Still seeing this one currently.
This was a very expensive post for me - because I just went and bought like 7 albums.
Thank you so much for sharing it!
Always wild to see TechMoan stuff "in the wild" as it were. It seems so niche, but I guess that just means I need to follow this sub :D
I had a listen to AJJ, what a fun dude :) Good ol' Guthrie style folk. I appreciated it a lot.
I have not! That I gotta go look for :) Been really into punk and metal lately for like... obvious societal reasons. Alien Weaponry, Bloodywood, Raised Under Regan, Resistant Culture, Nechochwen, Xibalba, Bad Religion
I like System of a Down quite a lot, actually :D, excellent suggestion
Dude, that blows. I'm sorry to hear that :(
Oh, ok. Sorry, I don't know how to use either of those. You'll need to reach out to them on that one.
They really did bring the reddit vibe :D
To interject a bit, as both an original pebble and current re-pebble backer who also has tried most of the other watches (no-name chinese ones and samsung) The no-name ones actually aren't bad. But none of them have anywhere near the build quality - which is frankly a bit shocking. They also have nowhere near the interoperability - I can (and did) crank out faces and apps for my pebble to suit my own personal use case. That's possible with some of the big-name ones (like the Samsung), but certainly not the chinese knockoff ones.
So for me, personally, having effectively a backup to my time steel is a good deal and I'm down for it. I'd actually prefer nothing else about it change much - aside from going to normal lugs. The weirdo ones are why I still am using the same slightly ratty band all these years later.
Does the pebble app show your current watch face as active?
I'll be sure to check them out :)