[-] soloner@lemmy.world 1 points 3 hours ago

How is that different from a coffee stout?

[-] soloner@lemmy.world 6 points 3 days ago

The materials needed to produce batteries and wind turbines and maintain them over time is the issue. Did your 62 page report discuss this?

[-] soloner@lemmy.world 2 points 3 days ago

Omfg I feel like an idiot now. Thank you

[-] soloner@lemmy.world 24 points 3 days ago

Nah. It doesn't say not to plan. It says to prefer responding to change over planning. Which means both happen but responding to change is more crucial. Or put another way don't let your plan get in the way of responding to change.

I'm sure you were being sarcastic, but I get kind of tired of the Agile strawman and people shitting on it. It's not a complex philosophy yet people extrapolate so much (too much) and then get annoyed when their assumptions don't pan out well. even performing sprints is an extrapolation, so this meme gets it wrong too.

[-] soloner@lemmy.world 4 points 3 days ago

Explain? I don't get it

[-] soloner@lemmy.world 52 points 1 month ago

But the direction is certainly heading towards the realm of cable prices...

  • Netflix: $15.49
  • Amazon Prime Video: $14.99
  • Apple TV+: $6.99
  • HBO Max: $15.99
  • Disney+: $10.99
  • Hulu: $14.99

Total: $79.44 per month

So maybe when you account for inflation it is still only half of what cable costs,.perhaps. but those are the cheaper plans. For HDR support for Netflix it's like $25, and it's the reason I cancelled Netflix.

I don't think the meme is dumb, just ahead of it's time, but it's calling out what is certainly happening.

Most streaming services now include ads in the paid subscription.

Inch the ad ratio and prices up another 40% and we are getting pretty close to cable experience/cost. And that's only a few years away when we look at how much costs have raised over the last 10 yrs.

If each service raises price $1/month every year and you have 6 services, then in 5 yrs you're paying $30 more per month, prob around $100+.

[-] soloner@lemmy.world 80 points 3 months ago

Ok let's poll Lemmy. Upvote me if you can. Downvote me if you can't. I can so I'll keep my own upvote.

Vibe rule (lemmy.world)
submitted 4 months ago by soloner@lemmy.world to c/196@lemmy.blahaj.zone
[-] soloner@lemmy.world 65 points 7 months ago

Real question: what do anarchists expect society to do/become and why is it better?

Nuanced answers only

[-] soloner@lemmy.world 56 points 8 months ago
  1. Understand the value of money. The buyers remorse for overpriced hardware may be unpleasant but it's a good lesson. Money doesn't buy you happiness, but it can't save you from despair. Spend wisely.
  2. Get off social media
  3. Get off social media

I do like large gatherings, but I don't really do well meeting people and making friends in them. I find it too chaotic and difficult to "be myself" with so many people. I also feel there tends to be more shallow conversation in these settings making it great for banter and social energy but less great for connecting and getting to know new folks.

I am looking to meet new people to be friends, as in capital F friend, not just a random person I know. Someone who wants to hit me up and go do something fun, check in on me and see how I'm doing, etc.

How do you go about meeting people and finding social settings that foster deeper connections?

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