[-] scholar@lemmy.world 18 points 1 day ago

This sounds like a job for a raspberry pi 5 with an m.2 hat for storage, software is a less important choice here, so ubuntu's raspberry pi flavour would be my choice. Just make sure you give it power in a form it likes.

[-] scholar@lemmy.world 18 points 1 week ago

That movie was ahead of its time in so many ways

[-] scholar@lemmy.world 22 points 3 weeks ago

Sending him to the titanic museum was a stroke of brilliance

[-] scholar@lemmy.world 31 points 1 month ago

I think he was refering to the show being set after new vegas and having to continue on from a game which had different possible endings

[-] scholar@lemmy.world 17 points 1 month ago

It's significantly better written and much more coherant than fallout 4

[-] scholar@lemmy.world 25 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Shame he's apparently an anti trans brexiteer who promised to 'make Rochdale great again'

edit with source: https://zirk.us/@nickbwalking/112017046193404787

[-] scholar@lemmy.world 31 points 4 months ago

Jellyfin has ebook support and allows you to download them for offline reading, which I reccommend because the ebook viewer is very basic

[-] scholar@lemmy.world 50 points 6 months ago

Mirror's Edge - a perfect way to spend 5 hours

[-] scholar@lemmy.world 17 points 6 months ago
[-] scholar@lemmy.world 37 points 6 months ago

As far as I'm aware this is only for the cli version of ffmpeg and won't affect the threading of codecs many of which were already multithreaded.

[-] scholar@lemmy.world 380 points 7 months ago

It's bizarre how blatent this is. Google has so much power over web standards that Mozilla have to work really hard to make firefox work, but YouTube don't bother being subtle or clever and just write 'if Firefox, get stuffed' in plain text for everyone to see.

[-] scholar@lemmy.world 56 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

'we have minecraft at home'

minecraft at home:

submitted 1 year ago by scholar@lemmy.world to c/deus_ex@lemmy.ml

One of the things that Deus Ex captured really well was the pseudonymous federated internet; interactions between random strings on different networks that could go on and on without either party learning who they were speaking to. Alex Jacobson had no idea that the Oracle he was receiving messages from was actually a self aware AI on the net.

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