[-] paris@lemmy.blahaj.zone 27 points 2 weeks ago

This is the argument I see to defend use of the word and I've never understood it. Where I am (west coast-ish of the US), the word is used very specifically to mean autistic. If you ask someone not to say retard, they say autistic instead. If you ask them not to say autistic, they say special education. If not that, slow. If not that, someone who takes the short bus. Unambiguously the people here use the r slur as a slur against autistic people. They use it as an insult towards allistic people to degrade them as lesser. Same as calling a straight person the f slur. Maybe it's different in other parts of the country, but the r slur is absolutely used as a slur against autistic people where I am.

[-] paris@lemmy.blahaj.zone 20 points 1 month ago

According to available information that I've come across, everything is processed on-device and encrypted and 25gb can store months of rewind data depending on how much and how you use your device. At that rate, a terabyte should store about a decade of history (I can't think of anything you would need to go that far back for though).

If security researchers don't find sussy behavior where Recall sends back some sort of data beyond basic telemetry, there's not really any higher of a privacy risk compared to using your computer as you currently do. Also you can disable it for certain applications and delete history when you want to (or disable the feature altogether). People are being really weird about this for reasons that have already been addressed.

[-] paris@lemmy.blahaj.zone 28 points 3 months ago

The entire time. Obligatory "what Hamas did on October 7th was horrendous," but if you look into the history of Israel's occupation of Palestinian land, it's pretty understandable (although not justified) why something like that happened. Israel has been the bad guy from its conception.

Israel has been particularly monstrous the past few months, but this is something it has been working towards for decades. Only recently has it felt willing and able to go this far without its allies pulling their support.

[-] paris@lemmy.blahaj.zone 22 points 5 months ago

And since they're travelling along predetermined routes without human intervention, we could even give them their own dedicated lane that's more direct. That would free up traffic for normal people and streamline deliveries for these trucks.

And while we're at it, if they're already going on dedicated roads, why not make those roads more efficient? Rubber on asphalt damage is expensive to repair. Steel wheels on steel tracks are even more efficient and better to maintain.

And since steel tracks can handle so much more wear, we could actually make the trucks super duper overpowered and have them tow like 100 boxes at a time instead of just one or two.

And since steel tracks are conductive, we could actually electrify those rails to power the super duper overpowered track truck so it doesn't have to stop to refill for gas. Now we're combatting climate change at the same time.

At scale, humans are a lot like cargo actually. We could have dedicated track trucks to move large amounts of people from core parts of cities to other core parts of the same or other cities. Then we could reduce car and plane usage too.

Track trucks is a bit of a dumb name though, so maybe we should call it something more relevant. There's an Old French word "trahiner" that means "to pull/draw" so maybe something like that? Trainer? Or maybe just train? I think train sounds cool.

Too bad nothing like this exists or will ever exist 😔

[-] paris@lemmy.blahaj.zone 22 points 9 months ago

Harlivy. If my comfort gays gotta bust heads and crush legs, then by god they're busting heads and crushing legs. All of Gotham is experiencing an apocalypse because two insane girlypops slayed too hard? Sucks to be an innocent bystander I guess. Shouldn't have been in the way.

[-] paris@lemmy.blahaj.zone 23 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Hi, I'm one of the people who stopped playing when EAC (Easy Anti-Cheat) was introduced. I and most of my friends stopped playing for 6+ months. It genuinely became unusable for some of us between the time that EAC blocked modding and the time that most of the features that mods added were finally implemented into the game natively. The development speed and communication also shifted drastically since that event and it genuinely feels like a different team. We know what's going on behind the scenes now and get to actually have an input in upcoming features in a way that we didn't get to even just a year ago.

A lot of us have decided that these changes in development speed and communication are enough to warrant coming back. Those who disagree have left entirely for alternatives like ChilloutVR that explicitly allow modding. Things died down because the situation changed. The problems that were caused by the decision have for the most part been fixed. The people who still don't trust VRChat work on ChilloutVR now.

Also, VRChat has had a sizeable increase in its playerbase. People leaving the game was noticeable, but any lingering effects have been smoothed over. There are just a lot more people playing now.

tldr: yes, things have changed a lot. no, the people who were angry didn't "go back after a week" like some other comments suggest. a lot more people play this game now and the developers are more transparent with what they're working on. the problems that were caused by banning mods have mostly been addressed.

[-] paris@lemmy.blahaj.zone 23 points 10 months ago

In the two years I've watched Vaush, every single time trans people have come up, he's been the first to defend us. Not to be a walking "wHaT aBoUt ThE cOnTeXt" stereotype, but using this (very) old clip to represent Vaush is super disingenuous.

To whomever is reading this: before you hate this guy, watch one recent video from his channel or tune in to one livestream. I think you'll find that he isn't remotely the person the clips paint him as. I'm not demanding that everyone like the guy, but at least form an opinion of him based on more than just the clips shown to you by someone who hates him. Here's a video from a week ago on his second channel covering trans politics in Germany (and then getting sidetracked over the German language). You'll find a very different person from the clip above.

[-] paris@lemmy.blahaj.zone 21 points 11 months ago
  • It's a lengthy process if you do it thoroughly
  • The stakes are high so taking your time to do things right is important
  • Trump's legal team has certainly been doing everything they can to delay everything they're able to
[-] paris@lemmy.blahaj.zone 25 points 11 months ago

Fwiw, Denuvo is actually really hard to crack. There's like one well-known person who is capable and she's incredibly unlikeable. Agreeable sentiment though; Denuvo sucks and harms legitimate consumers (arguably more than it inconveniences pirates).

[-] paris@lemmy.blahaj.zone 25 points 11 months ago

At least part of it is that NASA is good at marketing. They make cool shit and hype up the public so we all know how cool it is too. Soon they'll be launching a NASA+ streaming service that's completely free. All their video and live content in one place. They're genuinely one of the coolest public entities I know about, and part of why I know about them is because they're so good at marketing their projects to the lay public.

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