Not my blog, just sharing it here.

That said, I don't see that broken rectangle on Chromium.

What is PID 0? (


I am pleased to announce a new version of my Linux Command Line Computing ebook.

This ebook aims to teach Linux command line tools and Shell Scripting for beginner to intermediate level users. The main focus is towards managing your files and performing text processing tasks. Plenty of examples are provided to make it easier to understand a particular tool and its various features. There are 200+ exercises to help you practice what you've learned and solutions are provided for reference. I hope this ebook would make it easier for you to discover CLI tools, features and learning resources.


I would highly appreciate it if you'd let me know how you felt about this book. It could be anything from a simple thank you, pointing out a typo, mistakes in code snippets, which aspects of the book worked for you (or didn't!) and so on. Reader feedback is essential and especially so for self-published authors.

Happy learning :)

[-] 9 points 4 weeks ago

oxipng, pngquant and svgcleaner for optimizing images

auto-editor for removing silent portions from video recordings

How terminal works (
How To Make Good Small Games (

Let me know your feedback, especially if you haven't learned awk yet!

[-] 22 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

As per the manual, "Mappings are set up to work like most click-and-type editors" - which is best suited with GUI Vim.

While Vim doesn't make sense to use without the modes, there are plugins like!

[-] 8 points 4 months ago

Bobiverse by Dennis E. Taylor is a fun and easy read

[-] 11 points 8 months ago

+1 for Cradle already mentioned. I'd add

  • The Riyria Revelations by Michael J. Sullivan
  • Kings of the Wyld by Nicholas Eames
[-] 7 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)
alias a='alias'

a c='clear'
a p='pwd'
a e='exit'
a q='exit'

a h='history | tail -n20'
# turn off history, use 'set -o history' to turn it on again
a so='set +o history'

a b1='cd ../'
a b2='cd ../../'
a b3='cd ../../../'
a b4='cd ../../../../'
a b5='cd ../../../../../'

a ls='ls --color=auto'
a l='ls -ltrhG'
a la='l -A'
a vi='gvim'
a grep='grep --color=auto'

# open and source aliases
a oa='vi ~/.bash_aliases'
a sa='source ~/.bash_aliases'

# sort file/directory sizes in current directory in human readable format
a s='du -sh -- * | sort -h'

# save last command from history to a file
# tip, add a comment to end of command before saving, ex: ls --color=auto # colored ls output
a sl='fc -ln -1 | sed "s/^\s*//" >> ~/.saved_commands.txt'
# short-cut to grep that file
a slg='< ~/.saved_commands.txt grep'

# change ascii alphabets to unicode bold characters
a ascii2bold="perl -Mopen=locale -Mutf8 -pe 'tr/a-zA-Z/๐—ฎ-๐˜‡๐—”-๐—ญ/'"

### functions
# 'command help' for command name and single option - ex: ch ls -A
# see for a better script version
ch() { whatis $1; man $1 | sed -n "/^\s*$2/,/^$/p" ; }

# add path to filename(s)
# usage: ap file1 file2 etc
ap() { for f in "$@"; do echo "$PWD/$f"; done; }

# simple case-insensitive file search based on name
# usage: fs name
# remove '-type f' if you want to match directories as well
fs() { find -type f -iname '*'"$1"'*' ; }

# open files with default application, don't print output/error messages
# useful for opening docs, pdfs, images, etc from command line
o() { xdg-open "$@" &> /dev/null ; }

# if unix2dos and dos2unix commands aren't available by default
unix2dos() { sed -i 's/$/\r/' "$@" ; }
dos2unix() { sed -i 's/\r$//' "$@" ; }
[-] 23 points 10 months ago

See also:

[-] 8 points 10 months ago

If you don't mind sci-fi: Red Rising by Pierce Brown

And there's the classic The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas

[-] 9 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

I start my search string with stackoverflow as a workaround.

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