Anarchist Sterlin Lujan and Monero legend Matt Roach at Porcfest2024 (MT 316)

TODAY'S 🎙SHOW: Douglas Tuman was LIVE at the 2024 Porcupine Freedom Festival aka (Porcfest) in New Hampshire with a panel of guests including Sterlin Lujan of the Logos Project and Matt Roach aka "Monero Matt".

They cover a lot of topics including the importance of privacy, the need for cryptocurrencies like Monero, and some first hand experiences with the crackdown on crypto. The panel discusses privacy as a human right and how technologies like Monero can help protect these rights. They also talk about the challenges faced by the cryptocurrency community and strategies for promoting the adoption of Monero.

Watch Here (YouTube) ➡️ https://youtu.be/62SL3nWC5-g Watch Here (Odysee) ➡️ https://odysee.com/@MoneroTalk:8/anarchist-sterlin-lujan-and-monero:2 Listen Here 🎧: https://www.monerotalk.live/monerotalk-316

Coffee & Monero, Go to Gratuitas.org today!

{Buy your MoneroTopia 24 Mexico City Confer tickets TODAY at Monerotopia.com! }

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Thank you to sponsors, u/cakelabs and u/Stealthex_io as well as u/sunchakr for making these interviews possible! And of course our listeners and supporters for making Monero Talk possible!

Podcasts 🎧 :

iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/monero-talk/id1445930212 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/60lQ05X8lcuXv71fhi6hl7?si=SL2rlvDPS0q68169NlCrtQ

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LIVE at MoneroKon24 w/ Sterlin Lujan (MT 315)

TODAY'S 🎙SHOW: Douglas Tuman was LIVE at MoneroKon24 in Prague and interviewed Sterlin Lujan - a crypto-anarchist and contributor to the Logos Project.

Sterlin shares his background, including what led him to discover the ideas of anarchism and voluntaryism. He discusses his views on crypto-anarchism, the importance of privacy, and the potential for technologies like Monero to help people opt-out of state control.

Sterlin is optimistic that tools like Monero can gradually erode the power of the state through non-violent resistance and counter-economies. He also talks about the Logos Project, which aims to develop decentralized infrastructure for network states and autonomous political formations.

Watch Here (YouTube) ➡️ https://youtu.be/sjfwrVf27Ds Watch Here (Odysee) ➡️ https://odysee.com/@MoneroTalk:8/live-at-monerokon24-w-sterlin-lujan-epi:8 Listen Here 🎧: https://www.monerotalk.live/monerotalk-315

Coffee & Monero, Go to Gratuitas.org today!

Monerotopia23 confer vids: monerotopia.com/videos

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Thank you to sponsors, u/cakelabs and u/Stealthex_io as well as u/sunchakr for making these interviews possible! And of course our listeners and supporters for making Monero Talk possible!

Podcasts 🎧 :

iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/monero-talk/id1445930212 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/60lQ05X8lcuXv71fhi6hl7?si=SL2rlvDPS0q68169NlCrtQ

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LIVE at the Libertarian National Convention w/ The PholosopherX & Jack V. Lloyd (MT 314)

TODAY'S 🎙SHOW: Douglas Tuman was LIVE at the Libertarian National Convention and interviewed the Pholosopher and Jack V Lloyd, two liberty-focused content creators who produce music, videos, books, and comics.

They discuss their journey into voluntaryism and anarcho-capitalism, their views on government, and their support for privacy-focused technologies like Monero. Hear about their interest in potentially creating content to explain Monero.

Watch Here (YouTube) ➡️ https://youtu.be/9icd4p0Delc Watch Here (Odysee) ➡️ https://odysee.com/@MoneroTalk:8/live-at-the-libertarian-national-2:4 Listen Here 🎧: https://www.monerotalk.live/monerotalk-314

Coffee & Monero, Go to Gratuitas.org today!

Monerotopia23 confer vids: monerotopia.com/videos

FOLLOW US https://monero.town/u/monerotalk & https://mastodon.social/@monerotalk

Thank you to sponsors, u/cakelabs and u/Stealthex_io as well as u/sunchakr for making these interviews possible! And of course our listeners and supporters for making Monero Talk possible!

Podcasts 🎧 :

iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/monero-talk/id1445930212 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/60lQ05X8lcuXv71fhi6hl7?si=SL2rlvDPS0q68169NlCrtQ

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Live at the Libertarian National Convention w/ Chris Luchini (MT 313)

TODAY'S 🎙SHOW: Douglas Tuman was LIVE at the Libertarian National Convention with Chris Luchini, chairman of the New Mexico Libertarian Party.

