[-] yetAnotherUser@lemmy.ca 27 points 2 months ago

No, a tomboy is a "boy-ish" girl, so a trans tomboy is the same.

[-] yetAnotherUser@lemmy.ca 22 points 3 months ago

What a great opportunity to recommend this 45-minute video on how a random Swedish song became really popular as a nightcore remix in Japan

[-] yetAnotherUser@lemmy.ca 33 points 4 months ago

The recordings immediately went viral on social media, and the candidate, who is pro-NATO and aligned with Western interests, was defeated in September by an opponent who supported closer ties to Moscow and Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Why is it always the Russian hackers? /s

[-] yetAnotherUser@lemmy.ca 25 points 4 months ago

Litterally this. I won't (and most people won't) feel morally wrong once I stop paying for Disney's content.

[-] yetAnotherUser@lemmy.ca 33 points 4 months ago

I love the amount of watermarks this image has

[-] yetAnotherUser@lemmy.ca 25 points 5 months ago
[-] yetAnotherUser@lemmy.ca 29 points 6 months ago

"Mankind knew that they cannot change society. So, instead of reflecting on themselves, they blamed the beasts."

[-] yetAnotherUser@lemmy.ca 28 points 7 months ago

Since we're sharing YouTube videos around, I suggest this video by Jeff Geerling about how to legally own and stream media (Piped link)

[-] yetAnotherUser@lemmy.ca 27 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Tldr Marxists believe in a classless, moneyless and stateless society bc they think that would be ~~utopia~~ an objectively morally superior system of government

Thanks for the correction @sharkfucker420@lemmy.ml

[-] yetAnotherUser@lemmy.ca 31 points 8 months ago

Pro life tip to y'all out there: when you're feeling down, talk to a friend about it! You don't even need to explain to them why you're sad if you don't want to! You can just say "I really don't want to elaborate on why, but I'm sad rn"

Some of you might be asking yourselves "But why would I talk to a friend about it if they can't help me/I don't want to bother them?" Well, for a myriad of reasons, really:

  1. Even if your friends can't help you at all, it feels really good to know that someone is cheering for you, and talking to them is the perfect way of reminding yourself of that. As you're overcoming hard times, you need that feeling to keep motivated.
  2. Venting also feels good, even with strangers. Is it because it forces you to put your feelings into words, making you think about your problems in another light? Is it because it feels good to just complain about your problems? I don't know, but it sure helps.
  3. If you don't want to say anything so to not bother your friends, I think you should want to bother them. If something was wrong with one of your friends, wouldn't you want for them to tell it to you? Friends like to worry for the wellbeing of each other, so let them worry with you.

It sucks being sad, but it's much preferable to be sad with the support of others than to be sad and alone. And I know it's not easy to share your feelings with others, but what do you have to lose?

I hope this advice has been helpful to someone.

[-] yetAnotherUser@lemmy.ca 25 points 9 months ago

End-to-end encryption is the best possible safeguard against Meta snooping on your data.

This has always been my biggest pet peeve with WhatsApp. Yes, they might encrypt it all and the encryption might be practically unbreakable, but what worries me is what Meta might do with the private encryption keys. Lem me elaborate further.

I'll start by trying to explain how key-based encryption, the type of encryption WhatsApp uses, work at their core, for those who don't know (THIS IS GOING TO BE AN OVERSIMPLIFICATION). Imagine you want a friend to send you a message with super sensitive contents. Here's what you do to guarantee that no one else can read it but you:

  • First, you generate two keys, which are pretty much two really big numbers. One will be called the public key and the other one will be the private key.
  • Then, you go to the person who wants to send you stuff and say "Hey John, remember that really important message you wanted to send me? Take my public key and make sure you cypher your message using it".
  • Once you receive the message, you decypher it using the private key. Using the private key is the only way you can read this message. You can't use the public key for it because it won't work.

This means that, if someone else manages to get the encrypted message, they will need the private key to read what it says, but they don't have it, only you have it. The only thing they can do keep guessing what that key is until they find what it was and read the message, but that can take up to millions of years, even using supercomputers.

As you can see, this works really well for sending messages without anyone but the sender and the reciever knowing what is being said, and that's why it's so used in encrypted message apps...

...but what if Meta has access to the private keys? I mean, what if, after WhatsApp creating the public and private keys for messaging, the private key is retrieved and stored in Meta's servers, making them able to read all the messages you receive?

Can someone with more experience in the subject say if my concerns are valid?

[-] yetAnotherUser@lemmy.ca 29 points 9 months ago

We need skirts for men

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