[-] lemmefixdat4u@lemmy.world 30 points 1 week ago

Install a bike alarm inside the seat tube. They're hard to defeat without tools. Mine alternately flashes bright blue and red light strips epoxied to the frame. In California, that's a guaranteed police stop (blue lights are only allowed on law enforcement vehicles), plus it makes everyone look at the thief. There's also a relay that shorts out the motor, making it a bitch to pedal. If that and the 120 dB alarm doesn't stop them, 30 seconds later two metal strips under the seat fabric get powered from a 55 kV mosquito zapper circuit.

[-] lemmefixdat4u@lemmy.world 19 points 4 weeks ago

Use bug bomb(s) first to kill the existing spiders. Then apply permethrin diluted with water to a 0.5% solution, spraying at all entry paths to the garage, edges, and dark areas.

The idea is to not just prevent spiders from returning. It's also to deprive them of a reason to return by removing their food supply. Permethrin is a wide-spectrum insecticide and repellant. It has very low toxicity to humans, most mammals, and birds. Not good around cats or fish. It has good persistence (6-8 weeks).

[-] lemmefixdat4u@lemmy.world 19 points 1 month ago

Her base may not care, but she can't win an election with only the votes from her base. Moderates and independents do care and make the difference in who wins.

[-] lemmefixdat4u@lemmy.world 18 points 2 months ago

Most of us still have the pandemic quarantine fresh in our mind. What if the next pandemic is something deadly, like airborne ebola? You may need several months of food. 200 lbs of beans, 300 lbs of rice, 160 lbs of sugar, 300 lbs of corn flour, etc.. All vacuum sealed in 5 lb mylar bags with oxygen and moisture scavenging packs, stored inside sealed steel garbage cans to keep out the rodents. The bags are numbered. Certain bags contain poisonous substances, and should not be eaten. So if they're taken by force, karma will be a bitch.

Don't wait. I got everything for under $500 by purchasing wholesale from overstock warehouses. Had to dip into it once a few years back when we were snowed in for two weeks, so it's not just for the zombie apocalypse. Stay away from canned goods unless you're very good at rotating inventory. Most only have a two year shelf life before the flavor will go "off". If they do spoil and you eat them, there might not be any medical services.

Speaking of medical, hit up your local feed store for some antibiotics. They're much cheaper than the human variety and don't require a prescription. Print out what each is good for and required dosage. They'll last for several years past the expiration date if you keep them in a cool place. A triage kit is another essential, and learn how to use it.

Finally, learn what edible plants grow in your area. You may be surprised at how many "weeds" can be eaten. They can help round out your diet.

[-] lemmefixdat4u@lemmy.world 27 points 2 months ago

So glad this guy got kicked out. The fact that it took so long makes me want to kick out the corrupt politicians who supported him as well.

[-] lemmefixdat4u@lemmy.world 20 points 2 months ago

For those who are confused by what we mean by "free training", read this article:


[-] lemmefixdat4u@lemmy.world 26 points 3 months ago

The real question is - how is Putin going to funnel the money to him?

[-] lemmefixdat4u@lemmy.world 26 points 4 months ago

Probably because in a real racing seat there's a harness to keep you from slouching. I used to have terrible lower back issues with a Recaro bucket seat I converted for a desk chair. Never had a problem with it driving for hours when it was in my car (may it rest in pieces). Then it dawned on me that the seatbelt was maintaining my posture. Added a lap belt and the back problems abated.

[-] lemmefixdat4u@lemmy.world 27 points 4 months ago

Balut - partially developed chicken or duck embryos. It's served a number of ways, but the one that turned my stomach was boiled in the shell and served like a soft-boiled egg. Watched my Filipino friend eat it. He scooped the whole thing into his mouth and when he bit down, the body cavity of the embryo ruptured, causing the entrails to pop out of his mouth. Then he slurped them back in like spaghetti. That's about when I refilled the beer pitcher with my puke.

Surströmming - fermented herring. Looks like rotten fish. Smells like rotten fish. Tastes like...well I don't know. All I can tell you is it was salty, but beyond that all I tasted was vomit. Watching a neophyte eating it will usually treat you to the sound of gagging, followed by vomiting. Maybe your own, since the smell is truly pervasive.

[-] lemmefixdat4u@lemmy.world 19 points 5 months ago

I understand the danger of revealing trans status. I also understand that it can be even more dangerous to be discovered as trans after a relationship develops with a partner who is violently transphobic. Back in the 80's I was in the Navy. One of the guys on my ship was arrested for attempted murder. The woman he was dating didn't reveal she was trans and he found out when they became intimate. He threw her off a second story balcony after beating her.

My question is why anyone would want to initiate a relationship with another person unless their prospective partner was accepting of them? I'd at least bring up the subject in an indirect manner to judge their response.

[-] lemmefixdat4u@lemmy.world 23 points 6 months ago

I love my bidet. Since the bidet came into my life I feel unclean after using a non-bidet toilet, even after using wet wipes. Imagine never having monkey-butt (an itchy asshole}. No more skid marks either.

Others have described the normal use of a bidet. I'm here to tell you about advanced bidet techniques. The first is learning the mini enema. You need a bidet with a water jet nozzle. Position yourself so the jet hits the bullseye. Slowly raise the water pressure until it starts filling your rectum with water. This is the hard part - relax. Your initial response will be to clinch shut the ol' brown eye. When full, turn off the water and let loose in the bowl. Repeat as needed. This cleanses the rectum and prevents those times when you feel like there's still some poop up inside that won't come out (because there is). It also prevents anal leakage that produces butt butter.

Once you've mastered the mini enema, you can use the technique to battle constipation. Squirt some water in that stuffed up bunghole, fill up, hold it in, stand up, then sit down and enjoy the relief.

It also provides immediate relief from a burning irritated bowel caused by eating Atomic Hot Wings from Wingstop.

Finally, the feminine wash setting is not just for women! After a sweaty workout where you don't have time for a proper shower, use it to wash your balls. That prevents itchy balls and the embarrassment of being caught scratching them.

[-] lemmefixdat4u@lemmy.world 21 points 11 months ago

Simple solution. Get DNS66 from the F-droid site (not the Play Store version that wants a subscription). That takes care of the ads in all my apps. It inserts itself like a VPN, filtering all Internet traffic, blocking the ad servers.

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