She needs an intervention and therapy - lots of it. The empathetic part of me sometimes thinks what a sad way to live with literally no one giving two shits about you other than the cash you bring in. Other part of me truly thinks she might have something going where she’s the one controlling everything. Again not here to armchair diagnose but she exhibits a lot of tendencies associated with serious psychological disorders.
joined 7 months ago
The sucking in… omg!!
There are some mid size influencers the same size if not actually smaller than her with similar heights. I’m a size 4/6 and her face and her body looks smaller than me. I’m at a place where I’m able to differentiate what a tool this woman is vs what my body actually looks like. But I can’t imagine what a mindfuck this is for women who have genuine issues with body dysmorphia and ED.
Lmao she couldn’t even type the airport’s name right.
Thank you, like yours too :)
More like ‘that’s a warp’
I made this account to specifically make this comment because it’s too good to pass up 😆
Bear with me here. I’m learning how to use this site. But what in the fresh hell is going on with her legs? Left leg vs right - or am I receiving it this way? 😒