[-] rsh@lemmy.world 8 points 3 weeks ago

Are Xbox players paste-eaters or something?

[-] rsh@lemmy.world 7 points 1 month ago

It’s like a half hour long fever dream…

[-] rsh@lemmy.world 5 points 5 months ago

Spiderman: Applies for a home mortgage Spiderman: Home Town Buffet Spiderman: Home Shopping Network

[-] rsh@lemmy.world 5 points 6 months ago

Thumb drives?

[-] rsh@lemmy.world 5 points 7 months ago

Alright alright alright…

[-] rsh@lemmy.world 11 points 7 months ago

This post is how I learned:

  • Tom Selleck is still alive
  • Tom Selleck is still acting
  • That a show exists called Blue Bloods

From the title I can only infer that Blue from Blue’s Clues has joined the gang called the Bloods.

No one try to change my mind on this.

[-] rsh@lemmy.world 15 points 7 months ago

Social security will be bankrupt by 2033 according to their own estimates.


Somehow they expect to pay 80% benefits beyond that point.

Expect your income taxes to go up…and by a lot.

[-] rsh@lemmy.world 5 points 9 months ago

“Leave Brittney alone” guy

[-] rsh@lemmy.world 8 points 9 months ago

First thing that pops up when I go to the site: scam advertisement

“Your system is heavily damaged by viruses!”

slow cynical clapping

[-] rsh@lemmy.world 16 points 9 months ago

Just the chug-chug sound is enough to wake me from the deepest sleep.

[-] rsh@lemmy.world 9 points 10 months ago

It was hard at first, mainly because we didn’t know how to handle it. Ultimately we had to let everyone else know what we did and why. Easier said than done.

We told them we wouldn’t be coming to any event where they would be present and stuck to our decision. This was the hardest part. We also had to let them know we were okay with it if they still wanted to have a relationship with her brother and SIL, and ended up having our own separate get togethers with other family members.

Took some time to get everyone onboard. Once we did, others started seeing what her brother and SIL were doing.

Wife had to remind them not to mention her brother or SIL. Not to forward any messages and not to give them our phone numbers, email addresses or mailing address.

Looking back, it wasn’t apparent how bad things were when we were in the middle of it. Now I wish we had cut ties right after we were married.

In my opinion, no amount of family pressure to meet is worth exposing ourselves to the toxicity her brother and SIL could dish out.

Her family wasn’t there when my wife would cry at night after her brother did or said something hurtful. I was.

Her family didn’t work for weeks to cheer her up when her SIL lied to another family member causing an upset. I was.

At the end of the day, members of your family are either going to support you or tear you down. If they don’t support you, they are enemies.

It doesn’t mean you have to engage in a fight. You can win by simply withdrawing completely.

They win when they upset you. Your despair literally encourages them to continue upsetting you.

Don’t communicate. Don’t give in. But also, don’t hold a grudge. You can forgive someone without falling into the same trap that got you in a bad place.

You have a right to surround yourself with people who will support your goals.

Tell the family members that support you that you appreciate your support. Don’t let anyone make light of their actions.

It doesn’t matter if ‘they had a rough upbringing’ or ‘they have a hard life’. It’s not an excuse, and it’s not a reason to let them get away with it. Lots of people had a “rough upbringing” and a “hard life”, but they don’t tear others down to make themselves feel better. Family members who can’t see this may also be problematic to associate with, because they can’t see the problem.

If you can’t see the problem, you’re bound to contribute to it.

You get to choose who you spend your time with.

You might be related, but you don’t owe anyone control over you.

You are your own person.

[-] rsh@lemmy.world 16 points 11 months ago

He just farted and it hasn't reached your nose yet...

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