[-] rafael_xmr@monero.town 1 points 2 months ago

As per docs they removed this option for individual users to contribute using crypto as a payment method: https://docs.opencollective.com/help/financial-contributors/crypto but they still manage crypto assets, as shown by the recent Ratatui invoice paid by the "drips network" https://opencollective.com/ratatui/contributions/751695

[-] rafael_xmr@monero.town 1 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

That is awesome, thank you for the write up and setting the precedent with an open mind!

Their initial reasoning makes sense, with their crypto earnings being only 1.4% of the total usage, while technically having to manage the services to handle incoming payments for all different asset, and all mainstream coins having traceability as a feature making dealing with it way more complicated, so if they looked at it impartially and not politically biased they should definitely consider having a Monero only option by default, which curiously was also missing from the initial implementation, where I can send money I purchased, received or mined and no one can ever receive "tainted funds" but rather just receive digital cash, as like cash it is money that can move from various different hands without a trace, which then can all be equally spent to pay developers, goods, services, etc. and not face risk of what the real origin of funds is. It should come with the intent to be a saner option for payments rather than accepting many coins at once just for the sake of accepting it.

but I hope the Drips approach has success

[-] rafael_xmr@monero.town 1 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

So I think that because of this, ease of development, ease of use, nostr has a big chance of staying around for 2 years still and maybe even bigger than AP but I may be wrong

[-] rafael_xmr@monero.town 1 points 5 months ago

I just think it is a way simpler design, everything is a variation of the NIP-01 note https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/blob/master/01.md#events-and-signatures

  "id": <32-bytes lowercase hex-encoded sha256 of the serialized event data>,
  "pubkey": <32-bytes lowercase hex-encoded public key of the event creator>,
  "created_at": <unix timestamp in seconds>,
  "kind": <integer between 0 and 65535>,
  "tags": [
    [<arbitrary string>...],
    // ...
  "content": <arbitrary string>,
  "sig": <64-bytes lowercase hex of the signature of the sha256 hash of the serialized event data, which is the same as the "id" field>

So data portability is enforced by default for the protocol, and it is flexible in a way that clients can support new event kinds without knowing about it, so adding a video event kind to create a youtube alternative would show up even on outdated clients as they'll still be able to show every note events, and the same for outdated relays that will continue to store every note event you broadcast, you don't need to spawn a new server to self-host a new instance of a nostr implementation, just use the same clients and same relays as always, so people have made torrent sharing sites (https://dtan.xyz) and video platforms for example and it doesn't seem like the AP protocol is very open and flexible to these ideas and implementations

[-] rafael_xmr@monero.town 1 points 5 months ago

What would it take to have this in AP at the current state, and like could mitra and other clients start supporting these portable objects and just wait for others to catch on?

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