[-] tetrachromacy@lemmy.world 68 points 22 hours ago

Oh dip, they're demanding an answer this time. He's gonna have to respond or else they'll.... checks papers oh, they'll just demand it again. Must be nice to avoid any and all repercussions from breaking the law over and over and over again.

[-] tetrachromacy@lemmy.world 20 points 1 day ago

Well boo-friggin-hoo! Nobody's holding a gun to his head and forcing him to run. His legal problems are 100% his own damn fault, and he's putting the whole country up for sale to the highest bidder in order to evade restitution. I eagerly await the day when I never have to hear about this blowhard moron ever again.

[-] tetrachromacy@lemmy.world 7 points 4 days ago

hell yeah that's some classy vibes

[-] tetrachromacy@lemmy.world 14 points 4 days ago

Nah, nah, friendo. That's John McEntee and he's a die hard Trump acolyte. Fascists ain't cute. What we're looking at here is a punchable face.

[-] tetrachromacy@lemmy.world 36 points 6 days ago

That wasn't witchcraft! What she did was Headology, plain and simple. Far more efficient. All you have to do is make the recipient understand that the lies they tell themselves in the dark corners of their mind are flimsy untruths that everyone can see through.

[-] tetrachromacy@lemmy.world 18 points 6 days ago

She played his ass like neon orange ten cent kazoo. With a giant button on top labeled "Insecurity Complex". Little wonder that he's chickening out of further debates now. Though, I expect he'll make a lot of noise about doing a debate on Fox. Or Newsmax. Or maybe on RT, live from Moscow.

Sucks to suck Donnie.

[-] tetrachromacy@lemmy.world 249 points 1 week ago

The first time the moderators countered his obvious dog-whistle lies I was absolutely blown away. You could have knocked me over with a feather. Then I started laughing and didn't stop.

The correction was really well done and completely natural by both moderators, I almost didn't register what happened. Love to see it.

[-] tetrachromacy@lemmy.world 91 points 1 week ago

This just in: Worst Vice Presidential pick in human history continues to back Russian-owned Holocaust-denying millionaire lackey. More at eleven.

[-] tetrachromacy@lemmy.world 236 points 4 weeks ago

Republicans and ratfucking peace talks during an inhumane war of territorial expansion to make their political opponent look bad. Name a more iconic duo.

[-] tetrachromacy@lemmy.world 70 points 1 month ago

He did agree, but he's placed the Fox interview before the NBC or ABC debates. So, the plan is to do the Fox debate to roaring, paid crowds where he gets softball questions and Harris gets asked transparently sealioned questions. It'll look something like this:

Interviewer: "Mr. President Trump, sir, how did you come by all of your elite skills playing golf? How do you maintain your unearthly, jaw dropping masculinity in the face of relentless feminization by the radical left?"

T: rambling, incoherent 3 minute long speech about Harris' low IQ and how immigrants want to abort your 3 month old babies

Interviewer: "Kamala(pronounced incorrectly), why are you going to take everyone's guns away so that they can be attacked in their own homes by the gay Mafia and immigrant caravans? Why are you going to force American man to get castrated, then put their privates into a blender, and use their extracted testosterone to turn all the girl kids into boys against their will?"

There. No need to watch Fox debate now, I just summarized it for you.

[-] tetrachromacy@lemmy.world 152 points 1 month ago

It helps if your two choices for president aren't Father Time and the Orange Rage Demon.

[-] tetrachromacy@lemmy.world 76 points 2 months ago

Cannon's ruling was that the entire concept of the DoJ appointing a special prosecutor is unconstitutional. Following that same logic, anyone who has ever been the subject of a special prosecutor investigation that was later adjudicated guilty can and should have their convictions thrown out.

That's why Hunter is saying his case should be thrown out. He was investigated by a special prosecutor on behalf of the Department of Justice. That investigator ruled he broke the law when he had the temerity to own a firearm while he was using illegal drugs, and then the case went to court.

Under Cannon's ruling, Hunter has got every right to ask for this. So does Bill Clinton for Whitewater. And the ghost of Richard Nixon for Watergate. Anyone who was ever investigated by a special prosecutor appointed by the DoJ who then faced any sort of legal consequences for their actions can now ask to have their convictions overturned on these grounds.

Cannon's ruling is a pretty intense case of throwing the baby out with the bathwater with regards to judicial procedure, and it's likely to be reversed by the appeals court. On the other hand, her ruling was only meant to delay the trial, which worked flawlessly. When her peers in the appeals court reverse the ruling and remove her from the bench for it or any other reason, look forward to seeing her as a talking head on conservative news networks. She's certainly earned her place there.

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