[-] qyron@lemmy.pt 5 points 1 year ago

You had a bad experience. I respect that. I have not.

Unless we can force a certificate of origin from your local optician for the lenses and the frames, there is a good chance we are actually purchasing material made in PRC.

Regarding service, I've used glasses for so long I learned how to maintain, fit and fix minor damage to my glasses.

And regarding quality, even when I paid a lot more money, a pair of glasses would last for about a year, give or take a couple of months. I get the same time from a cheaper set of glasses. So, no gain in spending more.

[-] qyron@lemmy.pt 5 points 1 year ago

EU is expanding east nowadays. And not even the dutch are that good claming land from the sea.

[-] qyron@lemmy.pt 6 points 1 year ago

And that is why I loathe acronyms with all my heart.

Thank you for decoding it.

[-] qyron@lemmy.pt 3 points 1 year ago

Don't really know. I'm aware such a depiction exists but precise details are moot, for what I care.

I think it revolves around the temple grounds being used as a market and/or being a place where moneylenders were present, thus, again, going against the teachings advising against greed and materialism.

[-] qyron@lemmy.pt 5 points 1 year ago

That version sounds a good deal like Mad Max films.

I would expect Trump at some point to "write" a book narrating his struggle in life, an inspirational narration of his hardships, to elevate his followers and supporters.

It would make a nice companion book for this one.

[-] qyron@lemmy.pt 4 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

You mean like Nike in Bangladesh, but without the wire fences and just through the use of police enforced and government backed brutality, when the workers tried to rally for better work conditions?

[-] qyron@lemmy.pt 5 points 1 year ago

So lets stop to consider, regardless of that nazi memorabilia.

You live under a fascist dictatorial regime. There are very few options available for you to live a relatively uneventful life.

Either you're an open, true, supporter, a passive one or a dissimulated dicident. Yes, there are more options available, but lets take these as the most broad categories.

Now let us consider that your regime an enacted several acts of domestic, unprovoked violence, internal purges and other assorted brutal and unpredictable actions against social peace and stability, in order to cement its unquestionable power over an entire nation.

Then, that same regime advances to a state of war, where all resources and infrastructure are comandeered to bolster the military.

At some point, companies are put a very simple option: either they cooperate and remain active or they refuse and suffer the consequences, that at best can be simple nationalization and purge of the heads.

Considering all of this, BMW supporting Germany's war effort is understanble.

Do I agree with that decision? No. But do I understand it? Yes.

Cooperate and live or refuse and die? Not an hard choice, especially if a lot of money is put on the table.

[-] qyron@lemmy.pt 3 points 1 year ago

Uso Oukitel já vai para uns 10 anos. Comprei o primeiro para servir de vítima no trabalho, porque era barato, e revelou-se tão bom que adoptei a marca e converti toda a gente que pude.

Demonstram uma excelente relação custo/qualidade e desde que a marca se virou para o segmento de terminais robustos, abriram uma oferta de telefones com boas especificações e aspecto invulgar.

O telefone que uso no dia a dia tem quase 4 anos de uso e mantém-se em força.

[-] qyron@lemmy.pt 5 points 1 year ago


Buy a pack of regular gummy bears, put them in a jar and force them to watch their god being slowly devoured over the course of a year.

[-] qyron@lemmy.pt 3 points 1 year ago

Há-de ter doído a muita gente ouvir essa. Estou a aguardar pelas críticas dos fundamentalistas, apesar de não ter cavalo nessa corrida.

[-] qyron@lemmy.pt 4 points 1 year ago

No really. A lot of people, even when shown proof, out of simple spite just double down on their position.

When energy saving and early LED bulbs started to be deployed in my country, while the fade out of incandescent bulbs was put in place, we had runs for buying every single incandescent bulb available. The change was not welcome. Even if changing meant real, objective, tangible savings.

People would put in large orders for bulbs, arguing they wanted to "have proper lighting as long has they lived". Luckily, the stocks quickly ran out and some distributors simply refused to pass the stocks to the market.

A government cutting off a product is not overreach: it's forcing change that otherwise would not happen, for the better.

[-] qyron@lemmy.pt 5 points 1 year ago

Specialty bulbs are still produced but even those are shrinking.

I recently bought a very low power/low lumen LED light bulb and it was rated for refrigerator and other low temperature use.

Hoven lamps will eventually suffer the same fate.

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