[-] rysiek@mstdn.social 2 points 2 weeks ago

@JayDee AI as the wide, specialized field you mention makes no claims about building anything with *actual* human-like intelligence, I feel. People who understand how the math and code work in these systems know better than to do that.

And yes, "AGI" debate is a philosophical one. The problem is it is not recognized as such, because of the AI hype. People seem to think that AGI is "inevitable" and "just around the corner", because salespeople from companies that benefit from that hype say so.

[-] rysiek@mstdn.social 2 points 2 weeks ago

@JayDee so two things.

First: sure, we can redefine words in any way we want, but then:

  1. talking about "AI" becomes much less interesting if it merely means "walking a decision tree based on data coming from external sensors"

  2. the whole talk about "intelligence" becomes a bait-and-switch, as the conversation started with the term "intelligence" being used in the general sense we tend to apply to people and some animals.

[-] rysiek@mstdn.social 6 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)


> A chess engine is intelligent in one thing: playing chess

No. That's not how the adjective "intelligent" works, outside of marketing drivel of course ("intelligent washing machine" etc).

> Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) is the artificial version of human cognitive capabilities

Can you give a definition of "intelligence" or "human cognitive abilities" that would allow us to somehow unequivocably establish that "X is intelligent" or "X has human cognitive abilities"?

[-] rysiek@mstdn.social 2 points 2 weeks ago

@ContrarianTrail @JRepin and finally, there's a question of whether we actually decide to pursue it.

Nuclear power was supposed to be the "inevitable" power source for all of humanity mere 50 years ago. But at some point we decided not to pursue that goal.

Cryptocurrencies were supposed to be "inevitable" replacement for the banking system.

And we *have* cryptocurrencies and nuclear power. These exist. As opposed to whatever nebulous concept hides beneath "AGI".

[-] rysiek@mstdn.social 13 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

@ContrarianTrail @JRepin well I guess somebody would first need to clearly define what "AGI" is. Currently it's just "whatever the techbro hypers want it to be".

And then there's the matter (ha!) of your assumption that we understand all laws of physics necessary that "matter obeys", or that we can reasonably understand them. That's a pretty strong assumption: individual human minds are pretty limited and communication adds overhead, and we might reach a point where we're stuck.

[-] rysiek@mstdn.social 8 points 10 months ago

@Mysteriarch @fer0n fool me once, shame on you; but go right ahead and fool me twice or thrice, why not!

[-] rysiek@mstdn.social 2 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

@Natanael enshittification is about power, and ATproto is designed to look decentralized but enable secondary centralization where it matters for power dynamics in the network, in a way that the Fediverse very much doesn't:

(shameless plug, I wrote that, but it dives somewhat deep into the "why" of what I said above)

tl;dr it doesn't matter which PDS you use if everyone is still beholden to the same entity that controls the "reach" layer in BS.


[-] rysiek@mstdn.social 3 points 1 year ago

@Barbarian772 it was shown over and over and over again that ChatGPT lacks the capacity for abstraction, logic, understanding, self-awareness, reasoning, planning, critical thinking, and problem-solving.

That's partially because it does not have a model of the world, an ontology, it cannot *reason*. It just regurgitates text, probabilistically.

So, glad we established that!

[-] rysiek@mstdn.social 1 points 1 year ago

@CorruptBuddha well technically, since we're nit-picking, I did not make that claim, BobKerman3999 did.

And the claim was was about how ChatGPT's "intelligence" can be understood through the lens of the Chinese Room thought experiment.

Then I was asked to prove that human brains don't work like Chinese rooms, and that's a *different* thing. The broader claim in all of this, of course, is that ChatGPT "is intelligent" in the same sense as humans are, and that strong claim requires strong proof.

[-] rysiek@mstdn.social 4 points 1 year ago

@Barbarian772 no, GTP is not more "intelligent" than any human being, just like a calculator is not more "intelligent" than any human being — even if it can perform certain specific operations faster.

Since you used the term "intelligent" though, I would ask for your definition of what it means? Ideally one that excludes calculators but includes human beings. Without such clear definition, this is, again, just hand-waving.

I wrote about it in a bit longer form:

[-] rysiek@mstdn.social 3 points 1 year ago

@Barbarian772 I don't have to. It's the ChatGPT people making extremely strong claims about equivalence of ChatGPT and human intelligence. I merely demand proof of that equivalence. Which they are unable to provide, and instead use rhetoric and parlor tricks and a lot of hand waving to divert and distract from that fact.

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