[-] hh93@lemm.ee 62 points 9 months ago

One of the reasons is probably the same why Tesla isn't releasing their Cybertruck outside of the us - the Crash-Tests there just don't factor in pedestrian survival rates if they are hit by the car that you want to release on the market. Most of those giant trucks don't make it here because they'd just run over any pedestrian they hit without them having any chance of survival even at low speeds.

Add to that the totally car-centered infrastructure that basically punishes everyone not in a car and you have the perfect storm for dead pedestrians and bikers...

[-] hh93@lemm.ee 97 points 9 months ago

Can't have the already well-off children go without their steady income that they didn't have to work for...

[-] hh93@lemm.ee 71 points 10 months ago

Die sind schuld daran den Elefanten im Raum benannt zu haben statt wie die CDU zu tun als gäbe es den nicht um ja keine Einschränkungen durchsetzen zu müssen.

Und sie hat Axel Springer gegen sich was vermutlich der Hauptgrund ist

submitted 10 months ago by hh93@lemm.ee to c/dach@feddit.de

Anlass für die Entscheidung ist ein Streit über die Verkehrspolitik. Die Grünen werfen der SPD vor, Oberbürgermeister Belit Onay vor der Wahl schwächen zu wollen. Die CDU zeigt sich offen für eine Zusammenarbeit.

[-] hh93@lemm.ee 56 points 10 months ago

Vor allem wenn man bedenkt wie viel vom Skisport inzwischen mit massivem Energieaufwand auf künstlichen Pisten geschieht erscheint mir das doch eine enorm gute Protestplatform die an der richtigen Stelle ansetzt und viele Leute erreicht.

Bei den Privatjets hat es ja niemanden gekümmert

submitted 10 months ago by hh93@lemm.ee to c/dach@feddit.de

Als Klima-Aktivisten den Weltcup-Slalom im österreichischen Gurgl stören, ziehen sie den Zorn der Athleten auf sich. Zwei Fahrer bewerfen die Aktivisten mit Schneebällen.

[-] hh93@lemm.ee 86 points 10 months ago

I liked the one a while ago about making every blind person able to see again for exactly 6 hours before they go blind again

That sounded just viciously cruel

submitted 10 months ago by hh93@lemm.ee to c/dach@feddit.de

Fotos und Videoaufnahmen zeigen den Überfall der Hamas auf Israel am 7. Oktober. Israels Regierung wirft nun internationalen Journalisten vor, vorab von den Plänen der Terroristen gewusst zu haben.

[-] hh93@lemm.ee 57 points 11 months ago

Another circlejerk article for Europe with a hypothetical scenario as an opinion piece just to get people angry. Seems weird that something like this is coming from Reuters - I thought they did mostly matter of fact reporting for things that happened and not stuff like this

submitted 11 months ago by hh93@lemm.ee to c/dach@feddit.de

"Sie spricht davon, sparsam gelebt zu haben. Im Urlaub ins Hostel, statt ins Hotel gegangen zu sein, billige Notizbücher gekauft und oft in der Mensa gegessen zu haben. Das Drittel der Studierenden, das armutsgefährdet ist, wird sich diese revolutionären Geheimtipps sicher zu Herzen nehmen."

submitted 11 months ago by hh93@lemm.ee to c/dach@feddit.de

Erneut hat es Bombendrohungen in mehreren Bundesländern gegeben - so waren etwa der Berliner Hauptbahnhof, das Willy-Brandt-Haus und auch die Redaktion von ARD-aktuell in Hamburg betroffen. In Weimar wurde ein Funkhaus mit Radiosendern geräumt.


Zuvor sei eine Drohmail eingegangen, die mit "Hamas" unterzeichnet gewesen sei. Ob tatsächlich ein Bezug zu der radikalislamistischen Terrorgruppe bestehe, müsse geprüft werden, sagte ein Polizeisprecher.

