honestly if you're good enough at fucking to fuck your way into one of the most powerful positions on the planet, while also having some kind of built in ability to go manchurian candidate super-politician if there's a bluetooth speaker within a 10 foot radius, i think you should have it

no thank you give me the measurement in weight so i can have a digital read on it and not have to use my disgusting human eyeball to estimate

also so that i don't have to re-wash and dry my one measuring spoon 5 times

"wet bulb" isn't a term that's eerie and unsettling to anyone else?

Amazon hoped the unit would one day generate a profit by users spending more money somehow

anybody that's used an alexa for more than about 5 minutes should have noticed that pretty much everything it can do that's more complicated than setting a timer to tell you when your chicken nuggets are done is designed to push you into the amazon services ecosystem

i mean there aren't any pro-fascism comments here at time of me posting this so maybe this thread isn't the resource you think it is

nobody in this thread is pretending harris is more pro-genocide than trump

i have literally never seen a comment on the fediverse that implied that

all these fascists who are against...

*checks notes*

...funding genocide?

you had the opportunity to buy the winning lottery numbers last week and you BLEW IT

me irl but ich im echten leben

amazon spent a lot of money on trying to do this and then found out the technology doesn't exist and outsourced it to india

i'm sorry but if you were enough of a rube to sign up for a $2/mo subscription for that then this might be darwinistic capitalism

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