[-] gina@lemm.ee 2 points 1 year ago

Battlestar Galactica is the one I just can’t do. I didn’t watch it when it aired, but I borrowed the box set from someone around the time it wrapped up. I think I watched 3 very tense episodes, looked at how many remained, and bailed. If I ever try again I’ll pretend I’m watching them being broadcast and stick to one episode a week. I’m probably a wuss, but that show left me exhausted.

[-] gina@lemm.ee 3 points 1 year ago

The Count of Monte Cristo is what immediately came to my mind also. He is absolutely thorough in his revenge.

[-] gina@lemm.ee 3 points 1 year ago

Very excited to have the compact comments and swipe down on the image previews!

[-] gina@lemm.ee 3 points 1 year ago

Oh that’s funny, I forgot beehaw didn’t have downvotes. I actually can downvote and see the downvotes, but maybe those are just going off into the ether.

[-] gina@lemm.ee 2 points 1 year ago

I can see how this would be one of those projects that’s never quite finished. The fox, maybe Bill the pony…

As someone who really loves spiders, I am pretty tickled to see Shelob as a jumping spider, just sitting in her lair while all the action happens around her.

I pulled out my atlas again last night since it’s been a while and I’ve got to say, I think your video version was a lot more helpful to me in making connections between the various parties. The books and movies are always focused on one party at a time, so I have always tended to think of them that way. I have a very distinct memory of being 11 or 12, getting to the end of the The Two Towers where Shelob has Frodo, jumping right into The Return of the King, and nearly launching the book across the room when I found the story had gone back to Pippin and Gandalf.

[-] gina@lemm.ee 2 points 1 year ago

They are pretty good hiders :) I believe Europe has a couple of tarantula species as well. I want to say they have been found in Greece, but don’t quote me on that. I have read a little bit about how climate change may be pushing the range of spiders further north as well, which is both interesting and incredibly depressing.

[-] gina@lemm.ee 2 points 1 year ago

We can add !buyadderall@lemm.ee to that list. I tried to report an individual post, but I’m not sure if it went through. I just got a spinning wheel when I hit submit.

[-] gina@lemm.ee 2 points 1 year ago

Thank you for posting it, though. We don’t have these where I am and I find them so charming, like the buck-toothed cousin of the Ummidia I occasionally come across following a heavy rain.

[-] gina@lemm.ee 2 points 1 year ago

I like the opt-out idea, too. It’s clear that there are differing opinions on the ethics of reposting, so maybe attracting posters over here is the more widely-compelling argument. Maybe part of the notice of reposting could include an invitation to come and post it themselves.

[-] gina@lemm.ee 2 points 1 year ago

I don’t get fussed about it for myself because I know there is a large population on the internet that considers everything fair game and I post accordingly (not that I create so much stuff that everyone wants, haha). I learned that lesson twenty years ago when I spent ages in MS Paint creating a forum avatar for myself and soon started to see it popping up on other people’s profiles. I realized then that something might be legally* mine, but good luck enforcing that. Maybe most people also realize that and post knowing that they will be losing some control, but I don’t think that means we just give up all courtesy.

As far as sharing, I’m all for it - it is absolutely one of the best things about the internet. But to me it means sharing the link - “hey guys go read this cool thing” and then people can go and read and engage with the author on their work. Maybe you include some quotes with the link to give some context for sharing. It’s the wholesale cut+paste for the purpose of building up a different community that the author is not part of that I don’t care for.

Where I draw the line is a good question and I’m doubtless not always consistent. Memes? To me, the sharing and transforming is part of the nature of a meme - images are combined, text is updated or replaced, etc. Comics? Sharing one panel or whatever and directing to the artist’s site seems like the courteous thing to do, but if you are reposting so many of the artist’s comics that people just read your posts instead of going to the artist’s site I would consider that a problem.

Additionally, one benefit of requesting permission from the authors may be to attract some of them over here. I’d love to have more users passionate enough to write 5000 words about some obscure stamp collecting scandal on lemmy.

Anyway, that’s my 17 cents.

*this is from a US perspective, but I’m no lawyer

[-] gina@lemm.ee 3 points 1 year ago

Ha, it’s no big secret - just my compulsion to respond to the little ? in the corner of a photo in the photos app that indicates someone in the photo is unknown. So my People album is my family & friends plus so many LOTR characters, Molly the American Girl doll, Kim K, Billy Joel looking like Anakin Skywalker, Joseph from the Old Testament, and so many more.

[-] gina@lemm.ee 2 points 1 year ago

I know communities like these can get a little silly and they’re easy to make fun of, but they really do serve an important purpose, IMO. The number of people who have to be told that it’s not normal for your partner to scream at you, or that no, your partner actually isn’t a great person if they do fill in the blank is really sad to me. And for every person asking, there are certainly more lurking that can also benefit from reading that. They might have to wade through a bunch of nonsense and AI-generated stories to find it, but I’m glad there’s a place for it.

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