Chris shares his experience working with Phil Zimmerman on encrypted voice communication technology in the 1990s. He also shows his interest in exploring Monero's privacy features and algorithm - acknowledging the need for truly anonymous digital cash.

They also discuss the traceability of Bitcoin and the potential for a nation-state to possibly crack Satoshi's key using supercomputers. Both agree on the need for privacy and anonymity in digital currencies like Monero.

Watch Here (YouTube) ➡️ https://youtu.be/_kEpie5VQXo Watch Here (Odysee) ➡️ https://odysee.com/@MoneroTalk:8/live-at-the-libertarian-national:c Listen Here 🎧: https://www.monerotalk.live/monerotalk-313

Coffee & Monero, Go to Gratuitas.org today!

Monerotopia23 confer vids: monerotopia.com/videos

FOLLOW US https://monero.town/u/monerotalk & https://mastodon.social/@monerotalk

Thank you to sponsors, u/cakelabs and u/Stealthex_io as well as u/sunchakr for making these interviews possible! And of course our listeners and supporters for making Monero Talk possible!

Podcasts 🎧 :

iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/monero-talk/id1445930212 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/60lQ05X8lcuXv71fhi6hl7?si=SL2rlvDPS0q68169NlCrtQ

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LIVE at the 2024 Libertarian National Convention w/ Dr. Bradley Rauch (MT 312)

TODAY'S 🎙SHOW: Douglas Tuman was LIVE at the Libertarian National Convention with Dr. Bradley Rauch, a physician and supporter and doctor of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s.

Dr. Rauch discusses his reasons for supporting Kennedy, including his belief that the country is moving towards totalitarianism and losing freedoms like free speech. He shares personal experiences of facing persecution for his views on topics like vaccines and COVID-19 protocols.

Dr. Rauch emphasizes the need for new leadership to restore integrity in the government. He also expresses support for cryptocurrency and digital cash like Monero as a means to maintain financial freedom and prevent government overreach.

Watch Here (YouTube) ➡️ https://youtu.be/PaX7Nwdv-sU Watch Here (Odysee) ➡️ https://odysee.com/@MoneroTalk:8/live-at-the-2024-libertarian-national:c Listen Here 🎧: https://www.monerotalk.live/monerotalk-312

Coffee & Monero, Go to Gratuitas.org today!

Monerotopia23 confer vids: monerotopia.com/videos

FOLLOW US https://monero.town/u/monerotalk & https://mastodon.social/@monerotalk

Thank you to sponsors, u/cakelabs and u/Stealthex_io as well as u/sunchakr for making these interviews possible! And of course our listeners and supporters for making Monero Talk possible!

Podcasts 🎧 :

iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/monero-talk/id1445930212 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/60lQ05X8lcuXv71fhi6hl7?si=SL2rlvDPS0q68169NlCrtQ

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Is Capital Flight into Monero Inevitable? W/ Cryptocomicon (MT 311)

TODAY'S 🎙SHOW: Douglas Tuman catches up with Cryptocomicon, a software developer who first appeared on Monero Talk in 2022.

The conversation revolves around Bitcoin and its scaling challenges, the emergence of Monero, and the impacts of these developments on the existing financial system. Hear about how Monero serves as a decentralized, private, and fungible alternative to traditional finance, facilitating peer-to-peer transactions without intermediaries.

They also explore the idea of capital flight into Monero as a means of wealth preservation amidst coming financial turmoil and government crackdowns.

Watch Here (YouTube) ➡️ https://youtu.be/CCS5FRJCM94 Watch Here (Odysee) ➡️ https://odysee.com/@MoneroTalk:8/is-capital-flight-into-monero-inevitable:d Listen Here 🎧: https://www.monerotalk.live/capital-flight-into-monero-inevitable-cryptocomicon-311

Coffee & Monero, Go to Gratuitas.org today!

Monerotopia23 confer vids: monerotopia.com/videos

FOLLOW US https://monero.town/u/monerotalk & https://mastodon.social/@monerotalk

Thank you to sponsors, u/cakelabs and u/Stealthex_io as well as u/sunchakr for making these interviews possible! And of course our listeners and supporters for making Monero Talk possible!

Podcasts 🎧 :

iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/monero-talk/id1445930212 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/60lQ05X8lcuXv71fhi6hl7?si=SL2rlvDPS0q68169NlCrtQ

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Privacy is Pro-National Security w/ J.W. Verret (MT 310)

TODAY'S 🎙SHOW:Douglas Tuman interviews J.W. Verret, a practicing lawyer and law professor at George Mason University.

