My 2009 Outback Wagon died on me this past summer 😭😭😭
We've had a ton of rain the past few summers too. Not only does the grass grow quickly, it also means the lawn stays wet longer making it tougher to mow(especially on your own schedule).
Interesting putting the front wheels lower helps, I would have thought the opposite. I'll have to try that.
It's so frustrating that if you buy a modern car you have to give up any semblance of privacy
That'll show those pesky liberal natives
How's it do on hills? I have one that's AWD but it still takes forever to do my whole yard. I have about a 1 acre plot that's very hilly so it takes me ~1.5 hours.
Pro tip: Keep a log of your work in a text file. I write a few bullet points for each day and on Friday write a "Next Week" section for my todos on that following Monday. Helps reduce the cognitive load of trying to remember what the hell you were about to do next.
Can't speak to the whole routine but for pullups I'd suggest negatives first and then banded pullups. Some gyms even have weight assisted pull up machines
I'm paying ~$450/month for my lease now(Hyundai Tucson), but I could probably afford up to $1000/month if it's something I really liked.
Good call, looks interesting. I'll take a look
Not a bad option but still below 300 miles with the AWD.
Yeah I'm coming to terms with that now lol. Debating between leasing with the hopes to get a full EV after another 3 years, or just buying a PHEV.
I've had the same bottle of cologne that my grandma gave me when I was 16....I'm in my 30s