I want to backup some apps and app data in a zip file and be able to restore it into a device.

It's okay if I have to use something like shizuku to enable backups.

[-] gunpachi@lemmings.world 6 points 6 days ago

I find Boost for lemmy to work really well for me. I also use Voyager as a backup.

submitted 1 week ago by gunpachi@lemmings.world to c/askandroid

So I just bought a OnePlus 12 recently, I was used to controlling volume using the onehand operations goodlock module in my Samsung galaxy S23. I basically never had to press the volume buttons to control the volume unless absolutely necessary.

Possible ways I've thought of (it would be really great if at all possible) -

  1. Using the curved edges in phone screen for volume control.

  2. Using the gestures to control volume when the screen is off.

  3. Setting Diagonal swiping gestures to do different functions, controlling volume in this case.


I'm thinking of something like stremio but for audio.

An android app would be great

There are apps like Spotube which are cool but it doesn't have ability to stream lossless audio.

Any suggestions ?

[-] gunpachi@lemmings.world 36 points 1 month ago

Thats a cool feature for sure but I don't trust opera.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by gunpachi@lemmings.world to c/nostupidquestions@lemmy.world

In such a case, will the concept of money be wiped out from existence ?

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by gunpachi@lemmings.world to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

Looking forward to seeing some interesting jobs I haven't really thought about. Bonus points if it's an IT job.


I'm not good with masking my emotions sometimes, although I do try to process the things before I take any action.

My face and body language on the other hand can reflect what I'm going through at the moment.

Are you aware of any ways to control yourself under difficult situations (apart from things like meditation) ?


How is Shopify as a platform to work on compared to the likes of Wordpress and Salesforce Commerce Cloud.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by gunpachi@lemmings.world to c/linux_gaming@lemmy.ml

I'm using CachyOS (arch based), the steam package being used is from CachyOS's repositories. I'm using an AMD RX6600. Monitor is using 144hz refresh rate (set using hyprland config file)

All my Games are in an NTFS partition.

So far CS2 is the only game that opens up when I click on 'Play' and it is playable with some occasional frame drops.

I had the same issue with flatpak steam when I tried earlier.

I have tried setting the my monitor as primary by using xrandr but that didn't help at all.

Has this happened to anyone ? What can I do to fix this ? I can attach any logs if required.

Edit: thanks to @Nerdulous@lemm.ee my issue has been solved.

(Mentioning the solution here in case the reddit post gets deleted)

  • Look for a directory called "compatdata" under ~/.steam.
  • It'll probably take some digging, as it's often buried in something like ~/.steam/steam/steamapps . . .
  • The "find" command would be useful in this situation!
  • Make a symbolic link from that folder to the identical location on the NTFS Steam Library.
  • ln -s ~/.steam/foo/bar/compatdata /path/to/ntfs/SteamLibrary/compatdata
  • That's it.
submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by gunpachi@lemmings.world to c/piracy@lemmy.dbzer0.com

A couple of weeks ago I installed stremio from the AUR on my arch installation and it showed me an option to play the video in mpv player.

I expected the same thing on my NixOS setup but it doesn't show me the option to open in MPV. I also tried with flatpaks and it also didn't have the option to open in mpv.

As for why I want to open on MPV, I am using anime4k to upscale and sharpen my anime and I'm very used to mpv's controls.

Does anyone know how to get this working ?


I have been considering buying an IEM that would be a step up from my older BLON BL03 and QKZ x HBB.

So far I have narrowed down to these 3 -

  1. Truthear x Crinacle Zero (red)
  2. Simgot EW200
  3. 7hz Sonus

I found one more IEM - KZ PR-2 or PR-3

I mostly listen to Rock, metal, jazz, blues and some occasional cinematic soundtracks (like Hans Zimmer). I also want to use the IEM to play games like Apex Legends.

I want it to last for sometime (if possible) unlike my blon - the shells come off every now and then and its annoying.

If there are any other IEMs I should consider please let me know. I just want the best value for money IEM that sounds good

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by gunpachi@lemmings.world to c/budgetaudiophile@lemmy.world

I have been considering buying an IEM that would be a step up from my older BLON BL03 and QKZ x HBB.

So far I have narrowed down to these 3 -

  1. Truthear x Crinacle Zero (red)
  2. Simgot EW200
  3. 7hz Sonus

I found one more IEM - KZ PR-2 or PR-3

I mostly listen to Rock, metal, jazz, blues and some occasional cinematic soundtracks (like Hans Zimmer). I also want to use the IEM to play games like Apex Legends.

I want it to last for sometime (if possible) unlike my blon - the shells come off every now and then and its annoying.

If there are any other IEMs I should consider please let me know. I just want the best value for money IEM that sounds good

submitted 2 months ago by gunpachi@lemmings.world to c/unixporn@lemmy.ml

Marble Gnome Shell Theme

I want to have a similar aesthetics on xfce.

Also please feel free to mention your favourite xfce or gtk themes in general.

P.S - I'm sorry if this is not the right place to ask.

[-] gunpachi@lemmings.world 34 points 4 months ago

I feel like I see the same kind of post everyday.

[-] gunpachi@lemmings.world 25 points 4 months ago

Well both are good choices, but for new linux users coming from windows - Mint would be way easier to get started with.

[-] gunpachi@lemmings.world 23 points 5 months ago

You are right. I always knew growing apart would be something I'll have to deal with. It sucks that I'll lose some people in the process. That's life I guess.

[-] gunpachi@lemmings.world 32 points 5 months ago

Bad bots, bad bots whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do when they come for you?

[-] gunpachi@lemmings.world 29 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

They have a ton of phone models, it's gonna be difficult task for them to maintain all of them beyond 5 years.

The 5+ years updates could be just for their flagship/premium line up.

[-] gunpachi@lemmings.world 148 points 8 months ago

Ben, thank you for your efforts.

[-] gunpachi@lemmings.world 30 points 8 months ago

This is indeed sad news. I made my friends (who don't care about free software) switch from google meet to jitsi for video calls just the other month.

The only thing that got them sold on jitsi was that it required no login.

[-] gunpachi@lemmings.world 36 points 9 months ago

In some countries like India, people just assume that everyone uses whatsapp. It's gotten to the point where whatsapp has become the definition of messaging (for most people).

I don't see how Whatsapp is outdated to the point where one would compare it to IE, but I'll say whatsapp is more like Google Chrome than IE.

[-] gunpachi@lemmings.world 34 points 9 months ago

For the last month and a half, I have not used reddit at all. Lemmy has most of the communities that I was a part of.

But I get that, some niche subreddits still don't have communities here on lemmy. A few of my friends, stopped using lemmy because it didn't have the subs they were active in.

[-] gunpachi@lemmings.world 22 points 9 months ago

Voyager web app is quite impressive tbh. One of the best web apps I have ever used.

That being said, the infinity app feels like home, I have been using to for over 3 years after all.

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