[-] hh93@lemm.ee 47 points 11 months ago

This could be insanely important for the European Union if Poland isn't blocking sanctions against Hungary by default anymore.

But it wouldn't be surprised if Italy is taking their spot in protecting antidemocratic populism now...

[-] hh93@lemm.ee 102 points 1 year ago

I really don't understand the boner so many Americans seem to have for vigilantism

Just fix your goddamn police system - there's a reason why vigilantism is outlawed since it's too easy to misjudge or misidentify stuff and the consequences are horrible - let professionals do their job properly

[-] hh93@lemm.ee 82 points 1 year ago

It is a monopoly - they just don't abuse it as much against their audience.

For developers it's either take their 30% deal or just don't sell your game because a lot of people only use steam.

Not even Cyberpunk or the Witcher could sell more on gog than on steam even though you knew that there the developers got 100% of the money spent. Gwent standalone flopped so hard on GOG that it had to be rereleased with limited features on steam and sold more there

People are just fundamentally lazy so it totally is a problem that you have one store with such a massive market share even if it's very convenient for the end-user they can completely exploit their position against publishers.

Sure EPICs way of making games exclusive to their store is not elegant but without that no-one would choose that store over steam

submitted 1 year ago by hh93@lemm.ee to c/dach@feddit.de

Eine Klimaaktivistin der "Letzten Generation" ist in Berlin zu acht Monaten Haft ohne Bewährung verurteilt worden. Der Gruppe zufolge ist es die bislang höchste Strafe, die wegen Sitzblockaden gegen ein Mitglied verhängt wurde.

submitted 1 year ago by hh93@lemm.ee to c/dach@feddit.de

Dickes Plus für die Freien Wähler im BR24 BayernTrend: Sie überflügeln nach den Debatten um Parteichef Aiwanger bei der Sonntagsfrage die Grünen und liegen auf Rang zwei. Für CSU und Ampel-Parteien geht es abwärts.

[-] hh93@lemm.ee 150 points 1 year ago

And the German government in charge of the ticket already voiced their interest in making both tickets compatible so that people can use the traffic in either country with the ticket of the other one

Could lead to a pseudo-standard that could result in an eu-wide ticket of such type in the long run

[-] hh93@lemm.ee 48 points 1 year ago

I think the most important part is that it launched without DRM on GOG and was able to be pirated from day 1 and it STILL was a huge success because people knew that the game isn't trying anything shady to get even more money from you

It's just something people actually want to support and not like people feel like even if they buy the game they only have half an experience if they don't spend more money later

I really hope the next financial report from Larian is making people think differently about the necessity of putting aggressive DRM in their games

People don't pirate because they don't want to pay - they pirate because they don't trust the game to bit pull more shady shit later and not be worth it in the end

[-] hh93@lemm.ee 47 points 1 year ago

The "funny" thing is that the moment those people have power they don't have a problem going against free speech (see having books banned (in the US) or trying to stop people from voicing their opinion (Meloni in Italy))

It's all just exploiting the tolerance of the system in order to make it less tolerant That's why completely unchecked free speech is a bad idea as it will eventually lead in its complete demise

submitted 1 year ago by hh93@lemm.ee to c/football@lemmy.world
submitted 1 year ago by hh93@lemm.ee to c/dach@feddit.de

Seit geraumer Zeit sucht die “Bild”-Redaktion nach dem endgültigen Beweis dafür, dass Mentalist Timon Krause und Profitänzerin Ekaterina “Ekat” Leonova ein Paar sind. Ein offizielles Pärchenfoto, ein Statement der beiden, irgendwas, das dieses “Liebes-Versteckspiel”, wie “Bild” es nennt, endlich beendet. Doch diesen Beweis findet die Redaktion nicht. Und so klammert sie sich seit Monaten an Gerüchte und Indizien

submitted 1 year ago by hh93@lemm.ee to c/rocketleague@lemmy.world

So now that the teams going to the finals are confirmed: who on here is going to Düsseldorf (from where) and who are you cheering for?

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