[-] threeduck@aussie.zone 29 points 1 month ago

Hats off for putting in the effort, thank you.

[-] threeduck@aussie.zone 24 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)
[-] threeduck@aussie.zone 43 points 4 months ago

Eew keep your gross American opinions to yourself.

[-] threeduck@aussie.zone 40 points 5 months ago

Wherever there's birds, it's irresponsible to let cats out. NZ in particular, it's a damn massacre out there.

Le monke point (aussie.zone)
submitted 5 months ago by threeduck@aussie.zone to c/memes@lemmy.ml
[-] threeduck@aussie.zone 25 points 6 months ago

Hey who you calling primit-




submitted 6 months ago by threeduck@aussie.zone to c/games@lemmy.world

"Lemmy at em!" says some wisecracking character in my video game maybe, in a referential nod to a relatively niche community in an attempt to appeal.

For the past six years I've been working on Game Over, a Comedy Rhythm RPG, and maybe you'll like it?

There's a little demo on Steam and also one on itch.io which you can play free of charge! What a deal! What a sweet treat for yourself and friends!

Also I don't have a complaints form, so if you have any, please comment below and I will angrily defend myself and take potshots at you.

Call now!

[-] threeduck@aussie.zone 22 points 7 months ago

I mean, to be fair, the original comment DID say he was the ONLY adult in a room full of children...

[-] threeduck@aussie.zone 35 points 8 months ago

There often more caffeine in a standard coffee than half a litre of monster energy drink.

[-] threeduck@aussie.zone 22 points 8 months ago

I tell you what would REALLY help me not get distracted at school, if the girls had to wear burqas.

Then us fellas don't need to worry about learning self control or mental discipline. It's win win! By which I mean, two wins for men.

[-] threeduck@aussie.zone 55 points 8 months ago

I pre-ordered a pair of shoes online and the website asked for a tip.

In Australia.

[-] threeduck@aussie.zone 32 points 9 months ago

When is CRISPR going to grant me immortality god damnit. Every year that drips past is one less with my immortality guarantee.

I want to be immortal even if it kills me.

[-] threeduck@aussie.zone 28 points 11 months ago

I call my friend Tim, "Moth"

He doesn't like it

[-] threeduck@aussie.zone 41 points 11 months ago

I miss my smart watch waking me up outside of detected REM sleep.

On the Microsoft Band you could set a time window where the alarm would go off - say between 0700-0800. If you're in REM sleep at 0700, the alarm stays off until you naturally rouse, or 0800.

I've worked as a sleep scientist for 7 years, and the idea of not being woken out of REM is such a neat idea, and yet no other watch seems to do it.

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joined 1 year ago