I'm 31, in my defense I was exhausted on tuesday...
Holy smokes I never realized this intended behaviour, but of couse it is...
I'v shifted from preferring texting/email to literally only ever making phone calls. Fuck email. Fuck friday email bombardment.
I'd imagine rm
has easily caused the most destruction.
You are mixing him up with Apetor. Apetor was a norwegian dude making ice skating videos where he would swim and drink vodka. Very feel goody videos despite the alcohol. ~~He died due to cancer some years ago.~~ Nope, he actually died falling through ice while making a video.
This guy is Talahasseessahallat. Finnish alcoholic/mental health case with multiple evictions due to him trashing apartments in drunken rage. In Finland we have this concept "rappiotubetus" or "rappiotubettaja" which would translate to decadent youtube and decadent youtuber. Rappio doesn't translate very well, I would describe it mostly as all the worst parts of decadence. Drunken rage, making a fool out of yourself, drug use. General degradation and ruin of human life. These people sustain these habits by livestreaming on youtube/twitch.
You don't want to know...
People really play this many games in a month? Even when I played a lot I mostly focused on very few games.
Otin avoimesta yliopistosta pari kurssia ja tänään sain luentotallenteet katseltua. Huomenna jos saisi aloitettua tai tehtyä esseitä. On tullut nyt stäkkäiltyä kuvia sammalista, voisi huomenna taas tehdä pari.
Koiralla on jalassa joku kipeänä ja maanantaina eläinlääkäri niin pitää senkin peräön katsoa.
Lived on a rural farm most of my life and never had issues with mice in bread boxes.
Makes sense for beans? I only recall very small bags of beans here in Finland. Other than that its only cans and boxes. Peas you can buy in pretty big bags though..
Definitely doing my part on that front.