the comment number.

Without the comment number after loading the post: Without the comment number

After tapping to collapse the comment, comment count shows: After tapping


I'm not sure if this is a bug or not, and it doesn't bother me, but I noticed this while messing around in the settings and figured I should mention it here.

My current cache is at 157.1 MB and maximum cache is set to 128 MB.

This might just be a nothing burger, but if it isn't I'd rather speak up than not. Loving the app

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by MustardOrMayo@lemmy.world to c/boostforlemmy@lemmy.world

I know my comment may sound weird, but that's because I just joined a Lemmy instance* today in order to have the day and month of my cake day sync up with that of my Reddit account.

So far, I didn't spend much time in the default Lemmy Web interface and went straight to Boost after setting up my profile page as I was already using my phone.

One thing I noticed is that, unlike Reddit, it's possible to embed images directly in comments on Lemmy, which took me by surprise when I read a post where someone directly posted a webcomic in a comment without posting a link. This comment, to be more specific. On Reddit, a user would just paste a link to an image which would usually display in the full-screen image viewer on Boost after tapping on that link.

However, I'd like to know if Boost will have an option to hide embedded images (and videos?) from comments and replace them with raw URL links to images (or some kind of placeholder element) that then opens in the usual Boost full-screen image viewer that I'm familiar with.

The only real reasons I can currently think of as to why I'd want those would be to help ease transitions from Reddit to Lemmy, but potentially also for users who are on greyscale e-paper devices and don't want to load embedded images.

Edit: I just realised that Lemmy post titles aren't locked in like Reddit post titles are, so I can edit them! That's something I'm more easily able to get accustomed to.

Edit 2: I forgot to mention that by 'e-paper devices', I mean those that allow users to install and run Android tablet apps (or phone apps in the case of devices with 3-6" displays), like BOOX e-readers and paper tablets. I did actually use Boost for Reddit on my BOOX Note Air2 as I could use a combination of BOOX and Boost settings to make the latter more friendly to greyscale e-paper displays, and of course I backed up and restored Boost settings from the Reddit version to the Lemmy version on all 3 of my main Android devices.


I would love an option to hide all anime content just like we can hide NSFW content.


For some reason redgifs won't load on the app anymore and I have to open the links in a browser now. Is this a settings issue that I can't seem to figure out or did something change in the last few updates?


Had some issues with the new version, and followed the recommendation to relog. When back, my favorited communities weren't favorited any more.

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