exactly, no one say Carney is gonna be perfect.
actually no matter who win, there will ALWAYS be issue. because no single policy will be pleasing to everyone.
but lets just say if PP win.. we have PROBLEMS. not just issues.
and at this point, Carney is the BEST option.
purely my personal opinion. but i think the impact that done on America's Tourism are not affecting the "right people" directly. large amount of these trump supporter are in non-tourist area/town/city. it's gonna take a while for the effect of tourism trickle down to them. (and by the time it hit them, they gonna blame something else and not realize tourism was the source)
tbh, i am wondering is it really "small minority", or just "small part" of the minority that we heard/seen.
how many of them are staying quiet but secretly want to join the USA.
bottomline, it is still scarying me that PC still poll 37+%
Hated Attack ads, attack ads are only create bigger division. as if it is not divided enough now. however its gonna be tricky when the opposite side are playing dirty.
i am glad to see the drop in support of PP, but at the same time it is still scary that they are still polling 37% at this point.
how much bad things need to happen in order for Conservative voter to SEE it!! only -1 seat??
com'on. can we tell them that Trump is so gonna make fun of us with a PM called "PP"..
on the other hand, sad to see NDP is dropping.. i was hoping they will pull up too.. but man .. -19 is huge! I was really hoping NDP will pull up and pass Bloc at least..
let's hope the trend will get better in the coming 30 days or so.
This!! don't just blindly vote Lib, some riding lib doesn't stand a chance.
ya.. i think the whole algorithm is a positive feedback loop. it keep feeding us whatever we want to hear.. no matter which side we are on.. so the algorithmis IS the echo chamber..
absolutely new to here (and to Lemmy, just learn that this exist today from.. well .. reddit) Glad to be here and glad to move on from there. Thanks to all the folks who host this, setting this up, and making this happen!
no no.. let her yelp... i honestly think this is helping... the more she yelp, the more people switch over or make sure PP won't win