J.W. discusses his role as an expert witness in the Roman Sterlingov trial, where he argued that Sterlingov could not have allegedly ran Bitcoin Fog. J.W. and Doug also talk about the implications of the government's recent overreach related to privacy and cryptocurrency technology by exploring the indictments against Tornado Cash and Samurai Wallet.

Hear about who in the US Congress are allies in the movement to normalize privacy and the potential hope Monero provides to resist increasing government infringement on privacy.

Watch Here (YouTube) ➡️ https://youtu.be/ZLJMyQ9dcOI Watch Here (Odysee) ➡️ https://odysee.com/@MoneroTalk:8/privacy-is-pro-national-security-w-j.w.:e Listen Here 🎧: https://www.monerotalk.live/privacy-is-pro-national-security-j-w-verret-310

Coffee & Monero, Go to Gratuitas.org today!

Monerotopia23 confer vids: monerotopia.com/videos

FOLLOW US https://monero.town/u/monerotalk & https://mastodon.social/@monerotalk

Thank you to sponsors, u/cakelabs and u/Stealthex_io as well as u/sunchakr for making these interviews possible! And of course our listeners and supporters for making Monero Talk possible!

Podcasts 🎧 :

iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/monero-talk/id1445930212 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/60lQ05X8lcuXv71fhi6hl7?si=SL2rlvDPS0q68169NlCrtQ

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submitted 2 months ago by monerotalk@monero.town to c/monero@monero.town

The Imminent Threat of CBDCs w/ Aaron Day (MT 309)

TODAY'S 🎙SHOW: Douglas Tuman interviews Aaron Day - an author, activist, and former presidential candidate. Aaron discusses the potential threat of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) and the need for decentralized alternatives.

He also covers the history and motivations behind the push for CBDCs and just how close we may be to seeing them implemented. They explore the challenges faced by existing cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin in terms of scalability, privacy, and resistance to government control.

The conversation highlights the importance of privacy-focused cryptocurrencies like Monero, to create a parallel economy as an alternative to CBDCs. They also discuss strategies for onboarding people to preserve individual liberties in the face of potential digital tyranny.

Watch Here (YouTube) ➡️ https://youtu.be/M1cy7opc6To Watch Here (Odysee) ➡️ https://odysee.com/@MoneroTalk:8/the-imminent-threat-of-cbdcs-w-aaron-day:e Listen Here 🎧: https://www.monerotalk.live/the-imminent-threat-of-cbdcs-aaron-day-309

Coffee & Monero, Go to Gratuitas.org today!

Monerotopia23 confer vids: monerotopia.com/videos

FOLLOW US https://monero.town/u/monerotalk & https://mastodon.social/@monerotalk

Thank you to sponsors, u/cakelabs and u/Stealthex_io as well as u/sunchakr for making these interviews possible! And of course our listeners and supporters for making Monero Talk possible!

Podcasts 🎧 :

iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/monero-talk/id1445930212 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/60lQ05X8lcuXv71fhi6hl7?si=SL2rlvDPS0q68169NlCrtQ

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submitted 2 months ago by monerotalk@monero.town to c/monero@monero.town

TODAY'S 🎙SHOW: In this episode Douglas Tuman interviews Luke Parker (aka "KayabaNerve”) as part of a Monerotopia segment. Normally we don’t publish the MoneroTopia special guest segments as a MoneroTalk, but this one is not to be missed!

Luke offers some mind bending insights into the development, implementation , and implications of Full Chain Membership Proofs (FCMPs). Luke describes what he sees as being the path toward implementing them into Monero prior to the Seraphis upgrade. They cover the potential timeline for implementation, with Luke aiming to have it ready within six months, and the possibility of presenting the completed work at the next Monerotopia conference!

Watch Here (YouTube) ➡️ https://youtu.be/hXy6IoZjqQM Watch Here (Odysee) ➡️https://odysee.com/@MoneroTalk:8/full-chain-membership-proofs-and-beyond:5 Listen Here 🎧: https://www.monerotalk.live/monerotalk-308

Coffee & Monero, Go to Gratuitas.org today!

Monerotopia23 confer vids: monerotopia.com/videos

FOLLOW US https://monero.town/u/monerotalk & https://mastodon.social/@monerotalk

Thank you to sponsors, u/cakelabs and u/Stealthex_io as well as u/sunchakr for making these interviews possible! And of course our listeners and supporters for making Monero Talk possible!

Podcasts 🎧 :

iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/monero-talk/id1445930212 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/60lQ05X8lcuXv71fhi6hl7?si=SL2rlvDPS0q68169NlCrtQ

If you enjoy our show please Subscribe, Like, Share, Rate our YouTube Channel & Podcasts. This will help us grow and spread Monero content!

