[-] rayquetzalcoatl@feddit.uk 10 points 6 days ago

Ah brilliant, the Marketing team have really put their heads together on this one.

[-] rayquetzalcoatl@feddit.uk 35 points 2 weeks ago

Now there's a whole town full of dog-eating-alligator-eating Australians in the Northern Territory. Terrifying stuff.

[-] rayquetzalcoatl@feddit.uk 13 points 5 months ago

What a total shock! I really thought Rishi was being honest when he said Rosebank would benefit young people, and I'm even more stunned that the King's Speech wasn't totally accurate. Wow!

[-] rayquetzalcoatl@feddit.uk 17 points 5 months ago

I guess, personally, I just feel like a lot of these incredibly rich and obviously out of touch old men are just totally irrelevant to normal daily life for most people. It's pointless to publish news like this, because it's just obviously meant to rile people up in some vague way and I guess somehow that generates money for the Guardian?

I just don't understand why we have to hear about what these irrelevant, hopefully soon-departed losers think. Who cares?

[-] rayquetzalcoatl@feddit.uk 39 points 5 months ago

Wow, what a surprise! Looking forward to those well-deserved consequences that he'll definitely be facing 👍

[-] rayquetzalcoatl@feddit.uk 22 points 7 months ago

"until they can stop the Tory media telling lies on the subject" good luck getting a Tory to tell any truth ever; the dirty lying little weirdos can't help themselves

[-] rayquetzalcoatl@feddit.uk 38 points 7 months ago

The Tories wouldn't know an honest day of hard work or "doing their duty" if it came and bribed them to their faces. Scumbags.

Every time one of them says or does pretty much anything, it makes me wonder how on Earth anybody votes for these soulless freaks and weirdos. Ah well, at least nobody who's put their penis in a dead pig's mouth is in charge of anything, right? That'd be fucking mental.

[-] rayquetzalcoatl@feddit.uk 37 points 7 months ago

Any man who can shit with his back exposed is a braver man than I

[-] rayquetzalcoatl@feddit.uk 21 points 9 months ago

I worked out last night that the points program in my local pub means I have to buy 33 drinks if I want a free drink of equivalent price. That's daylight fuckin robbery mate

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by rayquetzalcoatl@feddit.uk to c/webdev@programming.dev

Hey guys! Sorry if this isn't the best place for this but I couldn't really find anywhere else.

I've been working for 6/7 years as a web developer full-time now, and I'm still plagued by one mega frustrating habit. When I'm working on something complex on one page, and it gets completed, I'll fairly often get notified either by the client or my boss a day or two later while they're testing the whole site that there's something broken on another page.

Almost always, it'll be down to the fix I've recently made.

Is there a way to avoid this kind of tunnel vision? I try to keep my code localised as much as possible, avoiding interacting with global scope and, if it's really for one specific thing, tying it down to that page in particular, but short of testing the entire site every time I make any change... is there anything else I can do?


[-] rayquetzalcoatl@feddit.uk 24 points 10 months ago
[-] rayquetzalcoatl@feddit.uk 95 points 10 months ago

I just legitimately love it and I'm sorry about my awful taste

[-] rayquetzalcoatl@feddit.uk 54 points 10 months ago

Bit of an understatement to worry about being the "nasty" party when you're actively murdering people in their own homes by choking benefits and allowing companies to price gouge us, as well as selling the country off to the highest bidder you doddering old cunts.

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