[-] setInner234@lemmy.world 1 points 7 months ago

Same boat club.

Honestly I've reached the point that I hope climate change, that's presently accelerating, fucks our species shit up to the core and forces our species to start again, because existing like this, subsisting for a tiny group of proud monsters that see us as livestock in perpetuity, sounds like most people will be born into damnation going forward, and as much pain as civilization level collapse would be, it pales in comparison to this system persisting and finding new cruelties to profit from for generations.

Human civilization in its current form seems to exist to find new efficiencies with which to torture most of humanity. Maybe we'd be better off knocked back to depending on one another in smaller groups. Maybe we'd find empathy again. Maybe our planet could start to recover from our damage

Yeah, you're not alone. I've basically become an anti-natalist. I don't think the ruling / owning class will budge unless their lives are affected. And that won't happen until there's no more slaves to support their insane lifestyles.

[-] setInner234@lemmy.world 1 points 7 months ago

It's all the same shit. The patterns are so simplistic and easy to identify. That is what made me lose hope. There are just enough people desperate to blindly follow a leader, any leader, that we, as humanity, will never make progress. I don't understand how, evolutionarily, it made sense to make a democratically significant amount of people incapable of individual thought, but this is how it has transpired and that will be the end of us.

[-] setInner234@lemmy.world 2 points 9 months ago

This is a very strange post. Grammatically the sentences hardly make any sense and there's no explanation what the link leads to...

[-] setInner234@lemmy.world 1 points 1 year ago

Are you on Firefox? I use an extension called PagezoomWE or something like that. It remembers the zoom level for you.

[-] setInner234@lemmy.world 2 points 1 year ago

I don't know why you're being downvoted. Safety is my number 1 concern. The amount of times I've had to avoid dodgy / unsafe situations on public transport is crazy. Finally getting a car was the best decision ever. Until they make public transport safe, I'm not on it.

[-] setInner234@lemmy.world 2 points 1 year ago

Short and kind of pointless blog spam. Vanilla JS is faster than React. There, saved you a click.

[-] setInner234@lemmy.world 2 points 1 year ago

Thanks for the additional info. I thought Nvidia and Wayland were basically incompatible. This sounds like there's been nearly enough progress to make this a daily runner! I'm hoping to be able to switch someday, but won't for the time being.

[-] setInner234@lemmy.world 2 points 1 year ago

This person titles their book "do not move to Canada", then immediately goes on to say that the book isn't about telling you not to move to Canada, but about the problems he had living there.

The first two available chapters of the book are full of grammatical and spelling mistakes...fine, the author is russian, but how about having someone proof read the book first?

It's 9.99 but the author states it can be read in one to two hours. That price is bonkers. Supposedly YouTube comments by people claiming to have made the same or similar experiences are why reading the book is worth it.

There is an overarching message here, which I can agree with: never romanticise another country as some utopian paradise. It's highly unlikely that such a place even exists. The world is a neoliberal, capitalist hellscape, where some places suck ever so slightly less because rich people have been somewhat reigned in by the rule of law, but the differences between countries are minor at best.

Just do your own research, for free.

[-] setInner234@lemmy.world 1 points 1 year ago

This is dystopian as hell and basically an ad. Could we filter this kind of content pls?

[-] setInner234@lemmy.world 1 points 1 year ago

The article doesn't mention longevity problems with perovskite cells. I wonder if that's been overcome as part of this research.

[-] setInner234@lemmy.world 1 points 1 year ago

Delightful read. I know nothing about assembly, but could still somewhat follow it using C syntax.

[-] setInner234@lemmy.world 1 points 1 year ago

You are right, this fixes slow startup times for Steam, Firefox, Thunderbird and various others.

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