[-] scrchngwsl@feddit.uk 10 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Exactly, if their claims were processed faster and more competently (i.e. with very low likelihood of successful appeal), then the ones who are not genuine asylum seekers can be deported legally and quickly, which is surely a greater deterrent than the Rwanda scheme.

Am I just a naive lefty? What am I missing?

[-] scrchngwsl@feddit.uk 7 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Not really a fan of her being in the Labour party. Think that was quite unnecessary -- Starmer is going to win the next election with or without this woman. And what specifically about the Labour Party's aims and values resonate with her? When you join the Labour party as a member, it's not like subscribing to Amazon Prime. It means you have to actually agree to the aims and values of the Labour Party as described in Clause IV, which begins "The Labour Party is a democratic socialist party," and includes things like "promotes equality of opportunity" and "delivers people from ... prejudice". Does she agree with any of that? I'm very confused as to how a right wing ERG member could possibly want to join a democratic socialist party, let alone agree with its broader aims and values.

The merit of permitting her to cross the aisle and sit as a Labour MP is obvious, but so is the cost. I didn't like it when all those antisemites joined under Corbyn's leadership, and I don't like this now.

[-] scrchngwsl@feddit.uk 7 points 3 weeks ago

Yeah, my general philosophy on phones these days is to use the OEM rom until either it gets slow and rubbish, or it stops getting updates, then switch to LineageOS or something. OnePlus has done a pretty decent job of not making my phone shitter every time it gets an update, so the OEM rom has lasted much longer than I expected. I reckon with a custom rom it'll last me another 2-3 years at least, which is great value for a phone I bought 3 years ago for £290.

[-] scrchngwsl@feddit.uk 28 points 1 month ago

Even in her "apology" and longer "clarification" it's incredibly hard to understand what her substantial point is. I bet you could give her 10 years to try to explain how the Sydney stabbing was in any serious way related to pro-Palestine marches and it still wouldn't make sense. Does she tweet the same thing any time there is a stabbing somewhere in the world? "Oh look, a stabbing in South Korea -- perfect time to tweet about intifada?"

[-] scrchngwsl@feddit.uk 12 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

I had assumed it was a Uniqlo style thing using tags. That truly is magical, like living in the future. This Amazon stuff with the cameras and constant surveillance, not so much....

[-] scrchngwsl@feddit.uk 14 points 4 months ago

But of course it's optional? I don't understand why it's scandalous that they've put that in the middle? Did you want it in the headline?

[-] scrchngwsl@feddit.uk 6 points 5 months ago

Same with our guinea pigs 🐹 they all passed away in the last 5 months, the last of them was in perfect health and died of loneliness essentially after losing his herd. Getting some great Black Friday deals now though....

[-] scrchngwsl@feddit.uk 12 points 6 months ago

Yeah it seems obvious that this is designed to preemptively avoid Tory campaign leaflets in the heartlands with scare stories about Labour being bad for rural communities etc.

submitted 7 months ago by scrchngwsl@feddit.uk to c/dads@feddit.uk

We're going to be flying to the US soon and it's the longest trip we've done with our child. It's an 8 hour flight entirely during daylight hours, and I am slightly (read: very) apprehensive about the chaos that could unfold. Any tips or experiences?

[-] scrchngwsl@feddit.uk 10 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

It's worth finding out if the mould is caused by condensation (i.e. warm, humid air hitting a cold surface), or water ingress (i.e. water coming in from outside and making your walls damp). If it's the former, there are things you can do to reduce the humidity in your house, get more air circulating, or deal with the mould as it arises. If it's the latter, you really need to get the landlord to fix the problem that is causing water to get into the walls -- not only is this a potentially serious structural problem with the fabric of the building that could destroy any investment the landlord has if left unchecked, but anything you do as a tenant may be quite ineffective.

If it is just condensation though, there are things you can try. Condensation happens when the humidity is high enough, and the surface cold enough, for the moisture held in the air to be released onto that surface. Cold air holds less moisture than hot air, so even though the weather forecast might say it's 90% humidity outside, if the outside air is only 5 degrees C, it will still hold far less moisture than your indoor air at 20 degrees C. So one strategy is to swap out the relatively moist air inside your house for the relatively dry air outside your house. Obviously that incurs a cost -- it gets colder in your house, and therefore it costs more to heat your home. The other strategy is to extract moisture from the air inside your house. The most effective way is with a dehumidifier, but it also includes wiping down windows, shower cubicles, etc. and getting the moisture down the drain or out of the house.

  • (£100s) Run a dehumidifier to keep the humidity levels to <70% at least. The dehumidifier will be expensive to buy, and running it will also be expensive at today's electricity prices. (We have a cheap overnight tariff, so we only run it during the "cheap" hours. Still quite expensive though.) You'll find much cheaper options that involve absorbent gels or pellets that will absorb some moisture, but nowhere near enough to make a difference. I'd avoid these if you are already having mould/condensation problems.
  • (£30 - £2) Buy a Window Vac and vacuum all your windows, vacuum your shower cubicle after you use it, that sort of thing. Alternatively, a cheap £2 squeegee is fine, but when you use it make sure the water goes outside or down the drain, rather than sitting in the bottom of the shower/windowsill. I.e. squeegee your shower tray too. May sound obvious but apparently not to my family!
  • (£5 ish per bottle) HG Mould Spray is amazing at getting rid of mould caused by condensation. If it's caused by condensation, and you deal with the humidity/condensation afterward, you probably won't have to reapply it until the following year at worst. That's been our experience anyway. (If you don't adequately deal with the condensation then you'll probably have to do this a few times over the winter, which is unpleasant and awkward with kids as you need to keep them away and ventilate the room well.)
  • (FREE!) Open the window in your shower/bathroom BEFORE you start your shower/bath, and leave it open the whole time. Close it when it feels like the temperature is slightly below the rest of the house.
  • (FREE!) You can also open windows in the kitchen when you're boiling stuff -- all that moisture has to go somewhere, so better that it goes out of the window. And since cooking will naturally involve warming up a room, you don't have to worry as much about the heat loss.
  • (FREE!) Open your trickle vents above your windows if you have them. It will get slightly colder, but houses/double glazing is usually designed with trickle vents in mind. It won't magically solve all condensation (probably won't do much tbh) but it will contribute slightly to better ventilation.
[-] scrchngwsl@feddit.uk 7 points 7 months ago

Frankly that's even more insane.

[-] scrchngwsl@feddit.uk 9 points 8 months ago

Same story here. I'll never understand why they canned Inbox when it was clearly superior to vanilla Gmail.

[-] scrchngwsl@feddit.uk 17 points 10 months ago

For walking nothing beats OpenStreetMap. Absolutely destroys Google maps as it knows all the footpaths and what is and isn't walkable.

For driving I'm stuck with Google due to Android Auto.

For finding businesses etc Here is the best alternative but frankly Google is in a different league in this regard, nothing beats it.

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