[-] pinwurm@lemmy.world 13 points 11 months ago

I have a private parking spot off street in a city. I don’t like backing up towards the main road; since it has pedestrians and stuff. It’s a little harder to see.

So I back into the spot. It’s way easier than backing out - and pulling out is even easier. 

My work parking garage is already really tight. It’s another situation where backing in is easier than backing out - and driving forward our is even easier. So just some planning.

submitted 11 months ago by pinwurm@lemmy.world to c/boston@lemmy.world
[-] pinwurm@lemmy.world 13 points 11 months ago

Excel for Dummies 2023

[-] pinwurm@lemmy.world 19 points 11 months ago

“Ape alone.. weak. Apes together…. strong”

So no, it’s baked-in the DNA of how we survive. We group to fight threats. Early days, that threat is protection from hostile wildlife like bears.

You scale that to a modern civilization - and you have groups of people fighting for resources, food, money, opportunities, land, etc. Sometimes they’re gangs. Sometimes they’re entire countries. Sometimes they’re groups of allied countries.

And heck, you see it in stupidly small scales too. “Coke v Pepsi”, “N64 v PlayStation”, “Rock Fans v Disco Fans”.

Sunni and Shia believe 98% of the same stuff. But the bit they don’t agree on pushes fringe lunatics to terrorism, war, ethnic cleansing, etc.

Same deal with Protestants and Catholics.

The only thing could make us drop “us versus them” mentality is a giant alien force more violent and sick than anything you can imagine.

Then maybe, humanity will be the “us” finally.

[-] pinwurm@lemmy.world 27 points 11 months ago

The content on Reddit has gotten noticeably worse - but less as a result of Lemmy's existence and more of a reaction to killing 3rd Party Apps.

Unfortunately for me, some of my favorite communities haven't migrated over to Lemmy. So I'm still using Old Reddit Desktop to access them.

[-] pinwurm@lemmy.world 19 points 11 months ago

Even if it were true that we came from aliens… every race can reproduce with one another. If we all came to earth for survival, then race mixing creates better outcomes through genetic variation.

What a strange take.

[-] pinwurm@lemmy.world 40 points 11 months ago

At some point, he deserves a lifetime achievement award from the academy.

[-] pinwurm@lemmy.world 23 points 11 months ago

Whats it say in the employee handbook regarding time off?

It’s not the manager’s job to decide if someone’s personal obligations are necessary or not. It’s their job to assure there is coverage and the work is complete.

If the employee is abusing the shift-change timeoff policy, that is a different story.

If the manager is the owner, it may be a good idea for your wife to freshen her resume.

[-] pinwurm@lemmy.world 24 points 1 year ago

It depends on the definition of Veganism.

There’s is a popular school of thought that the diet‘s sole purpose to reduce suffering. If a living thing has no central nervous system (or brain), it has no thoughts and cannot experience pain or harm. It’s not much different than a fruit or vegetable. I know vegans that make exceptions for oysters - for example.

Others schools of thought are about avoiding animal products altogether, it doesn’t matter if it suffers or not - there’s no way to know. Therefore, it’s immoral to eat them if you can knowingly choose an alternative.

[-] pinwurm@lemmy.world 51 points 1 year ago

When you look at someone else’s life, you only see the Highlights Reel. You don’t hear about all the boring in between moments, their struggles with imposter syndrome and insecurities, their relational arguments or troubles with their family, all the BS.

Life isn’t about keeping up.

It’s a parlor trick, magically coming into existence for a fraction of a moment in this infiniteness of time and space. The best thing we can do is cherish the miracle and squeeze the most happiness for the time we have. It’s respecting life.

For some, that means service to others. For others, it’s patenting science projects. And then there’s those that find it in an honest job, being good to people they love, and exploring hobbies from time to time.

Happiness is definitely not a contest. Especially one that you put yourself through fully knowing you won’t win.

But if you feel like you need more value in your life, it’s never too late to do something new.

[-] pinwurm@lemmy.world 37 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Lemmy has a long way to go in terms of user experience before it can effectively compete with Reddit. The majority of new accounts in the last weeks have been spite users. That is, they're here not because they love Lemmy - but because they hate Reddit.

That's not a bad thing, per say. It doesn't matter how people get here. It's more important that they have a good reason to stay.

And the average user doesn't care if something is federated or centralized. They just want a product that works and is simple to grasp. In my opinion, app developers are going to be the gamechanger Lemmy needs Stuff like Memmy (on the iOS app store today!), Mlem, Liftoff, Thunder are pretty much better than the official Reddit app. And that's how most people consume content these days. When there's no enshitification ads or microtransactions - there's clearly going to be a winning experience.

It'll take time, but as more Federation communities build - the less Reddit is necessary. As well, it usually takes a long time before people start catching on that the tools they once loved have turned to into bots and spam.

Mastodon is in it's 7th year, and has like 8 million active users. Twitter had 200 million users by it's 7th year. On one hand, Mastodon is the biggest Federation app. On the other, Twitter was 25x as large. Of course, Twitter is no longer the relevant "town hall" it once was - and is hemorrhaging users and respect. So who knows. It only takes a few celebrity endorsements to get countless folks switching. Who knows

[-] pinwurm@lemmy.world 23 points 1 year ago

Of course it will hurt the migration. Lemmy.world should've halted open registration and directed folks elsewhere until they were able to get their house in order.

Instead, a migrant's experience was as follows:
"I can't create an account, the site won't load".
"Okay, now I have an account, but I browse anything because the site won't load."
"Okay, now I can browse, but I can't make posts or comments because the site won't load".
"The site's been wishy-washy for 5 days, I guess it's always like this".

Most don't understand they should've joined a different instance. But hey, this QoL stuff affects all Lemmings, because the biggest communities are in the affected instances.

So instead of a great Reddit alternative, migrants got a product that didn't work as advertised. And a message board, no less - a technology that's existed since the dawn of the internet.

So, I get it. But I'm not upset because I understand Lemmy is an emerging technology that'll require a little patience. Replacing one of the biggest websites of all time is not going to be easy.

r/Lemmy is going to reflect the layman. We should listen to their feedback, help them out and take criticism seriously. I'm of the camp that Lemmy needs as few barriers to entry as possible - which is why I'm loving the progress of some of these mobile apps. Some (like Memmy) have an onboarding guide for new users. We need more of that.

[-] pinwurm@lemmy.world 14 points 1 year ago

Imagine phone companies. An instance is like Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile or any other provider.

If you want to talk to your friends, it doesn't really matter what instance they're on.
A Verizon customer can still call a AT&T customer no problem. A Verizon customer doesn't need to also sign up for AT&T to do that. It all just.. works.

People talking about different instances is like people talking about different phone companies. "Verizon's coverage is better" or "T-Mobile has better support" or that kinda thing.

submitted 1 year ago by pinwurm@lemmy.world to c/boston@lemmy.world
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