submitted 3 weeks ago by inkican@kbin.social to c/scifi@kbin.social

And we're back! What did you do / play / watch / create while Kbin was offline?


submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by inkican@kbin.social to c/scifi@kbin.social
  • Ryan Gosling's Project Hail Mary , based on Andy Weir's novel, has started filming.
  • Co-director Christopher Miller shared a behind-the-scenes photo of production beginning.
  • The movie, set for release in 2026, involves an amnesiac astronaut trying to save humanity.

Ryan Gosling's upcoming sci-fi movie Project Hail Mary has begun filming, with co-director Christopher Miller posting a behind-the-scenes image of production starting. Based on a novel by Andy Weir (The Martian), the movie stars Gosling as Ryland Grace, an amnesiac astronaut in the deep reaches of space trying to find a way to save humanity from an approaching disaster. Project Hail Mary's story is being tackled by Miller and Phil Lord, best known for their work directing The Lego Movie and writing Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse.

Now, Miller has confirmed Project Hail Mary has begun filming, posting a behind-the-scenes photo of a clapboard to show it has begun.

submitted 3 weeks ago by inkican@kbin.social to c/scifi@kbin.social

The Paramount+ show may have been bogged down by illogical plot twists and confusing storylines in recent seasons, but it also paved the way for creative approaches and new Star Trek shows.

submitted 3 weeks ago by inkican@kbin.social to c/scifi@kbin.social

Kathleen Kennedy is aware that women in the "Star Wars" universe often get attacked because the fandom is mostly dominated by men.

submitted 1 month ago by inkican@kbin.social to c/scifi@kbin.social
  • The Soylent Corporation
  • The Tyrell Corporation
  • Blue Sun
  • E Corp
  • Buy n Large Corporation
  • Omni Consumer Products
  • Cyberdyne Systems
  • Biosyn
  • Umbrella Corporations
  • Weyland-Yutani Corporation
submitted 1 month ago by inkican@kbin.social to c/scifi@kbin.social

The ones who were there 47 years ago remember it clearly: Han shot first. But in nearly every version of 1977’s Star Wars: A New Hope that you can find today, Harrison Ford’s charming smuggler was a little slow to the trigger in his face-off against Greedo — one of the many changes that director George Lucas made to the three original Star Wars movies in their home video releases over the past four decades. Lucas has been criticized for his tendency to fiddle with his original Star Wars trilogy in these re-releases; adding scenes, changing pivotal moments, and punching up the practical effects with new digital innovations. The new versions have become so controversial that fans have launched whole projects to restore the original theatrical versions. But if Lucas had his way, no one would see those versions again.

submitted 1 month ago by inkican@kbin.social to c/scifi@kbin.social
submitted 1 month ago by inkican@kbin.social to c/scifi@kbin.social

Discover the timeless allure of dystopian fiction with our curated list of the best dystopian books. Immerse yourself in the top dark, thought-provoking tales.

submitted 1 month ago by inkican@kbin.social to c/scifi@kbin.social

Lucas reflected on his life in work in a wide-ranging chat in Cannes, where he received and honorary Palm d'Or.

submitted 1 month ago by inkican@kbin.social to c/scifi@kbin.social

If, like me, you also played the demo, you'll be pleased to know that Synergy's early access adds many more buildings, vegetation, exploration, and decorations. I was surprised to see just how big the research trees had become, with eight branches and around 60 different aspects to research, including new buildings, ways to irrigate and grow plants, and, of course, benches and lights to make your city look pretty. But more stuff doesn't mean everything's easier now. If anything, the increased amount of buildings and research makes looking after your citizens even more tricky, as you have to spin multiple plates at once to ensure everything works like clockwork.

