
joined 3 days ago
[–] klu9@lemmy.ca 2 points 3 hours ago (1 children)

I'm new to the fediverse and can't access the link.

I'm on pixelfed.ca and logged in, but the link demands that I log into an account on pixtagram.social. (I also did a global search for "punk rock history" but it doesn't show up.)

Is there a way I can see it without creating a pixtagram.social account?


Found this in Windows 93!

Babylon 5

The station

              A   A   A
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   ~    ~~\--| |-| |-|~|---___-------___---/==\__/'     Mariposa
             | | | | | |                            mr.bob@garlic.com
             | | | | | |
              V   V   V                                            O-

Omega Class Destroyer 
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Felix Roy Mariposa
EA Dreadnuaght

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Felix Roy Mariposa
EA Cruiser (The Hyperion) 

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Felix Roy Mariposa
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Artist:                                 Posted By:
carter@teleport.com (Chris Carter)      mr.bob@garlic.com (FRM)
            B  A  B_^Y^^L  O  N
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Ambassodor Londo Mollari

 HHHHHHHHHHHHHH%%%%:::H|: ~~~~----- -      ------  |:::%%%%HHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
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  /:   _)%%%%%'.--.    |:.      :(.     .)\      : |
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[–] klu9@lemmy.ca 1 points 4 hours ago

I can't wait until Half-Life 3 finishes loading!

[–] klu9@lemmy.ca 2 points 4 hours ago

You're welcome. I only learned of it myself a few weeks ago.

[–] klu9@lemmy.ca 1 points 5 hours ago* (last edited 5 hours ago)

Thanks for this!

  • "Man, the energy! The speed! YES, YES, YEEEESSSS!"
  • "Wait... is that Communication Breakdown?... I love it!"

Only discovered D.O.A. a few years ago (thanks to the posts of Vancouverite Philip Random on Metafilter), first time listening to the whole album.

Kind of fun then finally watching some old Vancouver-shot Stephen J. Cannell shows on free streaming, and seeing Wiseguy's Ken Wahl standing in a phone box making a call with a big old D.O.A. poster right by his head.

Maybe time for a drinking game: drink every time you see a D.O.A. or nomeansno poster, flyer or sticker in a Stephen J. Cannell show. (Resulting in Dutch courage to finally smash the state?)

[–] klu9@lemmy.ca 0 points 6 hours ago

Please don't mock her personal tragedeigh.

[–] klu9@lemmy.ca 1 points 6 hours ago

On a bright note, leopards' CITES conservation status has been upgraded from VU (vulnerable) to LC (Least Concern).

[–] klu9@lemmy.ca 2 points 6 hours ago

More typical unnecessary gubbmint regulation keeping down the laser pointer industry!

[–] klu9@lemmy.ca 1 points 6 hours ago

We already saw the cognitive dissonance of people gurgling the last words "COVID's a liberal hoax" as they drowned to death on their own bodily fluids filling their lungs. Literally no amount of reality can sway people who just won't accept it.

[–] klu9@lemmy.ca 3 points 6 hours ago

"Personally, I'da gone with Tabasco, but if they prefer to sprinkle Sriracha on my face before digging in, I have to respect their decision."

[–] klu9@lemmy.ca 7 points 6 hours ago

"I can respectfully disagree with their exact method of eating my face and still support all their goals... of eating my face."


Using Linux Mint 22.1 Xfce. cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ca/post/40243032

New to Lemmy.

And new to workspaces. I'd get confused at first which workspace I was on.

Different backgrounds helped a bit, but I'm almost always in maximized windows.

I wanted to have different colours for windows, panel etc but couldn't.

So I adjusted panel opacity to 95% on Enter, 75% on Leave. That allows the background colour to bleed through.

A user on the Linux Mint forums suggested adjusting workspace margins to let the background show even when windows are maximized.

So now I have an 8-pixel strip of desktop showing just above the panel. Combined with the lowered panel opacity, I never have to wondr anymore what workspace I'm on.

  • Workspace [1/2/3] with windows minimized.
  • Workspace [1/2/3] with window maximized, panel at "Leave" opacity of 95%.
  • Workspace [1/2/3] with window maximized, panel at "Enter" opacity of 75%.

(I read somewhere that it's better to host images for Lemmy on Pixelfed. So I made my first post there with all the screenshots, and linked to it. Hope that works.)

PS: Anyone have any other ideas to help distinguish workspaces at a glance?


On the database website, I didn't see any alternatives to GitHub, or even a category for that I could submit to.

"Software development, collaboration & hosting"?

Here are some:

Alternative to... lots of stuff: GitHub, Google, Gmail, Google Docs, Discord, Skype, Reddit, Twitter etc

  • Disroot (Netherlands, non-profit)

Alternative to Microsoft VS Studio Marketplace (extensions for VS Studio IDE)

Open source alternative to Microsoft VS Studio IDE, with Microsoft telemetry removed

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