submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by tmpod@lemmy.pt to c/portugal@lemmy.pt

Hoje celebra-se um importante marco na história da democracia Portuguesa -- os 50 anos da histórica Revolução dos Cravos, iniciada nas primeiras horas do dia 25 de abril de 1974, que libertou Portugal de 48 anos de opressão.



Votem! (lemmy.pt)
submitted 2 months ago by tmpod@lemmy.pt to c/portugal@lemmy.pt


Fui votar há pouco e venho aqui deixar um apelo para que todos e todas façam o mesmo.

Mesmo que não se revejam em nenhum partido, é importante votarem em branco, para transmitirem a vossa insatisfação.

Recordo que as urnas fecham às 19h (20h nos Açores). É possível consultar os locais de voto aqui.

submitted 6 months ago by tmpod@lemmy.pt to c/portugal@lemmy.pt

O poeta e ensaísta Manuel Gusmão, 77 anos, morreu hoje em Lisboa, disse à agência Lusa o editor Francisco Melo, das Edições Avante.

submitted 6 months ago by tmpod@lemmy.pt to c/portugal@lemmy.pt

Página do Público com atualizações frequentes desta saga.

submitted 7 months ago by tmpod@lemmy.pt to c/piano@lemmy.world

An incredibly beautiful piano solo arrangement of the well known Studio Ghibli’s “Howl’s Moving Castle” soundtrack.

In fact, this channel has a lot of incredible arrangements and transcriptions. Highly recommend taking a look!

submitted 7 months ago by tmpod@lemmy.pt to c/music@lemmy.world

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.pt/post/2089288 (in portuguese)

On July 29th 2022, the final night of Jacob's European Summer Tour, 4300 people gathered at the Coliseu dos Recreios in Lisbon, Portugal, for a sold-out nigh...

They finally released the recording of this absolutely amazing concert (was there hehe)!

submitted 7 months ago by tmpod@lemmy.pt to c/chess@lemmy.ml

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.pt/post/2085574

I found this on fediverse.party's app list, and instantly loved it.
It's such a neat and well executed idea!

submitted 7 months ago by tmpod@lemmy.pt to c/fediverse@lemmy.ml

I found this on fediverse.party's app list, and instantly loved it.
It's such a neat and well executed idea!

submitted 7 months ago by tmpod@lemmy.pt to c/portugal@lemmy.pt

O Orçamento de Estado de 2024 vai baixar as taxas do Imposto sobre o Rendimento de Pessoas Singulares no próximo ano.

No seguimento da nova medida anunciado pelo governo, o Público fez este vídeo que tenta clarificar os seus efeitos através de alguns casos concretos.

O estilo fez-me lembrar um pouco o canal de YouTube norte-americano Vox.

ver também

submitted 7 months ago by tmpod@lemmy.pt to c/gaming@lemmy.ml

A very well visually crafted and laid out criticism to recent cosmetics and what makes Team Fortress 2's style so good.

The dude clearly has strong opinions, but I agree with him.

submitted 7 months ago by tmpod@lemmy.pt to c/portugal@lemmy.pt

Novo vídeo da MathGurl, após um grande interregno :P

[-] tmpod@lemmy.pt 3 points 8 months ago
[-] tmpod@lemmy.pt 4 points 8 months ago

Falta visibilidade. Ainda não investi muito nisso, mas é algo que tenho nos meus planos.

[-] tmpod@lemmy.pt 5 points 8 months ago

Lembrei-me de afixar localmente para chamar mais à atenção, visto que vou falar sobre a lemmy.pt hoje no painel da ANSOL!

Às 15h15, depois da apresentação da nossa conterrânea ciberlândia.pt!

[-] tmpod@lemmy.pt 3 points 8 months ago

Sim, um dispositivo como o Kobo é a melhor opção, tanto quanto sei. Eu tenho um (ainda que um modelo mais velhinho, o Touch) e acho muito mais agradável que um ecrã OLED para leituras. Os novos modelos têm melhor qualidade, menos problemas de ghosting e maior longevidade. Eventualmente hei de investir num desses.

Se ainda não o fizeste, experimenta primeiro numa loja (costuma haver sempre nas fnacs), para teres uma ideia como é o ecrã e como funciona. Tipicamente os dispositivos de exposição têm livros de demonstração para se poder experimentar os controlos e as configurações (alterar a letra, espaçamentos, brilho e coloração do ecrã, etc).

[-] tmpod@lemmy.pt 4 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Por favor retira os @ do título e do corpo da publicação, e liga devidamente essa tua página.

Edit: e mais, esta não é a comunidade mais adequada para o tópico. A !tecnologia@lemmy.pt seria.

submitted 9 months ago by tmpod@lemmy.pt to c/tecnologia@lemmy.pt


[-] tmpod@lemmy.pt 4 points 10 months ago

The Matrix is a classic for me too.

[-] tmpod@lemmy.pt 10 points 10 months ago

Possibly the first Pirates of the Caribbean. Dunno exactly how many times I've watched, but it's close to 10. It's such an iconic movie, with excellent scenarios, acting, and so revolutionary at the time.
I've watched some older Pixar movies (from their golden age imo) a bunch of times, like Monsters Inc and Nemo, as well as the masterpiece Shrek 2 from DreamWorks.

[-] tmpod@lemmy.pt 5 points 10 months ago

Even though there are plenty of great and quickly evolving mobile apps, I use the web interface both on desktop and mobile devices. It's actually quite good, and since I'm a mod and instance admin, the feature completeness is key. Apps are not there yet.

[-] tmpod@lemmy.pt 8 points 10 months ago

This is an area of very much needed improvement.

For users, you should use the completion popup. When you type an @ followed by a name it will suggest users matching that, and if you click on one it will fill out a mention with the link to their origin page.
Give it a shot, try mentioning me in a reply!

The issue with this is the link isn't portable, meaning it may get you out of your home instance. The best way to link any user or community is to do /u/name@origininstance.tld (for users; /c/ for communities) instead of https://origininstance.tld/u/name. That way the link is relative (so no issue of moving away from your home) and it's fully qualified (so no issue with name clashes between instances).

[-] tmpod@lemmy.pt 6 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

It's not open source but it's quite literally the best Android application I've ever seen, by a significant margin. It's from the good old days where apps were small, very well designed, very polished and did not collect data.

It's FX, a gem ever more lost to time. The site is a bit old and unmaintained so SSL certificates may give you a bit of trouble, but you can just ignore the warnings, it's just an info page.

FX, despite not receiving updates for years has so many features of such great quality, I've yet to find any alternative with a truly competing interface and feature set.

Been using it for 10 years and it has been the pinnacle of Android.

Edit: I know you'll be detracted from trying it since it's not FOSS, but seriously give it a shot.

[-] tmpod@lemmy.pt 3 points 10 months ago

I've loved the idea behind Lemmy since I first discovered. At first, I was using lemmy.ml, but then I saw the opportunity to provide a nice space and expand my sysadmin skills. Since there was no Portuguese instance yet, I thought why not create one?
Since then, I've met more people hosting Portuguese services and it has been great :D

For funding, I'm working on two ways: the typical donations and trying to secure support from local FOSS organizations. At the moment, the server costs are not prohibitive and there have been some donations already. I've also been talking to some of those orgs and it's going well :)

[-] tmpod@lemmy.pt 3 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Might take a jab at working on that export/import feature for the backend this summer. It's quite a crucial feature and with the new influx of users, it would definitely be a nice thing to squash.

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