[-] pseudo@jlai.lu 11 points 18 hours ago* (last edited 18 hours ago)

So what? Should they speak english? In Antartica, it doesn't make more sense than german.

[-] pseudo@jlai.lu 2 points 22 hours ago

With is basically a kebab sandwich menu, minus thé bread and a few veggetables.

[-] pseudo@jlai.lu 3 points 1 day ago

Chuck. La saison 5 commence mal. Ça ne m'étonne pas qu'elle soit la dernière.

[-] pseudo@jlai.lu 4 points 2 days ago

C'est marrant parce que son visage reste de marbre mais son corps entier réagit.

[-] pseudo@jlai.lu 13 points 2 days ago

On le vois trembler quand il se rend compte de ce qu'il a dit.

[-] pseudo@jlai.lu 4 points 2 days ago

Merci pour le partage.

[-] pseudo@jlai.lu 3 points 3 days ago

Ça fait tellement longtemps que je trouve down feddit.de quand je veux m'y connecter que je me demandais s'il n'avait pas fermée !

[-] pseudo@jlai.lu 3 points 3 days ago

Est-ce qu'un autre acronyme connu aurait eu le même effet ou est-ce spécifiquement le côté "rire" de MDR qui est dérangeant ?

[-] pseudo@jlai.lu 4 points 3 days ago

J'en suis vraiment désolé. Mon but n'était pas de prendre le sujet a la légère mais plutôt d'utiliser un acronyme connu qui interpelle par sa signification altérée.

Je t'assure que je ne prend pas le sujet à la légère et tu remarquera que l'acronyme est le seul élément de la communauté qui la distingue des autres traitements du sujet.

Si tu considères que l'usage de cette acronyme est offensant et que la justification de l'interpellation ne convient pas, je peux le retirer du titre de la communauté.

[-] pseudo@jlai.lu 28 points 4 days ago

The one thing crazy in this story is racism.

[-] pseudo@jlai.lu 30 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

That is ridiculous, you play football with empty soda can until your neighbour find an old ball lost on some wasteland and you play that until you older brother pities you and offers you his old ball or until you get into a club and your parent don't want to be ashamed by your rubbish ball.

submitted 4 days ago by pseudo@jlai.lu to c/france@jlai.lu

On a pas de !champagne.

Il y a des champenois ici ?

submitted 4 days ago by pseudo@jlai.lu to c/france@jlai.lu

Je lui souhaite un bon rétablissement mais bon sang, le vieillissement de la population avance à toute allure !

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by pseudo@jlai.lu to c/rance@jlai.lu

On essaye de vous faire avaler que :) et :-) sont des exacts synonymes ? Vous cherchez où briller par votre esprit escalier suite à votre débat avec un grammaire-nazie ? Vous avez appris un nouveau mot que vous voulez adopter ?

Venez sous ce post défendre vos particularités languagières et (f)ranciser à tout va.

#rance #AcademmyFr

submitted 3 weeks ago by pseudo@jlai.lu to c/chat@literature.cafe

I've never use a book reading tracker before. But I made a few weeks ago a BookWyrme account.
BookWyrme is the fediverse book reading tracker and I'm marking books I've read when I remember them. Often, I need to add them to my instance as I've mainly read in French and many books needs to be manually added or imported before completing missing information.

This made made think about my journey as a reader. I've read lot older books in english or at least old enough to have more than one french translation. Would I love them with another translator or another translation? Would I enjoy reading them in english now? Would the langage difference be too much? Have a change too much as person?

I've read comics in paper format, volume by volume but I read them now online, chapter by chapter. How should I should I add them? Should I add both forms?

Which field are missing in BookWyrme to add information that are pertinent to me? What are its limitation? What are the workaround these limitations?

I looking for people to discuss these subjects.
Are you interested?

I don't want to write such big post again and make giant conversations but to publish smaller post on semi-regular basis and hear a bit of feedback.

Is this the right place? Do you know a more fitting community?

submitted 1 month ago by pseudo@jlai.lu to c/technologie@jlai.lu

je réfléchie à m'offrir une trottinette électrique. Je n'en ai jamais acheté mais je n'en ferais pas une utilisation intensive.

Quel est l'état du marché ? Puis-je espérer des vendeurs de neuf des prix proportionnels à la qualité et des vendeurs d'occasion des trottinettes sans défaut caché ?

submitted 1 month ago by pseudo@jlai.lu to c/foraging@lemm.ee

Il know that bramble are eatable and I can recognised them perfectly but I couldn't bring myself to eat it. It feels to weird. I should'nt have forrage it.
I've made a flower-leave salad and mugwort fritters out of the rest.

publication croisée depuis : https://jlai.lu/post/6859176

submitted 1 month ago by pseudo@jlai.lu to c/bats@lemmy.world

fond on a window edge. Gone since.

publication croisée depuis : https://discuss.tchncs.de/post/15670870

Trouvee sur un bord de fenêtre. A suivre.

submitted 1 month ago by pseudo@jlai.lu to c/asklemmy@lemmy.world

I'm reading more and more webtoon, which means that I get my comics by chapter not by volume. Is there a instance where asian comics are presented this way? I'm not against adding the chapter myself but I look for a community that's also using the chapter format.

Also I'm on The Library of the Uncommons which is nice but the search is soooo slow...

submitted 2 months ago by pseudo@jlai.lu to c/asklemmy@lemmy.world

I can't figure out how to view a threads user profil in lemmy.world and I'm starting to wondering if this is not a problem of compatibility with lemmy. Maybe I should try again from the twittoverse...

submitted 2 months ago by pseudo@jlai.lu to c/meta@lemmy.one

Hey one-lemmings! I'm looking for a home instance for a sister community to !testfediverse@jlai.lu. According to fedipact.veganism.social, you are federated to threads.net and that's what I'm looking for.

The goal of this community is to be place where you can try to post thing across the different software of the fediverse. Posts in all languages will be accepted but the main language would be french as it is the one in which I can moderate the most confidently.

Is this the right place to open my community? And is there other rules I should be aware of?

Thank you

submitted 2 months ago by pseudo@jlai.lu to c/bats@lemmy.world

It is the same for you?
What is a "bat appreciation day"?

submitted 2 months ago by pseudo@jlai.lu to c/opensource@programming.dev


I not good at understanding a project from its code. So, I try as much as I can to understand it from its technical documentation first. But so many time I fell overwhelm by the information: I don't know were to start to read and I don't know how to find a specific information.

How can I know when I'm lacking in understanding the project and when the project is lacking good documentation?
Where should I start while studying a documentation which readme doesn't say "read this next"?

Thank you

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