[-] lseif@sopuli.xyz 1 points 3 days ago

its referring to images and recordings of space. there are hundreds of pictures of other galaxies, in remarkable definition, but no images of most of the ocean floor. we know more about what is actually out there, as well as what the planets and stars are made of, how far away they are, how they interact with each other, etc. we can know about something without physically visiting it

[-] lseif@sopuli.xyz 1 points 3 days ago

but that doesnt make the 'factoid' any less true...

[-] lseif@sopuli.xyz 12 points 5 days ago

because its a fucking swear word

[-] lseif@sopuli.xyz 55 points 2 months ago

what the hell did he do to piss off a deck ? did he expose it to the sun without regular maintenance ?

[-] lseif@sopuli.xyz 54 points 3 months ago

But does she condemn Hamas??

[-] lseif@sopuli.xyz 122 points 4 months ago

how to automatically kill orphans.

[-] lseif@sopuli.xyz 54 points 5 months ago


[-] lseif@sopuli.xyz 67 points 6 months ago

ignores engineering and construction cost. but we can assume that all people involved would work for free, because its a massive honour

[-] lseif@sopuli.xyz 53 points 6 months ago

no ones running linux mint on a server, and most consumers wont run debian or whatever. the point of different distros is different target audiences.

[-] lseif@sopuli.xyz 68 points 6 months ago

its a dangerous virus known as 'Linux' which can completely replace your precious Windows installation! be careful, there is a lot of propaganda pushing free (as in communism) software

[-] lseif@sopuli.xyz 71 points 6 months ago

if u ever get a tricky merge conflict, just git push --force. this automatically works out the right code to keep (your own)

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