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by monerotalk@monero.town to c/monero@monero.town

TODAY'S 🎙SHOW: In part two of Douglas Tuman’s interview with Andrey starts with a discussion about cryptonote white paper author, Nicolas van Saberhagen, aka the Satoshi of Monero, and his potential thoughts on Monero and Zano and what he may think about how the CryptoNote protocol has evolved since inventing it.

The conversation delves into Zano's confidential assets feature and use cases such as creating a privacy-focused stable coin and decentralized bridges for exchanging assets from other blockchains. They also cover regulatory challenges and the project developments that make Monero and Zano censorship-resistant.

Watch Here (YouTube) ➡️ https://youtu.be/oz1vMN7JSds Watch Here (Odysee) ➡️ https://odysee.com/@MoneroTalk:8/part-ii-of-the-future-of-zano-the:2 Listen Here 🎧: https://www.monerotalk.live/monerotalk-306-2

Coffee & Monero, Go to Gratuitas.org today!

Monerotopia23 confer vids: monerotopia.com/videos

FOLLOW US https://monero.town/u/monerotalk & https://mastodon.social/@monerotalk

Thank you to sponsors, u/cakelabs and u/Stealthex_io as well as u/sunchakr for making these interviews possible! And of course our listeners and supporters for making Monero Talk possible!

Podcasts 🎧 :

iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/monero-talk/id1445930212 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/60lQ05X8lcuXv71fhi6hl7?si=SL2rlvDPS0q68169NlCrtQ

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submitted 3 months ago by monerotalk@monero.town to c/monero@monero.town

TODAY'S 🎙SHOW: In part one of this two part episode, Douglas Tuman interviews Andrey Sabelnikov (aka Zoidberg) who worked alongside cryptonote inventor Nicolas Van Saberhagen as the lead developer of the first implementation of the Cryptonote protocol and who went on to create Zano —which can most simply be categorized as a privacy coin version of Ethereum.

Andrey discusses the recent breakthrough enhancements Zano has implemented with its most recent hardfork, Zarcanum. They discuss many new concepts related to Monero and Zano including the concept of confidential assets and private proof-of-stake consensus, and the bold claim that Monero will one day become proof of stake. Andrey even mentions recent conversations with Nicolas Van Saberhagen regarding his take on proof of stake and Monero in general.

Watch Here (YouTube) ➡️ https://youtu.be/kPgDU3peHa8 Watch Here (Odysee) ➡️ https://odysee.com/@MoneroTalk:8/the-future-of-zano-and-the-cryptonote:5 Listen Here 🎧: https://www.monerotalk.live/monerotalk-306

Coffee & Monero, Go to Gratuitas.org today!

Monerotopia23 confer vids: monerotopia.com/videos

FOLLOW US https://monero.town/u/monerotalk & https://mastodon.social/@monerotalk

Thank you to sponsors, u/cakelabs and u/Stealthex_io as well as u/sunchakr for making these interviews possible! And of course our listeners and supporters for making Monero Talk possible!

Podcasts 🎧 :

iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/monero-talk/id1445930212 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/60lQ05X8lcuXv71fhi6hl7?si=SL2rlvDPS0q68169NlCrtQ

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submitted 3 months ago by monerotalk@monero.town to c/monero@monero.town

TODAY'S 🎙SHOW: Douglas Tuman interviews Vasili, a software developer from Helsinki, who has developed an application called CryptoPoll that utilizes the ring signature concept from Monero.

The application aims to enable anonymous voting, surveys, and whistleblowing by leveraging the privacy features of ring signatures. Vasili demonstrates how it works and explores potential use cases for CryptoPoll.

Watch Here (YouTube) ➡️ https://youtu.be/83ygMo5Ml4M Watch Here (Odysee) ➡️ https://odysee.com/@MoneroTalk:8/ring-signatures-for-secure-online-voting:9 Listen Here 🎧: https://www.monerotalk.live/monerotalk-305

Coffee & Monero, Go to Gratuitas.org today!

Monerotopia23 confer vids: monerotopia.com/videos

FOLLOW US https://monero.town/u/monerotalk & https://mastodon.social/@monerotalk

Thank you to sponsors, u/cakelabs and u/Stealthex_io as well as u/sunchakr for making these interviews possible! And of course our listeners and supporters for making Monero Talk possible!

Podcasts 🎧 :

iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/monero-talk/id1445930212 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/60lQ05X8lcuXv71fhi6hl7?si=SL2rlvDPS0q68169NlCrtQ

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