[-] god@sh.itjust.works 15 points 8 months ago

Why would we want to?

[-] god@sh.itjust.works 8 points 9 months ago

Except for me ๐Ÿ˜Ž I am cringe

[-] god@sh.itjust.works 30 points 10 months ago

Just pirate it off https://1337x.to when it comes out. People rip things pretty fast if they're popular.

[-] god@sh.itjust.works 14 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Nope. Can't understand the reasoning behind "some dude has always existed, you can't see him though or touch him or anything, but he created everything! Also only we few know about this and only recently! All the other beliefs are wrong." Where would a giant fairy come from? No idea.

Spent a good while searching for evidence as a doubting kid. Didn't find anything. I realized the absurdity later on of believing in ghosts and psychics and magic when one of the defining qualities is how they can't be recorded or even reproduced scientifically.

God loves you, watches you, judges you and can do anything, but he won't move a leaf on the floor to tell a crying bullied kid to hold on to hope, that he exists. God is such a human-centric thing anyway. Humans are specks of nothingness, a million years in a tiny planet in a sea of infinite time and space. But yeah some dude created us specifically and we look like him!

I just realized I'm on the God account. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ˜ (God wants people to doubt him so he can send them to hell without feeling bad about it?!?!)

[-] god@sh.itjust.works 22 points 11 months ago

Why u swearing things to me ๐Ÿค”

[-] god@sh.itjust.works 7 points 11 months ago
[-] god@sh.itjust.works 11 points 11 months ago

Couldn't have dual monitors due to Nvidia drivers not working correctly. Couldn't play Overwatch. Deep Rock Galactic ran very badly and slowly. I've used Linux in the past for years but it's just not good on a gaming laptop.

[-] god@sh.itjust.works 14 points 11 months ago

Of course. Your idea is THE idea. You CANNOT get mass adoption without a minimal amount of hops. You won't get the hordes of pirates running around reading wikis on how to configure their router for piracy and how to get an i2p provider and how to get an index etc.

Torrenting right now is so broadly adopted because you just download a Torrenting client, click the magnet, click OK and you're good to go.

If you HAD to set up port forwarding, some magnet handling register in windows preferences, just those two would stop the bulk majority of pirates. And that's not even 1/4 of what you have to do to use i2p correctly.

[-] god@sh.itjust.works 23 points 11 months ago

guessing you haven't seen the massive defederation wave against anything racist or bigoted. this complaint is a about a non-issue.

[-] god@sh.itjust.works 7 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

to be fair you can subscribe/unsubscribe from communities. I often do this. If /c/news is too political, i unsub from /c/news, i can then go and find some other news community that posts interesting things that aren't as political

similarly, /c/technology@lemmy.world is not the only technology community out there, as is obvious, so we can go and find other things :) your feed is yours! own it! don't wait for others to fix it cuz you'll very often be dissatisfied.

[-] god@sh.itjust.works 21 points 11 months ago

Fun thoughts and all but that isn't the reason why they're blocking it. It's because Facebook is bad. Corporation, big, embrace, expand, extinguish, evil. Plenty of explanations around about why these blocks happened. However you're also right. If it were very small like a 15k people instance and it didn't carry corporations inside maybe they'd consider not blocking.

[-] god@sh.itjust.works 7 points 1 year ago

Yes. You see how many are subscribed from the instance you're viewing from.


cross-posted from: https://sh.itjust.works/post/518117

I'm creating this community as a place for discussion around the upcoming Olympus for Lemmy iOS app. The TestFlight build is awaiting approval and should be available in the next 24 hours. In the meantime, here's a bit about the app and what to expect.


I think a lot of us have an alien shaped hole in our chest that needs filling. I, like many of you, was not satisfied with the quality of many of the apps available for browsing lemmy. I got spoiled with Apollo and couldn't stand to settle, so I set out to build a similar experience for the Fediverse. While I've taken a lot of inspiration from Apollo, Olympus is by no means meant to be a direct clone.


I want to create a browsing experience that can be customized in every conceivable way. From visual personalization to content filtering, you will be able to change as much as is feasible about the app. A lot of the groundwork for this customization has been laid, but the settings are not yet user-accessible. In other words, the backed work is done but the frontend work is not(:

Where you come in

As early adopters and alpha testers, you all will play a pivotal role in the development of the app. Whatever you want, I'll do it. Just ask. I have an issue tracker set up on GitHub here, please stop by and drop any issues you face in there, or just make a post here. I'd prefer if we keep feature requests in this community and out of the issue tracker, but I won't be mad if you drop some in there too.

