[-] rutrum@lm.paradisus.day 4 points 1 day ago

Do you prefer the track ball for your thumb or for your middle finger?

[-] rutrum@lm.paradisus.day 4 points 1 day ago

Sorry about your troubles. Keep at it, I promise its greener on the other side.

One tip: nix-env installs things ad hoc. Its against fhe whole philosphy of nix, where your system state is defined in files. So don't ever use that. If you need any generic package, you can add it to environment.systemPackages. If you accidentally installed something that way, its okay. Just know you might get an error if you try installing it both from nixos-rebuild and nix-env. If that happens, just uninstall from nix-env.

[-] rutrum@lm.paradisus.day 20 points 2 days ago

I think it overinflates the click rate, which means despite having more clicks on an ad, that doesnt mean that more people bought some product. This devalues click rate which might make the ad service less valuble to advertisers, so they dont spend as much on Google's ad service.

And in general I think makes any training data for a model more muddy, since adnauseum isnt behaving like a human. So it could make it more difficult to train models that do targeted advertising.

[-] rutrum@lm.paradisus.day 22 points 2 days ago

As a community, I do think we get hungup on distros. Most of them, as you mentioned, are just different defaults of the same packages.

But at the maintainer level, I do think theres a lot of work distributions do at making sure the software they choose as defaults are up to date, secure, and work with one another. I dont enounter it often, but relying on maintainers to prevent mismatched depencies ending up in the day-to-day linux user has to be worth something. And every set of defaults needs that level of assurance, I would think. Im not a maintainer, I could be off here.

[-] rutrum@lm.paradisus.day 2 points 5 days ago

What database client do you use? Maybe a plain database is enough with the right client.

[-] rutrum@lm.paradisus.day 1 points 5 days ago

Doesn't need to. That's a plus though. I think the features I like the most are dropdowns for foreign keys and more specific column types. For instance, a date type gives me a calendar picker, and an image type lets me upload and image and then see it as I browse the data.

"No code" databases (lm.paradisus.day)
submitted 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago) by rutrum@lm.paradisus.day to c/selfhosted@lemmy.world

I've been seeing easy ways to store and view tabular data. I'm aware of tools like nocodb, baserow, and mathesar. I'm currently playtesting nocodb. But I wanted to start a discussion on what everyone uses for easily storing tabular data, and if anyone uses these tools.

I've also tried nextcloud tables but it still is very early in development from what I can tell.

[-] rutrum@lm.paradisus.day 1 points 6 days ago

Yes everyone would need a client (probably?) but after having recently set it up the first time, its incredibly simple.

[-] rutrum@lm.paradisus.day 8 points 6 days ago

You can also use p2p mesh vpn services like zerotier or tailscale to establish a direct connection without opening any port in the router at all.

[-] rutrum@lm.paradisus.day 57 points 1 month ago

Sometimes the app just shows a barcode that they scan. I always screenshotted the barcode and deleted the app. Better yet, save the barcode in catima https://catima.app/


I'm sure doing it manually is the safest, but perhaps there's a least poison for software/services for filing US taxes. What do you recommend? (or, atleast, what do you recommend steering clear of)

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by rutrum@lm.paradisus.day to c/privacyguides@lemmy.one

I have a google pixel, and I know I could install grapheneOS on it. But I'm very, very hesitant, since I depend so much on my phone.

This isn't like distro hopping, where I feel more comfortable hot swapping ssds, or making partitions, or using my desktop while I tinker with my laptop. My phone has a SIM and the service I depend on can't be emulated off this phone.

So what do you recommend I do? Should I move my SIM (my phone service, really) to a new phone while I tinker with this one? Can I just blow up the current OS and wing it? Or maybe theres another option that would allow me to bail back to stock android in case something goes wrong. What do you think?

EDIT: how I use my phone: about everything I use is from fdroid, with the occassional app from aurora. I do use my banking app to cash checks, but I don't use whatsapp, google pay, which I know arent compatible. So as far as app compatibility I dont think it'll be a problem, Im mostly worried about my phone number not working. I dont know how SIMs work like I should, I just know Ive had the strangest issues in the past with it, so Im hesitant. Thanks for the replies so far.


I've recently aquired the hardware to build a home server/NAS. I'd love to know some community-guided advice on tools I should consider, and what best practices are?

For instance, how does redundancy work? Whay about automated backups? What OS should be running on a NAS? What utilities can I use to monitor the safety of my data? Perhaps even a guide about how to safely share that data outside my home network for personal use, or even open for the internet, without compromising my network?

Thanks for the discussion

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by rutrum@lm.paradisus.day to c/linux@lemmy.ml

You know, ZFS, ButterFS (btrfs...its actually "better" right?), and I'm sure more.

I think I have ext4 on my home computer I installed ubuntu on 5 years ago. How does the choice of file system play a role? Is that old hat now? Surely something like ext4 has its place.

I see a lot of talk around filesystems but Ive never found a great resource that distiguishes them at a level that assumes I dont know much. Can anyone give some insight on how file systems work and why these new filesystems, that appear to be highlights and selling points in most distros, are better than older ones?

Edit: and since we are talking about filesystems, it might be nice to describe or mention how concepts like RAID or LUKS are related.

submitted 5 months ago by rutrum@lm.paradisus.day to c/nixos@infosec.pub

Came across a new nix wiki attempt. The announcement post is made on discourse with high skepticism.

But I really like it for two reasons:

  • For now, its incredibly informal and the barrier to entry is low. And because I can make edits directly in the web interface, it felt easy to contribute.
  • The creator mentions wanting this to be like the Arch wiki. In other words, contain information useful to nix users, but not necessarily nix specifically.

I was able to contribute a new article about distrobox, a tool I discovered and made a post about here a month or so ago.

