Former PM made the requirement to bring photo ID a stipulation of the Elections Act in 2022


Councils reverse course on agreed plans after targets diluted despite acute shortage of homes


Donor told colleagues looking at Diane Abbott made you ‘want to hate all black women’ and she ‘should be shot’


The result is the worst for the Conservatives since 1978 when Ipsos regular poll tracker started and puts them 27 points behind Labour


We break down the polls to explain how Britons might vote in the next general election

[-] theinspectorst@kbin.social 67 points 7 months ago

A child who was groomed and sex trafficked by terrorists is now being punished for it. Also this is a punishment that is only being applied to her because she has Bangladeshi ancestors so the government argues she is hypothetically eligible for a Bangladeshi passport (which the government of Bangladesh has no intention of giving her), and so the Tories can pretend they're not illegally rendering her stateless.

This is literally a punishment that, by the Tories' own formulation of their rule, would not be applied if the sex trafficking victim was a white girl called Shania with English parents instead of a brown girl called Shamima.

We're supposed to be a country where people are treated equally before the law. But the Tories are now claiming that they and any future government has the right to render any Briton with some hypothetical right to a foreign passport (for example, most second generation immigrants and every single Jewish Briton) stateless at the whim of the home secretary.


The London MP has battled to get the Home Office to take responsibility for its mistaken allegations of cheating against many thousands of overseas students


Peter Spooner describes comment made in an exchange at prime minister’s questions as ‘absolutely dehumanising’

[-] theinspectorst@kbin.social 60 points 8 months ago

'We have experienced something truly horrific. The city centres have become wastelands. People go hungry and homeless. There's a basic lack of provision of essential services ... How do the British get by like this?'


Tory grandee says Rishi Sunak overturning a Supreme Court judgement is “very dangerous".


The Conservative party believed voters would back them no matter how they behaved


The UK is cosmopolitan because it doesn’t overthink


In both countries 33% of adults hit the target on a daily basis, with Korea and Israel next highest in OECD figures

[-] theinspectorst@kbin.social 155 points 9 months ago

Victor Orban is a fascist and he's spent the last 13 years seeking to turn Hungary into a fascist state. He controls the judiciary. He controls the media. He scapegoats Jews, Muslims and refugees for the country's problems. He aligns himself with Putin.

Fascists inherently don't like cross-border cooperation and supranational governance - it runs against all their beliefs about their nation's superiority. So he doesn't like the EU either and blames it for things to his domestic audiences. There is no press freedom in Hungary and so Hungarian voters get bombarded with this nonsense.

The EU needs to recognise that an enemy of European civilisation has been given the keys to the castle. That is a dangerous situation. It is time to invoke Article 7 to recognise that Hungary is acting against the EU's founding values, and remove Hungary's veto.


Visa changes may cut numbers of students and skilled workers who enjoy public support while Rwanda plan won’t address concerns over small boats, writes political scientist Robert Ford

[-] theinspectorst@kbin.social 90 points 10 months ago

Geert Wilder wins Dutch election

35 of the 150 seats in parliament

Let's please stop using FPTP language to describe very non-FPTP systems and outcomes.

[-] theinspectorst@kbin.social 92 points 10 months ago

'Get them back'. What does 'back' even mean in this statement? Of all the countries that have ever legitimately ruled the Falklands, Argentina was never one of them.

The penguins have a better claim to the Falklands than Argentina...

[-] theinspectorst@kbin.social 65 points 11 months ago

Just imagine trying to use a terrorist mob as a yardstick to excuse the misdeeds of the advanced 21st century military of a modern democracy.

[-] theinspectorst@kbin.social 70 points 11 months ago

Rishi Sunak's father-in-law, everyone.

[-] theinspectorst@kbin.social 54 points 1 year ago

Don't just blame those killers who were present; blame the politicians who created an environment in which violent Hindu nationalist rhetoric is normalised, their supporters are encouraged to persecute religious minorities, and events like this happen with growing regularity.

There's a reason that the UK, EU and US all had travel bans on Narandra Modi for a decade, for his government's complicity in the anti-Muslim pogrom in Gujarat in 2002 when he was chief minister, in which hundreds of Muslims were killed by Hindu nationalist mobs. The world has known what sort of person Modi is for a very long time and it's shameful that he has reached 9 years as Indian prime minister before many people outside the country have started to take note of what he is is doing to the country of Gandhi and Nehru.

[-] theinspectorst@kbin.social 268 points 1 year ago

So pathetic from India - seeking to punish Canada for the fact that the Indian government murdered a Canadian in Canada, and Canada had the temerity to call them out for it.

What an absurd victim complex Modi has.

[-] theinspectorst@kbin.social 55 points 1 year ago

That is moronic. If they can ban all-year potted plants as 'seasonal decorations' then words have no meaning and they can literally call anything 'seasonal decorations'.

Stand your ground, or they might be back to tell you your TV, fridge and toilet are seasonal decorations too.

[-] theinspectorst@kbin.social 63 points 1 year ago

He's not tracking Elon's jet. The activity of Elon's jet is already public information. All he's doing is republishing it on a widely used platform.

[-] theinspectorst@kbin.social 58 points 1 year ago

Yeah, I had a good natured discussion with a Lemmy user on feddit.uk the other day where they were still inexplicably downvoting my responses each time, despite us both being polite and constructive.

It made me realise that a) they use the downvote button quite differently to how I use it and b) they probably didn't know that I, as a kbinaut, could literally see they were the one downvoting.

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