
joined 4 days ago

Guess I'll be the first one besides the owner to post here lol.

How's everybody doing as of late?

[–] lonerock377101@lemm.ee 2 points 11 hours ago* (last edited 11 hours ago) (1 children)

What do you mean exactly? I'm very confused by that lol, somethings probably flying right over my head, but I don't see why you'd need to disclose any personal information to start something.

[–] lonerock377101@lemm.ee 2 points 11 hours ago (1 children)

Hey there! Yes please, I'd deeply appreciate that! And thank you for the effort of all this, I'll go check it out right now!

I also heard there's a community here called "communitypromo" or something that people sometimes refer to, maybe try posting there and see if it helps attract more people to your community? No clue how effective it is though, but can't hurt to try I guess!

[–] lonerock377101@lemm.ee 2 points 14 hours ago

The mental image of all of you in a room, sitting on the ground, arms crossed, and backs turned to each other is killing me 💀💀💀

[–] lonerock377101@lemm.ee 2 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Oh damn, an old school internet forum? Is that one any good?

I get you, but there just doesn't seem to be much of a crowd here for anything but politics and tech in the first place, same for the whole of the fediverse tbh, the few people that have tried hosting more "normie" communities here on lemmy always fizzle out, I saw a community where it's just one person posting by themselves and at most they get a few comments and that's about it, most of the time they don't get anything beyond some upvotes and downvotes, things don't seem to go anywhere here unless your preaching to the existing choir, so not sure how I or you would be any different in that regard, this is the only mental health/safe space community on here that's even remotely populated and it's not even close to the amount of the tech and political stuff.

If people here cared about this stuff then I think some of them would've already tried all of this, wouldn't they? Again the few that've tried fizzle out very quickly and move on, people here seem generally content with things as they to the detriment of us causals trying to escape the usual social media platforms, not many "normies" here it seems, so no idea how you'd even get a ball rolling when there's no audience for it here beyond like, maybe 4 people or something at best lol.

It's a chicken and the egg sorta situation, there's not many active normal communities here because there's not many normal people around, and because of that no normal person will want to come here unless they literally have no choice, and so you get an echo chamber of like, 2 topics and not much else, with an audience that's totally fine with that but puts normies off even more as a result, so how exactly do you break that cycle? Copy and pasting open ended questions somewhere here might not do anything if there's no one around interested in it in the first place, I'm a nobody so I don't know much about how to go about this exactly, this stuffs beyond my capabilities, but so far mastodon was the closest we got to something niche turning mainstream, and even then it didn't really go anywhere for long before people just ended up flocking to bluesky if they even bothered leaving twitter, people already know what they want and want to only stay with that, very difficult to overcome or change that it seems.

Though don't get me wrong with all this rambling, not against it at all obviously by my presence here alone, I'd love to stick on lemmy and actually use it as a viable alternative to reddit (I'm hoping for it infact). You can go for it if you want, I'm not objecting, just being honest and saying that it's an uphill battle from my perspective as someone looking at all of this from a causal perspective, so personally I'd rather just be in preexisting groups and communities then play the long "host a community about a very neglected topic and hope people give a damn" game in a niche environment that already has it's priorities set, don't think I have that energy in me tbh, also, I feel like it's a bad idea for a "mentally ill" person to be in a leading/authority role, but that's just me. I envy those who managed to catch the train and into those private support groups, cause this sucks out here, goddamn...

[–] lonerock377101@lemm.ee 3 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (3 children)

Hey there, thanks for the reply. Either is fine honestly, or both, whatevers out there these days that doesn't suck. Though that one is completely dead unfortunately, no activity on it.

There's barely anything here on lemmy from browsing around for a while tbh, so I'll take anything else outside of it if possible or if anyone knows anything.

I'm assuming by that last statement that you don't know anything personally? Or are you implying that there's legit just nothing out there anymore if you don't already have your group?


I know people can get weirdly hostile with others getting banned and needing help but, please don't be overly harsh for at least a second, I'm being completely honest and genuine here, otherwise I wouldn't be posting this.

Very sorry if this isn't the place for this, please bear with me as reddit also keeps suspending and deleting my accounts (so can't go there for help, very cool of you reddit 🙃), and tumblr email support hasn't gotten back to me so, nowhere to go for help, these platforms have been really ban happy lately so I'm kinda locked out of most online places now adays. I miss the old internet man, this fucking sucks...

I'll try my best to be as detailed as possible to demonstrate good faith:

I legitimately have no idea what's going on, I haven't been given a warning, an email, anything at all for me to go off of, I very seldom use Tumblr and only posted like, once or twice on there from time to time? (So definitely not spam...) I wasn't reported or anything as far as I know, didn't violate any rules either, didn't do anything crazy compared to the literal porn bots flooding the place without restriction or the fully NSFW profiles on there that can just exist apparently (so if it's "your being too naughty" then that's definitely not it either, I was being far tamer then some of the stuff I've seen on there, though I'm getting mixed signals with tumblr on that, the platform can't seem to decide whether or not it's okay with adults existing or what, it's not fun to navigate if you ask me lol), so I'm very much in the dark here, your guess is as good as mine.

I've emailed support, got nothing, followed up with them, and boom: termination, no explanation or anything, no responses, nothin', found out by accident, same as reddit's bullshit. Apparently others are also experiencing this? Automated systems being poopy at their jobs and randomly flagging people that aren't even bots or malicious, and this has been going on for years it seems so, that fucking sucks, skeleton crew much? How do y'all survive that? 💀

My email didn't get blocked, tumblr sends me a "email request received" when I email them, so not an issue with my email. Not an issue with a VPN either as, again, everything was fine for a while, then suddenly got double whammed with a shadowban and termination out of the blue. Shadowban happened a few days after I made a post, wasn't instant, and the termination as soon as I followed up with support, so like, did they really not want me to email them again after a week and a half of nothing? No clue otherwise, again - nothing clear cut here for me to work off of, stuffs just happening out of nowhere.

Still wanted to be transparent incase something about my case was weird, mind you I'm not very familiar with tumblr culture or anything, so apologies if I should've known some things beforehand. If anyone can help, please do, message me and I'll share my username on there or whatever helps, until then I guess I'll wait for a month or something, and if they don't respond then I'll say my goodbyes to that platform and move on.

Though quick side question: when an account gets terminated, does everything get deleted with it? Is the username permanently gone as well? Is some stuff logged? What would happen if I make another account later on? Would they just instantly terminate it too? Or is all of that a mystery? Just asking.


Seen a few links here and there for private C-PTSD discord/signal/matrix/etc groups, but most of the links I've found are dead. Seems to be a "you gotta know a guy that knows a guy" sort of schtick, so anybody here know anything? There's nothing here for heavier stuff on lemmy, and all the public stuff everywhere else sucks, so anything is appreciated, thanks.


This place seems completely dead, but still gonna shoot a shot and see if anyone pops up. Anyone here? How are y'all?


Trying to move away from reddit and find equivalents to stuff like r/cptsd, r/suicidewatch, r/depression, r/misanthropy, etc. on here, but so far I haven't found anything that isn't either dead or inactive. Does anyone know of anything? Preferably something welcoming and non toxic, thanks.