[-] governorkeagan 12 points 1 day ago

Not sure if it’s sold outside of Ireland but “Murphy’s” is really good, and of course, Guinness (if you’re into stouts)

[-] governorkeagan 3 points 1 day ago

I really enjoy it. I believe they (the stories) happen in the Americas, it’d be interesting to see a European story as well.

[-] governorkeagan 2 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Started watching season 2 of “Worst Roomates Ever”. I still need to watch season 2 of “Unchained” as well.

[-] governorkeagan 8 points 2 days ago

That’s kind of depressing compared to Ireland (specifically Dublin). Things are just so expensive here.

[-] governorkeagan 1 points 2 days ago

That’s the plan.

[-] governorkeagan 2 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

I’ve got a couple movies and TV shows hosted on my PC. When I eventually get a NAS for my business, I’ll host Jellyfin on a NAS

PC Specs: EndeavourOS Ryzen 5 3600 32GB RAM GTX 1660TI

[-] governorkeagan 3 points 5 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

Search has definitely been iffy. Sometimes it’s been pretty decent (also based in Ireland) but other times it leaves me wondering what “it was thinking”

Edit: corrected the comment. I forgot to finish the rest of the last sentence.

[-] governorkeagan 5 points 6 days ago

Do you remember the name? I haven’t watched a dinosaur documentary in many years.

Stop ChatControl 2.0 (self.ireland)
submitted 1 week ago by governorkeagan to c/ireland@lemmy.world

Tomorrow (Thursday) EU governments are to vote on a bill (officially called “child sexual abuse regulation” but known as “chat control”) that would require automated searches in and disclosure of private chats, including end-to-end encrypted chats, that might contain illegal photos or videos.

Further Reading:




submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by governorkeagan to c/linux@lemmy.ml

I’m using EndeavourOS with KDE.

The display is correctly oriented when logged in but it doesn’t rotate correctly when I’m logged out.

EDIT: corrected the post. This happens when logged out, locking the screen has it displayed correctly.

submitted 2 weeks ago by governorkeagan to c/ireland@lemmy.world

I don’t use X myself but came across this when verifying some details for OpenStreetMap.

submitted 2 weeks ago by governorkeagan to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

Although I mention parents specifically in the title, this isn’t just for parents to respond.

My wife and I are trying to raise our child to be bilingual (English and Portuguese). Currently we’re both speaking a bit of both to our child and when they eventually go to school we’ll speak more Portuguese as they’ll be exposed to English everywhere else.

Is this a good approach or is there something we can do better?

Are business cards still a thing? (self.nostupidquestions)
submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by governorkeagan to c/nostupidquestions@lemmy.world

Do people still hand out physical business cards at events or is it all digital now?

i should have asked before ordering 50, lol


Thank you for all the replies, I’ve got the answer I need but I’ll add some more information just in case anyone wants to know.

  • I’m based in Europe and not Japan
  • I’m working as a videographer and trying to build a film company
  • I plan on doing more event coverage so I’ll bring them with to quickly hand out my contact details.
  • The card has the following: Busines name, my name, phone number, email, and website.
  • I had thought about adding my social media but couldn’t find a nice way to do it that matched the rest of the card.

EDIT 2: just now realised I didn’t complete the last sentence of the last bullet point

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by governorkeagan to c/linux@lemmy.ml

I know the title sounds a little strange but hear me out. The time tracking software I use for work doesn’t work on Wayland, unless I’m using Gnome as my DE. They have an extension that allows it to work in this case. Personally, I don’t enjoy Gnome on my desktop (I use it on my laptop). Is there a way for me to get the functionality that this extension provides on KDE so that I can use Wayland on my desktop as well?

Time tracking software:

Linux install script:

EDIT: I have included more files in the codeberg repo. I hope this helps.

submitted 2 weeks ago by governorkeagan to c/linux@programming.dev

cross-posted from: https://lemdro.id/post/9650372

The title is a quote from Mastodon. I’ve always seen dislike towards snap so I was taken back when I saw this stance. The person who wrote this was referring to Tuxedo Laptops.

What are your thoughts on this?


Here’s the original comment: https://mastodon.social/@popey/112591863166141029

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by governorkeagan to c/linux@lemmy.ml

The title is a quote from Mastodon. I’ve always seen dislike towards snap so I was taken back when I saw this stance. The person who wrote this was referring to Tuxedo Laptops.

What are your thoughts on this?


Here’s the original comment: https://mastodon.social/@popey/112591863166141029


Some clarification for those accusing me of not following the thread or being disingenuous.

Didn't bother to follow the thread?


I posted my question here before this particular response from the OP. I asked the question on Lemmy out of interest and wanting to get a wider perspective. I also engaged with the OP on the thread so that I can get their perspective on their stance.

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by governorkeagan to c/ireland@lemmy.world

~~€5.80 isn’t that bad for Dublin~~

EDIT: I keep reading this wrong, it’s €6.60 for a pint of Guinness

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by governorkeagan to c/linux@lemmy.ml

TL;DR: Is there really a performance benefit to a gaming distro over a regular distro? Or is it more of a “this is the least work” to get setup?


I run EndeavourOS on my desktop and haven’t had any issues with performance. I just like playing with new things and learning from the experience.

I’ve seen loads of people recommending Bazzite as a gaming distro for various reasons. It’s gotten to the point that I installed it on a second SSD to do my own testing but I’d still like to see others perspective.

From my research, there doesn’t seem to be that much performance to be gained (generally speaking). I’ll be testing this on my own hardware but is this generally true?

I think a big draw (especially for new users) would be that these distros would require very minimal work to get up and running into a game.

I think the TL;DR at the top best describes my question. I’ve just been thinking about this and haven’t been sure how to express it in a clear manner for others to understand. Also, this video got me thinking more.


Glad to see that I’m not alone in my thinking. Biggest benefit of a “gaming distro” is the convenience of having everything setup and there is no real performance difference.

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by governorkeagan to c/nostupidquestions@lemmy.world

Context, I’ve got some web dev experience but it’s all self taught from enjoying it as a hobby. Personally, the design aspect is probably worse for me.

I’ve been toying with the idea of trying to do something with the Lemmy API (even if it’s never shared publicly) but I’ve seen a handful of people complain about the API, is it really that bad?

I’d probably use React if I did do something.

EDIT: This is a prototype design I came up with, I'll play around with the API and see what I can do. I think that it could be a fun project, thanks for all the help!

Post Card:


I've been going through updating all of my accounts (passwords, 2FA, etc.), and I've noticed that there are a lot of sites that don't offer any form of MFA.

I can understand smaller services that might not have the bandwidth, but surely larger organisations are able to get this setup?

[-] governorkeagan 89 points 2 months ago

Am I the only one who didn’t read “cult” first?

[-] governorkeagan 45 points 3 months ago

I've noticed two things.

  1. I am a lot more active. On Reddit I was mostly just a lurker. On Lemmy I want to comment and post.
  2. Following on from 1. It feels more like a community here, on Reddit after a post had a certain number of comments/upvotes, I knew that mine would never be seen. I don't have that feeling on Lemmy.
[-] governorkeagan 60 points 3 months ago

On a side not. Is it just me or does Amazon never follow the delivery instructions?

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