Repokémon is an amazing name.

The answer has been "No" a few times and boy does that suck.

"No one has ever attempted something so convoluted/silly/impossible before. Guess we get to see if we're actually programmers or not."

I made sure answering, "Has someone figured this out already?" is a formal step in defining project scope at my company.

Donphan is legit, too.

This person couldn't be bothered to search "Phanpy Mastodon" to learn more, literally everything is non-trivial to them. They probably have to remember to breathe.

[-] 29 points 1 day ago

In my experience, and in the experience of my coworkers/contemporaries, our formal education taught us how to program which is distinct from which language we program in. For instance, my Java dev friend learned to program in C++ because that's what was being instructed. I was forced to learn ActionScript 2 and then was forced to migrate to ActionScript 3, because that's what was being taught. The experience of programming something and iterating on it was far more valuable than knowing a language like C++ or ActionScript.

Languages come and go, some faster than others, and you'll eventually get to a point where your personal preferences stop mattering as much as which language is best for the task at hand.

PHP is dead. Long live PHP.

[-] 16 points 4 days ago

...are you lost?

[-] 3 points 5 days ago

Wow, decisions were made with those new fonts. 😬


G N O M E.

  • Onside kicks are illegal before 4th quarter
  • Team must be losing to kick an onside kick
  • Team must announce intention to kick an onside kick ahead of time

We're raising a nation of squibs.


When marking a post as read or expanding the post preview, the post only displays as read until the feed refreshes. A post opened in its own view remains read (expected behavior).

First appearance: Lemmy 0.19.5



Lemmy 0.19.4 compatibility (

Hey, is Summit compatible with 0.19.4 or should I hold off upgrading my instance? Do you develop Summit on latest stable, release clients, or latest (like an insane person)?


This is a cover of a Minecraft meme and I fucking love it.


lol, lmao.


I recently stated out loud that my homelab was stable, and now my UPS is posting less than 30 minutes of estimated normal load. What's everyone using as a UPS?

I've been rocking the aptly-named CyberPower OR1500LCDRT2U for the past few years. Should I just replace the cells or upgrade the whole unit?

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joined 1 year ago