[-] gredo@lemmy.world 15 points 8 months ago

Is there some "you need x% of foreign employees" law in France?

[-] gredo@lemmy.world 9 points 8 months ago

laughs in golang

[-] gredo@lemmy.world 5 points 9 months ago

What's wrong about the protein/fat ratio of Tofu? You could also try Tempeh or TVP (textured vegetable protein, mostly extracted protein from soy or peas).

Legumes are fine but also have lots of carbs.

Sadly the community is really small here, but theres !veganfitness@lemmy.world the community is much bigger on Reddit though.

[-] gredo@lemmy.world 5 points 9 months ago

I like the "fairphonesucks=true" Parameter though. That's a nice touch

[-] gredo@lemmy.world 30 points 9 months ago

There are a few companies making money from FOSS.

The two business models I see the most that seem to work:

  • free software, paid support
  • free software, paid hosting/ "SaaS"
[-] gredo@lemmy.world 6 points 9 months ago

Upvoted just for calling Mozilla mozzarella

submitted 10 months ago by gredo@lemmy.world to c/golang@programming.dev


is there a way to use MongoDB query syntax or something similar to filter arrays/slices or validate data in Go?

In (node)JS there's Sift.js or (less MongoDB style) Underscore/lodash.

Possible use cases:

  • Easily readable validation syntax (at least for people knowing MongoDB)
  • mocking a MongoDB for dev purposes
  • filtering arrays/slices more easily

I'm relatively new to Go so maybe there already is a best practice to do stuff like that, I don't know of.

submitted 10 months ago by gredo@lemmy.world to c/lemmy@lemmy.ml


I created a few communities here and want to switch to a new instance.

Is it possible to hand over ownership to my new account on a different instance?

What if my new instance would defederate my current instance?

[-] gredo@lemmy.world 7 points 10 months ago

A foot with two holes in it? /s

[-] gredo@lemmy.world 5 points 11 months ago

Lifting shoes are generally relatively expensive. A good shoe for the price are Reebok lifter PR2/3. They're heel is not that high though.

You could also just go barefoot if that's ok in your Gym or with flat sole shoes. And maybe put small plates under your heels.

submitted 11 months ago by gredo@lemmy.world to c/lemmy@lemmy.ml

I created a few communities here in Lemmy, but I can't find any moderation options in the mobile apps I tried (Jerboa, Connect).

Are there any mobile apps for moderators or is moderation only possible in the web?

[-] gredo@lemmy.world 6 points 11 months ago

Maybe in English it is not used as often. In Germany it is used as just Bundesrepublik in News etc to don't repeat oneself too much or in historic context to differentiate from the German Democratic Republic (where the naming is again ironic, but it's the Democratic party)

[-] gredo@lemmy.world 19 points 11 months ago

Bundesrepublik Deutschland (Federal republic of Germany)

ich_iel (lemmy.world)
submitted 11 months ago by gredo@lemmy.world to c/jerboa@lemmy.ml
ich_iel (lemmy.world)
submitted 11 months ago by gredo@lemmy.world to c/jerboa@lemmy.ml
submitted 11 months ago by gredo@lemmy.world to c/vegan@feddit.de

Geklaut von ich_iel

[-] gredo@lemmy.world 14 points 11 months ago

The answer is simple: Marketing people doing marketing things

submitted 11 months ago by gredo@lemmy.world to c/vegan@feddit.de
[-] gredo@lemmy.world 6 points 11 months ago

Does that mean you're still supported by who supported you when you were released? So in other words, your Mom.

"The Russo Movie" (lemmy.world)
submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by gredo@lemmy.world to c/moviesuggestions@lemmy.world

Edit: didn't read the community description first, thought this was about suggesting movie ideas

A movie about Lucio Russo, played by James Russo

  • Directed by Joe and Anthony Russo
  • Scored by Jeff Russo
  • Written by John A. Russo

Any Russo missing?


I created the c/whowouldwin community here because I really liked to participate in "the old world".

It's a community to ask questions about fictional scenarios and battles and discuss the question who would win in this situation and why?

It can be about fictional or real world characters.

Welcome to !vegan (lemmy.world)
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by gredo@lemmy.world to c/vegan@lemmy.world

Welcome to the vegan community on Lemmy.

Good to have you here. No matter if you're just interested in the vegan lifestyle, a fresh vegan, still transitioning or vegan for 50 years. All are welcome as long as we respect each other and the animals.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by gredo@lemmy.world to c/fediverse@lemmy.ml

I never got into mastodon because I couldn't connect multiple instances. I like this a lot about Lemmy so far (just here for a few minutes though).

Reading about the fediverse got me thinking. What other use cases could you think of? Maybe outside social media?

Would a fediverse password manager be more or less secure than some company owned pm?

How about "clones" of other social media like FB and Insta, TikTok?

What about a blogging community like Medium?

Other ideas?

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joined 1 year ago