So that about sums it up I think. I'll keep you guys posted on new releases and will engage with you all in the comments.

  • Joe
submitted 1 year ago by god@sh.itjust.works to c/memes@lemmy.ml

The drop pod is what you use to drop from the space rig into the planet Hoxxes to start a mission, and you also use it to fly back up to the space rig with your loot.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by god@sh.itjust.works to c/main@sh.itjust.works

cross-posted from: https://kbin.social/m/kbinMeta/t/71764

link to post: https://sh.itjust.works/post/311799

The amount of apps being developed for iOS / Android is getting really crazy now and new apps keep popping up every day. Updated list below:

Most apps on the list are lemmy apps, meaning they don't work with kbin. Artemis is specifically designed to work with kbin, not sure if or when any of the other ones will go in that direction or become interoperable as there are some challenges with the kbin API at the moment. Having said that, a new API is in the works so things should get better with time.

I made a neat table, here u go:

::: spoiler Click to see table

Name Platform OS Stage Link
Artemis (Kmoon) Kbin, Lemmy (Upcoming) Android, iOS Private Beta (Starts End of June) /c/ArtemisApp@kbin.social
Memmy Lemmy Android, iOS Android Release (Pending Play Store Approval) /c/memmy@lemmy.ml
Mlem Lemmy iOS Submitted for App Store Review (July 1) /c/mlemapp@lemmy.ml
Morpha Lemmy Android, iOS Under Development /c/morpha@vlemmy.net
Thunder (FOSS) Lemmy Android, iOS Alpha Release [Thunder on GitHub] [Thunder Community]
Beyond Lemmy Android, iOS Under Development Beyond on Lemmy
Limbo Lemmy iOS TestFlight Beta Join the Limbo for Lemmy beta on iOS
Jerboa Lemmy Android Released Jerboa on GitHub
Slide Lemmy Android Under Development (More information coming) Slide on Lemmy
Sync Lemmy Android Research /c/syncforlemmy@lemmy.world
Liftoff (FOSS) Lemmy Android Under Development Liftoff
Connect Lemmy Android Beta [Connect Release Post], [Connect Community]
Lemon Lemmy iOS Development, Beta in Early July Lemon Introduction, Lemon Community
Summit Lemmy Android Released Summit on Google Play, Summit Demo Video
anon goes to america (sh.itjust.works)
submitted 1 year ago by god@sh.itjust.works to c/greentext@lemmy.ml
gooboy rule (sh.itjust.works)
submitted 1 year ago by god@sh.itjust.works to c/196@lemmy.world
sms (sh.itjust.works)
submitted 1 year ago by god@sh.itjust.works to c/196@lemmy.world
intrusive thoughts rule (sh.itjust.works)
submitted 1 year ago by god@sh.itjust.works to c/196@lemmy.world

List & dates by ChatGPT

  • The call of Cthulhu (1928)
  • Medusa's coil (1939)
  • The curse of Yig (1928)
  • At the mountains of madness (1931)
  • The colour out of space (1927)
  • The Dunwich Horror (1929)
  • The Shunned House (1928)
  • The lurking fear (1923)
  • The festival (1923)
  • The last test (1928)
  • The silver key (1926)
  • Writings in the United Amateur, 1915-1922 (1923)
  • He (1926)
submitted 1 year ago by god@sh.itjust.works to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

I find that Hot and Active give you really old stuff, at least on my instance, that's like 3-7 days old stuff. New is just new, you know new, no community-assured quality. Top is stuff I've already seen. Where do I get a better feed? Can we have like Top 7 hours? Or a mixture of "top 16 hours" and "active"?

What do you do when browsing Lemmy? What are some of your strategies to get good shit while being here? Cuz so far if I try and use the front pages I get bored to shit.

The way I get anything barely worth interacting with from the front page is New Comments. Not the best, but better than the other options I discussed.

That or just, instead of interacting with a lot of stuff, interacting deeply with the few things I find that I like.

submitted 1 year ago by god@sh.itjust.works to c/metal@lemmy.world
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joined 1 year ago