[-] masterspace@lemmy.ca 6 points 2 days ago

Because usually if you end up at the API reference in that situation it's a code / project smell that other stuff is going wrong.

If I want to use a library to do something, you should be able to search for what you want to do + language / framework, find the library's docs, follow the install instructions and then look through the highest level API / instructions and then just go from there.

If you find yourself confused at unhelpful API references that just means that they have badly written top level API docs, badly written intros, or quite probably just badly written APIs.

[-] masterspace@lemmy.ca 9 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

The fact that the Liberals are losing isn't that surprising, but the fact that a no-plan, know-nothing dipshit like PP seems to be winning is.

Not paying attention to housing costs is really really going to have fucked this country over if he gets into power.

[-] masterspace@lemmy.ca 4 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

It goes against the simplified idea of evolution, in that, having a huge amount of off-spring die for no reason should generally be selected against since it's wasteful.

But evolution isn't a straight march to a finish line, it can only use what it has to work with and it's entirely possible for a branch of it to get stuck in weird specific ways that aren't helpful.

[-] masterspace@lemmy.ca 132 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

I feel like Sony did a Sony here.

I'm old enough to remember when Sony shipped 22 million malware infested CDs because they were worried about Napster.

submitted 2 months ago by masterspace@lemmy.ca to c/canada@lemmy.ca

The federal New Democrats backed Conservative demands Wednesday that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau take part in a televised "emergency meeting" on carbon pricing with Canada's premiers.

The federal carbon price is not the "be-all, end-all" of climate policy, and New Democrats are open to alternative plans presented by premiers, NDP environment critic Laurel Collins said Wednesday.

[-] masterspace@lemmy.ca 140 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

PSA: Once this rolls out into the actual downloadable Windows builds, everyone should be able to do this by reinstalling Windows.

European Economic Area PCs

As noted above, some functionality is only available in the EEA. Windows uses the region chosen by the customer during device setup to identify if the PC is in the EEA. Once chosen in device setup, the region used for DMA compliance can only be changed by resetting the PC.

[-] masterspace@lemmy.ca 165 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

If it's shockingly easy to produce then just do it and then you can write a declarative headline that doesn't need to use the word "could". If you can't then I'm guessing it's not that shockingly easy.

[-] masterspace@lemmy.ca 144 points 7 months ago

Honest to god, EU regulators feel like the last bastion of sanity left.

[-] masterspace@lemmy.ca 159 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

What a fucking joke.

A 1 year prison sentence for an attempted terrorist attack? WTF IS WRONG WITH LITERALLY EVERYONE IN THIS STORY? How is everyone talking about this like the guy made a racist joke, and should be forgiven just cause he's old, and not like he literally just tried to murder 6 people because of their race?

Jesus Christ.

[-] masterspace@lemmy.ca 72 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

It's a stupid article that didn't deserve reposting.

Zelensky is obviously going to take Israel's side, since Israel might actually provide Ukraine with weapons, aid, or intelligence, whereas Hamas will provide Ukraine with nothing and is aligned with Iran who are actively supplying Russia with the drones that are murdering them.

But yeah, from an analagous standpoint, Israel would be Russia who has illegally occupied the land of Palestine, and this is roughly the equivalent of Ukraine striking back at Russia in Russia's territory, though there certainly seem like far far more civilian casualties than in any of Ukraine's operations, at the same time Palestinians are also far more desperate and have face decades and decades of oppression, conditions likely to foster extremism.

[-] masterspace@lemmy.ca 82 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

to create 'smoke-free' generation

Of course, not counting the smoke, ash, and other toxic oxidized chemicals that will be kicked up by gas and diesel vehicles with his scrapping the HS2 Manchester line. What a fucking idiot. "Oh no, we brexited ourselves so hard that we're poor now and can't afford to build infrastructure that would stand to enrich multiple cities for hundreds of years!"

Such classic smooth brained thatcherite conservatives. It's mind numbing that people keep voting for them.

[-] masterspace@lemmy.ca 89 points 9 months ago

I don't know why people are clowning this, pay 10M for one military grade truck or pay 10m for 200 civilian grade trucks that can have inherent camouflage...

[-] masterspace@lemmy.ca 172 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

The most important traits for doing well at work (in this order):

  • clear, effective, and efficient communication
  • taking ownership of problems
  • having your boss and team members like you on a personal level
  • competence at your tasks
submitted 11 months ago by masterspace@lemmy.ca to c/ontario@lemmy.ca
submitted 11 months ago by masterspace@lemmy.ca to c/canada@lemmy.ca
submitted 11 months ago by masterspace@lemmy.ca to c/canada@lemmy.ca
submitted 11 months ago by masterspace@lemmy.ca to c/toronto@lemmy.ca
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