I have been trying to be more functional but I still use classes for things like loading/modeling configs. What are some common situations where using an object is a good solution?
I use python if that helps at all.
I have been trying to be more functional but I still use classes for things like loading/modeling configs. What are some common situations where using an object is a good solution?
I use python if that helps at all.
What is the principle for manual cars?
Probably "Passion of the Christ". It was really hard to watch, didn't make it to the end.
Because it's for entertainment purposes... I can watch horror movies and not be a fan of people being murdered. What a terrible take.
I might have my tin foil hat on but I think large companies collude to not undercut each other too much. Late stage capitalism things.
It just works. I don't want to have to invest time in making my os work. I want to spend my time on my projects(which I use wsl for)
I totally understand the desire and satisfaction of having complete control over your os but a lot of people just want to be able to do simple stuff like game and browse the web which windows does just fine in my experience.
UFW is a software firewall. SSH is a way to remote into computers. The joke is they turned on UFW and got locked out of the machine.
Best admin!!! Is the status page open source?
Anker for docks and dongs.
What VPN service do you use?
Very cool! Thanks for this