Starting off with a simple storage hut with some basic necessities like food, water, and building materials, the few refugees that are under your care are exhausted from fleeing from their collapsed civilization and are starting to bake under the desert sun. After setting up camp next to a pool of dirty water, you need to act quickly to extract and clean it as well as make some shelter for your population so they don't all die of heat stroke.

submitted 1 month ago by inkican@kbin.social to c/scifi@kbin.social

The Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser was a groundbreaking experience, unmatched in its immersive storytelling and technology.

Misunderstanding led to the perception of the Starcruiser as just a hotel, while it offered a unique, interactive 48-hour movie-like adventure.

Despite its closure, the legacy of the Starcruiser lives on through the community it created, impacting lives in a profound way.

submitted 1 month ago by inkican@kbin.social to c/scifi@kbin.social

1982 was a blockbuster year for SF movies, but there's never been a movie quite like Tron—let's discuss!

[-] inkican@kbin.social 6 points 2 months ago

Kinda like Black Lion going 'and I'll form the head.' Like, didn't anyone else on Voltron go 'hey, I wanna be the head today!'

[-] inkican@kbin.social 4 points 3 months ago

"The intent is to provide mods with a sense of pride and accomplishment for unlocking different mod capabilities."

[-] inkican@kbin.social 3 points 8 months ago

I pay close attention these types of issues since as a writer I'm constantly thinking about how future tech could impact culture.

[-] inkican@kbin.social 4 points 8 months ago

I love how William Gibson built entire plot arcs around fax being the future standard of communication when email was literally right there. Doesn't matter - I still love the Sprawl series - just illustrates how futurology works sometimes.

[-] inkican@kbin.social 4 points 8 months ago

It’s still pretty derivative, in an open way, with nods to everything from Terminator, Blade Runner and District 9, to Apocalypse Now, among others, the connecting themes being the confrontation between humankind and technology, American militarism, fear of the other. Usefully, all of this chimes with the current, fiery and fearmongering debate about the advance of artificial intelligence.

Everything you can say about The Creator's 'lack of originality' you can say about Edwards' 'Godzilla' and 'La La Land.' Those other films are scored at 76% and 91%, respectively. Additionally, Godzilla - that tired old reboot of the same movie we've re-watched for the past fifty years - made $524,976,069 worldwide. La La Land - that stale celebration of Hollywood musicals - $151,058,124 at the domestic box office.

Shame on Gareth Edwards for making accessible science fiction for a worldwide audience - wasn't he thinking about the poor, angry nerds who want 'original scifi' despite the fact that they refuse to articulate what 'original' means and they refuse to create their own 'original' scifi and subject it to the same hostile market they make up?

I'm being sarcastic for a reason - The Creator is AMAZING scifi. It doesn't matter if TheArtsDesk.com dunks on it - If I'm still carrying a 2012 award on the banner of my website, the LAST thing I'd be doing is casting aspersions on anyone with the guts and the grit to go out there and actually try to do something that celebrates everything we love about the science fiction genre. I'm not a marketing guy for Gareth Edwards, but credit where credit is due - we need to support original, imperfect scifi if we want to see more of it.

Deride The Creator at your own peril - lest you be damned to another 10 years of MCU and Fast and the Furious movies.

[-] inkican@kbin.social 6 points 10 months ago

No Pitfall? No deal.

[-] inkican@kbin.social 3 points 10 months ago

Prison is noisy, my dude.

[-] inkican@kbin.social 11 points 10 months ago

Happened with Enron, too. When the finance guy cuts and runs, you know something's about to go down.

[-] inkican@kbin.social 3 points 11 months ago


[-] inkican@kbin.social 15 points 11 months ago

What a strange way to say "I have no idea what I'm doing - somebody please stop me."

[-] inkican@kbin.social 7 points 11 months ago

@fchaverri I wrote him an epitaph to do one thing that forty years worth of law enforcement and media hype never seemed to do: Look at Kevin Mitnick as a person.

[-] inkican@kbin.social 4 points 11 months ago

has sent a letter of apology to the local prosecutor’s office

Oh cool, a written confession - thanks for making it so easy for us - the cops

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