[-] rwhitisissle@beehaw.org 2 points 2 days ago

Accusing criticism of Biden and his viability as a presidential candidate on "Russian bots" is purely a silencing tactic: a way of dismissing criticism rather than engaging with it by asserting a specific intent behind that criticism that reduces it to a tool of a foreign adversary as opposed to a genuine set of concerns by members of the electorate.

[-] rwhitisissle@beehaw.org 14 points 3 days ago

“The Democratic Party is more invested in trying to maintain control than it is in trying to win an election in November,” said one DNC member.

First time?

[-] rwhitisissle@beehaw.org 17 points 5 days ago

I mean, Jesus famously overcharged on delivery and transaction fees when feeding the masses with all that miraculously created bread and fish while also losing 13 billion dollars in the process, somehow, right?

No, wait, I'm thinking of a different guy...

[-] rwhitisissle@beehaw.org 32 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

What is this cursed place?

Oh, boy, where to begin? Digg was originally a content aggregator founded in the middle of 2004 (around 7 or 8 months before Reddit), that was basically Reddit with a slightly sleeker UI. At one point it actually had a higher number of daily active users than Reddit and it was, for several years, Reddit's chief competitor.

The fascinating thing about Digg is that it went through enshittification long before it became the phrase to describe our current internet zeitgeist. It happened incredibly early in its life, but for reasons and in ways that would come to be emblematic of the current internet. The core reason is that the owners of the website were just looking to get out of the game with a pile of fast, easy cash ASAP. They were in talks with Google to sell Digg for $200 million in 2008, but that deal fell through.

The beginning of the end for Digg came in August of 2010, when the site went through a major redesign, referred to as "Digg v4," that fundamentally altered the ranking of posts on the site to heavily favor power users, as well as introducing a metric ton of bugs. It's hard to describe the feeling of waking up one day and have your favorite website totally, completely destroyed. It was a Frankensteinian abomination; a cruel, misshapen doppelganger of an aggregator that now mainly linked to advertisements thinly disguised as "user content" and content posted by literally a handful of users who were able to manipulate post rankings to exclude any and all posts from non-power users from the front page, driving traffic exclusively to where they wanted it. As many of these power users existed on the political spectrum somewhere between Libertarian and outright Fascists, the political content on the website became especially jarring. No boiling of frogs took place here like it did on Reddit. One single code deployment and server restart later and the website was unusable.

The complete catastrophe that was this redesign triggered a mass exodus from Digg to Reddit. Digg was never able to recover and Reddit became the de facto content aggregator site for the internet (and it's where I spent around 8 hours of every day from September of 2010 to some time in 2023 when they finally gutted the API and I moved to Lemmy). In a grand example of historical irony, Alexis Ohanian said, in an open letter to the founder of Digg, Kevin Rose,

this new version of digg reeks of VC meddling. It's cobbling together features from more popular sites and departing from the core of digg, which was to "give the power back to the people."

Eventually, Digg was gutted for spare parts and its components and miscellaneous intellectual property sold off piecemeal for a total sum that was less than 5% of the value of the initial deal with Google. And the website Digg itself was ultimately sold in April of 2018 to BuySellAds for an undisclosed, but almost certainly pathetic, sum.

And now, dear reader, you are aware of the sad and tragic history of Digg, whose rise and fall was an unheeded warning of the precipice towards which the internet as a whole is headed.

[-] rwhitisissle@beehaw.org 33 points 4 months ago

I don't see how they can be releasing a Nintendo Switch 2 when they just released the Nintendo Switch like....a year or two ago. Wait...when did the Switch come out? March of 2017?! Holy shit it's been 7 years.

[-] rwhitisissle@beehaw.org 26 points 5 months ago

This thing is so technically complex and has so many moving parts that I can only imagine it breaking literally constantly and costing a fortune to repair whenever it does.

[-] rwhitisissle@beehaw.org 203 points 5 months ago

The day Firefox shutters its doors is the day the internet truly dies. Almost every "alternative" browser is chromium under the hood. Google's next big plan is basically constructing a walled garden around the internet (at least the HTTP part) via complex DRM. Eventually, if you want to access an actual web page, it'll have to be via a Chromium browser. Hell, even today a shitload of websites I visit on FF just don't fucking render correctly and I'll have to fire up a chromium instance just to access them. That's only going to get worse with time.

[-] rwhitisissle@beehaw.org 36 points 6 months ago

At nearly 6 hours long I can confidently say that some things should just be a very long blog post. There's no way I can parse and digest a complex argument about popular media via a youtube video of that size. It's just...I got stuff to do.

[-] rwhitisissle@beehaw.org 24 points 7 months ago

I don't know why you would think they're paid media or propaganda. It's not like they've been paid over half a million dollars in 2015 by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Or like they received almost 3 million euros in 2022 by a "philanthropic" organization called Open Philanthropy that operates on the philosophical basis of "effective altruism," an ideology which functionally equates to "let's try to convince billionaires to throw some money at the poors instead of addressing systemic inequality," and which totally cool people like Sam Bankman-Fried and Elon Musk have latched onto as belief systems. It's also not like they've been given money by the conservative religious John Templeton Foundation, which was one of the largest financial contributors to the early climate change denial movement from 2003 to 2010.

Nope. Nothing to see here. Not in bed with big money or ideologically dubious organizations at all. /s

[-] rwhitisissle@beehaw.org 57 points 8 months ago

Dissenting opinion, I'm sure, but I see in Lemmy the same problems I saw with reddit at the time I left it: superficial content designed to generate superficial engagement driven by people on mobile devices. Lemmy, reddit, and virtually all other content aggregators fall into the same pattern of posting screenshots from Twitter and recycled memes that everyone's seen. It's like the author of the article says: the internet isn't as interactive or novel as it used to be. Part of that is the centralization of media into a handful of supergiant corporations, but it's also an extension of the technological landscape and how people today interact with the media they consume. Which as time goes on is more and more driven by mobile devices.

[-] rwhitisissle@beehaw.org 34 points 9 months ago

They don’t care about gamers or games

There is no such thing as a company that cares about the product they make or the people who buy their product. The purpose of every company is solely to make money. The product itself is, to some degree, arbitrary. The only reason Microsoft even makes video games is because it's adjacent, and in some ways a natural extension of, their original business.

[-] rwhitisissle@beehaw.org 24 points 9 months ago

American culture is, I believe, becoming more homogeneous over time as a result of information technology. Unless you're from either rural Appalachia or some deep part of the South, you just don't have an accent. Or rather, you have a generic "American" accent.

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