Synecdoche, New York Being John Malkovich Unicorn Wars Puss in Boots: The Last Wish Mad God House (1977) Susperia Videodrome

Twitter allows for NSFW art which is why a lot of artists use Twitter. Threads doesn’t allow nsfw.

pilk Rule (
pilk Rule (

Defederate all the way

I had convinced someone I knew to play Disco Elysium and they literally picked every Centrist option in the game because all the other choices were too extreme. They did a whole ending that I wasn’t even aware of. Trips me out.

This fact keeps cracking me up.

I fucking love linguistics oh my god. This is amazing

Woooo look at us go!

Migraine Rule (

Happy Month Anniversary!

Friendly discourse. If it gets bad maybe instances might black each other.

Amazing. I’m sure it’ll keep growing too

I’m very sad that apollo is gone, but I’m happy to be here.

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joined 1 year ago