Maybe we don't "need" another wiki, but the opportunity to contribute really made this one stand out to me. In case you all might want to contribute or learn something, I thought I would share.

submitted 6 months ago by rutrum@lm.paradisus.day to c/nixos@infosec.pub

I'm conflicted on what should handle my login manager, desktop environment, and window manager. What are the pros and cons of doing it from a nixos configurations versus a home manager configuration?

submitted 7 months ago by rutrum@lm.paradisus.day to c/nixos@infosec.pub

I made a post a while ago asking what you do when NixOS isn't cutting it. You need a package that isn't available as a flatpak/appimage or already in nixpkgs. You don't want to build from source, because it's either too difficult or too time consuming. One suggestion was containerization or virtual machines, but those seemed too cumbersome. Well, distrobox is the tool that fixes it.

Distrobox is a shell script that wraps over docker/podman to run a container of a distribution of your choice. But it does it behind a very high level API, and integrates the container environment seemlessly with your host environment. It is seriously as easy as this, if you need to install something with apt inside debian.

$ distrobox create -n my_debian --image debian:latest
$ distrobox enter my_debian

And bang, your in a debian container and it won't even feel like it. It automatically integrates your shell environment and maps your root directory inside the container (or something like that.) You seriously wouldn't know unless you neofetch. Best part is that since everything is in the nix store, every program in your environment should work, for the most part, inside this container. I've not noticed problems yet.

Tada! apt is available in this environment and you can install what you need. Then you can run it while inside the container. From the host machine, outside the container, you can run it directly too. Say you installed program X in debian:

$ distrobox enter my_debian -- X

And it will just run the command and send you back to the host machine.

In the case of docker, you can type docker ps and it will show you your debian image my_debian listed.

There's two more things I want to do to really polish this workflow. The first is to change my shell prompt so I know that I'm actually in debian without typing neofetch! Inside the box the variable CONTAINER_ID is set and the hostname is modified. I've adjusted my starship prompt to look like this when inside the box:

distrobox:my_debian ~ $

And lastly, I really want to blur the lines. If I install X in debian, I want to just call it directly from the host as X, not invoke my debian instance with distrobox enter.

When you type X and the program is missing, bash (and fish and zsh I'm sure) runs a hook that you can look at by typing

$ declare -p -f command_not_found_handle

By overriding this, you could first have it try the inside container if it can't find the application in the host container, like so.

command_not_found_handle () {
  distrobox enter my_debian -- $@

This is not a perfect solution, but I'm still experimenting with how to integrate this both seamlessly and also not accidentally run things inside debian and not realize it. If you have suggestions for how to improve handling calling commands from the outside environment, please share. Best case might just be adding aliases for programs explicitly. For example, `alias X=distrobox enter my_debian -- X.

Anyway, distrobox is the solution! This is one more barrier removed that was preventing me from moving my main computer over to NixOS. I'm so happy to have found this and wanted to share.

submitted 7 months ago by rutrum@lm.paradisus.day to c/linux@lemmy.ml

Dust is a rewrite of du (in rust obviously) that visualizes your directory tree and what percentage each file takes up. But it only prints as many files fit in your terminal height, so you see only the largest files. It's been a better experience that du, which isn't always easy to navigate to find big files (or atleast I'm not good at it.)

Anyway, found a log file at .local/state/nvim/log that was 70gb. I deleted it. Hope it doesn't bite me. Been pushing around 95% of disk space for a while so this was a huge win 👍

submitted 7 months ago by rutrum@lm.paradisus.day to c/privacy@lemmy.ml

I came across privacy.com, a service that generates virtual credit cards, like aliases for your real credit card that can be paused or discarded at any moment.

My own credit card company has this feature. But it requires a browser plugin that so obviously is there to track my spending habits, so I've not wanted to consider it. Privacy.com looks like a great alternative.

But is it even worth it? It may be a hastle, but I can also cancel my actual credit card at any moment and they will send me a new number immediately and a card a few days later. From a privacy prospective, how much can a company use my credit card credentials to track me? Maybe a third-party virtual card provider even masks my own purchases so not even my credit card company knows? Not sure about that one.

Please share if you use one, who its with, and if its worth it.

submitted 8 months ago by rutrum@lm.paradisus.day to c/nixos@infosec.pub

I've been spending a couple weeks unable to modify my system, because using my window manager was ungodly slow (like 1fps.) Luckily NixOS lets you pick a previous generation to load so I could make changes, build a new generation, and try again.

It took me too long to find, but I realized I had both the x session managed by both nixos and home manager. Removing this fixed the problem. I assume this had 2 xsessions open and they were competing for resources or something. Be cautious! :)

submitted 8 months ago by rutrum@lm.paradisus.day to c/coffee@lemmy.world

This is the 800ml server from Hario. I make 600g water / 30-35g coffee in it every morning.

I drink my coffee slowly, and really like it hot. When I made a single 300g cup of coffee, I'd time my consumption wrong and it would be lukewarm before I finished. I didnt necessarily mind this, but now that I've been using this server I get hot coffee on demand, very conveniently.

I downsized my regular mug for a teacup, so I always get just enough hot coffee to sip and enjoy before it loses too much temp. So now I drink a lot of small teacups worth instead of a regular mug. I recommend you try this style of serving coffee and see if its for you.

Bonus: this has been so helpful when making for multiple people, since I dont always know when others wake up or come downstairs. Since its a huge insulated server I never worry about not being able to serve my roommates hot coffee.

[-] rutrum@lm.paradisus.day 77 points 8 months ago

You'd have to explain how gimp doesnt suit your needs, because in the open source world its best in class for photo editing.

[-] rutrum@lm.paradisus.day 43 points 10 months ago

Examining my disk partitions with df is ruined now. Every snap gets its own virtual disk.

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