@Shadow @breakfastmtn The uncertainty itself will wreak havoc. Either he doesnt know, doesnt care, or uses it in lieu of viagra
I recentely deleted all my meta accounts. Still a few weeks until its permanent.
The Hybrid War really ramps up close to an election. We've had some pretty serious attacks during a the last elections. Germany held and Romania as well. Though the latter had to take some really serious action. Hopefully your security services can keep a lid on it.
@A_A The site you linked doesnt show but iirc the Rafaele is capabele of carrying a nuclear payload and the Eurofighter isnt.
@MyBrainHurts @x00z yeah its a harsh lesson here in Europe as well. But a Trump that was slightly more patient and subtle would have been far more dangerous for us all.
@easily3667 @BeardedGingerWonder
See a Nazi punch a Nazi is what they were reffering to.
While woning a Tesla is problematic it isnt grounds for outright violance.
Yeah we feel that issue as well. Hindsight being what it is we should have bought the Rafaele
I know people who have sold their Tesla(proud of you) but not everyone can afford a new car. Especially if the resale value plummets. People buying NEW Tesla though...
@a887dcd7a @TheProtagonist I find it to be worth it for my usecases(code, analyses, websearch and as a french tutor) especially because their flash option does a lot for my UX. I found other options to be jarring at times. They think and think and the say aomething went wrong. Or worse do so halfway in providing an
I'm having high hopes for their upcoming reasoning model. If they can keep the flash option with that model(even in diminished capacity) it wi be mindblowing. But we will have to wait and see.