Yeah I've definitely run into issues where case sensitivity causes problems. Especially in programs that are cross-functional between Windows and Linux. Like when I recently downloaded some bios files for a Playstation emulator and I spend time figuring out and troubleshooting why they weren't working until it finally hit me the door McFly it's cause the file name was in lowercase not uppercase. Than I cared to admit to figure out

[-] 7 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

This is an unfortunate situation when large scale suppliers dont play ball with smaller stores and when predatory chains like dollar general play the price wars game to drive away better options.

Unfortunately the kinds of people who live in food deserts tend to be the most price conscious and they will take the longer trip if they need to in order to stretch their dollar out more.

As an aside I think the article focusing on Cairo, IL of all places was such an unusual choice and I wonder how much of the problems that they had were unique to their location. Cairo is a town who's population has been declining and whos buildings have been abandoning for the better part of the last hundred years. This is a trend that a lot of rust belt cities share, but Cairo was a small city of under 20,000 that has shrunk to under 1,000. What few people remaining there got a further kick in the rear by the fact that the area has gotten some bad flooding as well.

Cairo is a relatively remote town that is being steadily abandoned, and has a propensity for flooding(which accelerated the slow process). That isnt to say that they arent a food desert, or that the remaining people there who likely cant afford to move dont deserve better, but I feel like they are an example of a town who's got more stacked against them than what we usually think of when we think of food deserts (like a poor neighborhood in a city). Honestly I think its not unrealistic to believe the town as a whole will be abandoned in the coming decade.

Its definitely worrying. Even if she were the BEST candidate, Kamala Harris has an uphill battle in this country because she's not white and a woman.

And she isnt the best and most popular choice which makes it tricky.

The problem is who else would they put on the ballet?

Im sorry can we address the dickinmypants water mark?

Its in the themesong even

The dog lick is literally what transmitted the disease that eventually lead to the patient getting sepsis and dying.

The video series he does is to essentially put the viewer in the shoes of the diagnosis process and mystery of it all. Is it irresponsible when videos showing mystery stories dont lead with who the killer was or when jokes dont start with the punch line?

If you just clicked the video you'd see the first image is a disclosure mentioning that this kind of case is uncommon and explaining the circumstances in which you should seek medical attention.

Overall I dont see why putting all the facts in a headline makes it more or less responsible. You want to know the story then watch it. It's not like the story is misleading or wrong, and his video in particular is pretty thorough in going over exactly whats happening and why.

Strange New Worlds and Lower Decks have been pretty good at scratching the classic itch I think. But yeah I do agree that picard and discovery suffer from a problem that a lot of Marvel and DC comics these days suffer from. They dont slow down and spend every arc going from a threat THAT WILL CHANGE EVERYTHING to another threat that WILL CHANGE EVERYTHING. So many universe ending events.

Well thats just mean for no particular reason.

Sure, but they wont. The insidious thing about iMessenger is that it isnt iChat. It is the apple default text messaging app. Which is good because it means that all your messages are in one place, and you dont have to try to convince your older family member to install a 3rd party chat app. You just have a chat app. This tricks users not into thinking that texting is just better on apple.

But its bad because it only works between other apple products and users. This is objectively Apple's shortcoming, however there are enough iPhones in the wild and enough people in the US who defaulted to just hitting the sms/mms icon instead of downloading a chat app that the odd man out might be the android user. And it's not just about the green bubble being green. If you invite an a green bubble to a group text then all your rich chat messenger features go away and it turns into an MMS thread. Which is objectively bad.

But yes they could just download and use whatsapp,line, telegram, signal, facebook messenger(and in the early days things like aim/yim/msn) But they dont. The fact is their default messenger app works, and it works well with most people they talk to so the problem is the green text.

It's especially silly when you consider the "there's an app for that" generation of user and so many things are apps but they refuse to engage on other chat channels. People download different apps to get dates, the navigate, to browse websites that shouldnt even be apps, to order food, order groceries, order taxi's, but a chat app just to talk with you? ehhhhhhhhh.

I often thing about this. Technology moved so fast in those days and then it sort of plateaued. Things are certainly getting more powerful of course but nothing like that old generational leap we used to feel.

I think it's also a testament to the age of the medium as well. Most gaming fans are young gen xers or millennials. The medium grew up with its fanbase and with that comes the perspective of a youth. A 7 year old looks back at their preschool years like ancient history, a teen the same of grade school. Combined with how antiquated the tech was it felt holder. Median gamer age is rising and if you ask a 35 year old about when they were 25 it would feel a lot closer.

Yeah millennials got over a decade of news headlines like "Millennials are killing X! Millennials dont like Y! MILLENNIALS MAKING FINANCIALLY POOR DECISIONS BY BUYING EXPENSIVE LATE'S AND AVOCADO TOAST!" . I think some of it is pandering "kids these days" clickbait but a lot of it is also disconnect from how things have changed as well as people not understanding how to read data.

The funny thing is the articles didnt stop they just realized that elder millennials are in their 40s and shifted to gen z.

A weird trend I noticed that targets us now is gen Z making fun of millennials. That makes sense they changed what IT is and millennials are no longer with it and some elder millennials may even be their parents. So like yeah young people making fun of the on the way out trends and fashion is par for the course and they arent part of the same generation block so they can just target millennials all at once now. The thing that gets me is Im noticing gen X-ers coming in to join the shitting on millennials and thats just uncool.

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