It just feels like… well, Spacerim. And the “new stuff” it adds just doesn’t seriously impact the core vibe of the game.

I hear they’re going to release a patch for that on June 31st.

Well, like any new user interface paradigm… you adapt to it. And if you don’t like it, don’t use it.

Heh, the clitmouse

The rainbow skant in the first panel is 🤌

I know they were trying to explore all possible options before resorting to Article 7, but holy fuck did they take their sweet time, and Ukrainians died (and continue to die) as a result.

Khajiit has wares if you have coin

I’m simply baffled that someone going into a computer engineering major at a university doesn’t understand a hierarchical file system as a matter of course. It’s a tree. The file system is a tree. A tree is one of the most basic computer science logical constructs. How exactly is a filesystem confusing? How is navigating directories from a terminal - any terminal, in any OS - a Herculean task?

It’s sad that the EU doesn’t get how bad of an idea this is for Signal to just fully nope out of the European market.

[-] 14 points 23 hours ago* (last edited 23 hours ago)

…aaaaaand they just had to scrub their new crew capsule final cert launch earlier today.

E: guys fr I don’t get how the c-suite hasn’t been federally indicted at this point, it’s that bad

It’s simultaneously hilarious and deeply depressing to see how far Boeing has fallen in the last few decades.


Also available with a roasted crab, which is what they’re famous for, but this version is still delicious, because those noodles are straight crack

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