[-] los_chill@programming.dev 46 points 3 months ago

Andy that's genocide.

[-] los_chill@programming.dev 123 points 3 months ago

Good thing the board folded and allowed this to be full for-profit. Getting people reliant on LLM subscriptions is super important for humanity right now.

Another L for Earth, in general.

[-] los_chill@programming.dev 46 points 4 months ago

Stevie is the perfect way to deflect but still be direct. "We love Stevie and would like to contribute to his recovery."

Wish we all had neighbors like you.

[-] los_chill@programming.dev 55 points 4 months ago

"Credible"... Can you define that Mr. DeSantis?

[-] los_chill@programming.dev 56 points 4 months ago

Test strips. PSA: Everyone should test their drugs and carry narcan.

[-] los_chill@programming.dev 39 points 5 months ago

If a word can selectively trigger only the shittiest subset of a population, I'd say that is a pretty effective word. 'Woke' is an amazing word simply because the more someone hates the word, the more I know about them.

[-] los_chill@programming.dev 72 points 5 months ago

Sounds like they built a neural network model and used deep learning to predict what molecules would be effective against drug-resistant bacteria. "AI" as a headline needs to be thrown out the window. We really need to start calling this technology what it is, lest people continue to think this was done by a large language model or a gpt.

[-] los_chill@programming.dev 47 points 6 months ago

What indications do you see of "too much AI safety?" I am struggling to see any meaningful, legally robust, or otherwise cohesive AI safety whatsoever.

[-] los_chill@programming.dev 51 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

Altman wanted profit. Board prioritized (rightfully, and to their mission) responsible, non-profit care of AI. Employees now side with Altman out of greed and view the board as denying them their mega payday. Microsoft dangling jobs for employees wanting to jump ship and make as much money possible. This whole thing seems pretty simple: greed (Altman, Microsoft, employees) vs the original non-profit mission (the board).

Edit: spelling

[-] los_chill@programming.dev 86 points 6 months ago

Trumpite replacement candidates have been losing close congressional seats to Democratic challengers so this may open up some pathways to retaking a majority.

[-] los_chill@programming.dev 77 points 11 months ago

Very refreshing take on it. The cynicism about whether the protests were 'worth it' because we didn't see massive results felt like it missed all the fun of giving the greedy corporation the collective finger.

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