Jellyfin is almost perfect for me, I just need to find out why it decides to randomly transcode when it needs to do nothing when serving client.
I have two and it is too excessive already. Thankfully they seem to know where to poop so I dont need to pull my hair.
Youtube wont die anytime soon
South Korea and Japan would like to disagree.
That popular support will never disappear, Hamas is using Muslim vs infidels agenda. You see, that works well to brainwash Muslims worldwide. At no point would they stop cursing Israel and Jew.
They learned it from the best teacher, big bro murica.
Ya know, atomic bombs, 20 years of Afghan, Vietcong war blah blah.
The games I want to play with Linux have 0 framerate aka wont even start.
How school shooting becomes symbol of America's freedom is beyond comedy.
How do they maintain morale for the remaining troops if they execute their own?
And how would they recruite fresh ones if this will be the possible fate of the troops?
Gun control is not necessary. Keep going. First, Second, Third, 100th amendment please.
Not murican.
How the flying fuck is it even possible to overdraw over there? Here where I live banks will auto reject any attempt to go over your limit without explicit requests.
32 GB memsticks are cheap. Apple is scamming their own fanbois.